The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2111: Practice

Suddenly received three million honor points, Xia Ming also smiled a bit, Xia Ming said: "System, immediately enter the mall system."

"Didi, the host is entering the mall system."

Then Xia Ming's eyes changed for a while, but what caught the eye was something like a screen. The above introduced the things to be sold in these days.

I have to say that the mall is sometimes a good thing, you can buy some unexpected things, the key is that you have to have enough honor points.

Thinking of the nine-turn Jindan in the past, Xia Ming was a painful egg!

If the honor point is enough, maybe you are soaring now, but it ’s a pity ...

Xia Ming said: "Buy feeling Dan."

"Didi, the host is buying Ganwu Dan, may I ask if the host is sure to buy it?" The sound of the system is in Xia Ming's mind, naturally the purpose is to let Xia Ming confirm and see if it is correct.

"OK." Xia Ming said.

"Didi, the host bought Dandan successfully."

With the sound of the system falling down, Xia Ming saw that his honor point had been reduced by two million in an instant, and suddenly disappeared. Xia Ming also suffered a pain.

For these three hundred honor points, but I didn't worry too much, it really is hard to make money and spend money easily.

Xia Ming sighed helplessly.

"Didi, may the host continue to purchase?" The voice of the system sounded again.

"Don't buy it anymore, and keep that one million honor points."

The system heard it, and Bian didn't continue to speak. At this time, Xia Ming said: "Quit the system."

"Didi, the host is exiting the system."

Then a change in Xia Ming's eyes returned to this reality. Xia Ming slowly opened his eyes. At this time, Jiu Lao also realized that Xia Ming opened his eyes and smiled secretly.

"Boy, have you eaten this time? Hey, come ask me, come ask me."

Jiu Lao wanted to establish a master's image in front of Xia Ming, and he wanted to give Xia Ming a blow, but every time Xia Ming shocked him. He is also a master, how can he be compared with his apprentice? Go on.

Therefore, Jiu Lao looked slightly at Xia Ming's small eyes, with a little expectation.

However, the imagination didn't happen. Xia Ming threw something in his mouth, Jiu Lao didn't see it clearly, Xia Ming swallowed his mouth and swallowed it.

At this time, Jiu Lao slightly wondered: "What is this smelly kid eating?" Although he was puzzled, Jiu Lao did not ask, but looked at Xia Ming directly, and did not know what he was doing. At this moment Xia Ming slowly closed his eyes again, and the wine was not calm, and he couldn't help but said, "Smelly boy, do you have anything you don't understand? If you don't understand anything,

Fang, I can confuse you, this will save you a lot of penance. "

However, Jiu Lao's words did not get Xia Ming's answer. Obviously, Xia Ming heard and ignored the sentence. Jiu Lao had a black face and couldn't help saying, "You stinky boy, don't be stubborn. You do no good. "

"Om ..."

But at this time, Xia Ming's entire body suddenly had a mysterious and mysterious state. That mysterious state, even the old wine, was directly shocked on the spot.

Jiu Lao looked at the scene in front of him in wonder, murmured: "This is ..."



Suddenly, Jiu Lao saw Xia Ming stood up instantly, and then Xia Ming's hands quickly spread out. On this Xia Ming's body, a mysterious technique emerged. However, such techniques are so absurd. Zhenling Palm.

"Brush ..." The vitality of Xia Ming's body worked. At this moment, Xia Ming's entire person seemed to be immersed in this martial art. Xia Ming's hands changed quickly, and for the first time, a shot was made. This space is all There is a slight wave, this seems to be a wave of air, as if it has an invisible force

, Shaking the air.

This power was declared and condensed on the right palm, but the terrible force, even the wine old, was a bit surprised.

"getting Started……"

Jiu Lao's eyes almost stared out at this moment, looking at the scene full of shock.

"Fuck, this kid is getting started?"

Rao is a constant force of Jiu Lao, at this moment can not help but get excited.

However, as Jiu Lao's voice just dropped, Xia Ming's hands changed again quickly. This time, the speed of change was faster, and it was more mysterious and smoother than the previous practice.


"Bang ..."

After seeing Xia Ming's second set of palms, Jiu Lao's heart jumped up and stared at Xia Ming in stun, not even knowing that the wine in the gourd was sprinkled.

Jiu Lao stared at the scene in front of him with shock beyond words.

"Well ..." Xia Ming wasn't shocked yet, and saw that Xia Ming practiced again. This time, what made Jiu Lao directly shocked was that this palm was directly promoted to great consummation.

A set of techniques, but also the best martial arts of the ground, even **** to practice a great consummation? Are you a teaser sent by a monkey? This practice speed is too scary, right?

However, what Xia Ming didn't know is that his experience of being too desolate and shocking is also rising, and it seems that it has a lot to do with his perception.

Xia Ming entered this state of mystery and mystery, and practiced the palm technique three times. After only three cultivations, he directly practiced the palm technique to this great state.

If I say this, no one will believe it.

"Om ..."

A faint groan, this slight fluctuation, awakened Xia Ming from this epiphany, Xia Ming looked at his hands, and then, there was another feeling in my mind. This feeling, As if forming some sort of instinctual habit with himself.

Xia Ming deeply felt this martial art, and Xia Ming was also a little excited.

"I didn't expect that this was too wild, and it was practiced so quickly. It is worthy of two million worth of enlightenment. This enlightenment is really worthy ..."

Xia Ming had unexplainable excitement.

"If I have a lot of feelings about Dan, wouldn't I have stepped into the sky in one step?" Xia Ming thought of it with an indescribable heart.

If there is a large number of impressions of Dan, he will realize that the efficiency will be greatly improved when martial arts is still practiced. The key is that whether the perception of Dan can be mass-produced is a huge problem.

"System, can I exchange Dan?" Xia Ming said excitedly.

"Yes!" The system said lightly, "One million honor points."

"What ..." Xia Ming heard the words, stunned directly on the spot, his eyes almost stared out.

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