The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2117: Psychiatrist (1)

However, when Xia Ming's performance was completed, Yao Lao's eyes stared at the scene. Even alchemists at the level of Yao Lao ... couldn't help but widen their eyes and open their mouths. Watching this scene in front of you, all eyes are incredible!

After Xia Ming put away the last pot of elixir, Xia Ming was also relieved. Ten pots of elixir, Xia Ming was also a bit overwhelmed. This time the elixir can quickly recover the aura. This is definitely a practical thing. !!

It's just that the vitality in his body hasn't been completely transformed into aura yet, so it is really a bit of a waste to use Lingdan this time.


Xia Ming couldn't help looking at Yao Lao and couldn't help but said, "I've made it."

Hearing Xia Ming's words, Yao Lao came to his senses. Yao Lao looked at Xia Ming in shock, his eyes full of horror!

"This stupid boy ... really did it? This guy, really has a 100% success rate?"

For a time, even the old man couldn't help but took a breath. Xia Ming really shocked him. No matter how he was, he couldn't achieve a 100% success rate, but Xia Ming did. How could he not shake.

"How did you do that?" Yao Lao asked the previous question again, which made him really have to ask, your mother was really shocking.

"That's how it is." Xia Ming couldn't help but said, "How else can I do it?" Yao Lao was also a bit morbid, forgetting the question he asked, Yao Lao was silent, everything Xia Ming did, It also slightly shocked him, especially Xia Ming's control of the fire action in the process of refining the alchemy, even he was ashamed of him. The only thing that was a little worse was Xia.

Ming strength and flame! The fire thing, unless you get the treasure of heaven and earth, if it is not, it is really not so easy to obtain. As for this strength, Xia Ming can completely cultivate. Now Xia Ming is already a master of the day after tomorrow. Such strength must be It won't be long, I'm afraid I can be promoted to innate realm.


At that time, when he enters the transmigration realm, hey, it seems that this rotten boy has begun transmigration. Can he jump from this innate paradise directly?

Yao Lao suddenly thought of such a problem. During Xia Ming's refining, he felt faintly that Xia Ming's vitality was actually transformed into 30%, which means that if Qicheng had another 70%, Xia Ming could achieve it directly. Gathering.

"This boy ..." Yao Lao couldn't help but took a breath. Although Xia ’s next year is a bit older, if he continues to cultivate like this, he will soon be able to keep up with his peers. If time is long, It may not be impossible to surpass peers. At this moment, Yao Lao also finally knew why the wine old would

Ming stunned as a baby.

I'm afraid that this kind of baby will be robbed if it is replaced by itself.

For a time, Yao Lao's eyes looked to Xia Ming became fiery.

"Boy, do you feel tired?" Yao Lao stared fiercely at Xia Ming and asked excitedly.

Xia Ming was so frightened when he saw Yao Lao. Even he was shocked. Xia Ming couldn't help looking at Yao Lao and said, "Senior ..."

Xia Ming even suspected that this predecessor had other hobbies. It was too weird to see people's eyes.

"this is for you."

Yao Lao dropped an elixir and said, "You need to get better."

"it is good."

Xia Ming also felt a little exhausted, especially after refining the ten furnaces of Huiling Dan, the man was almost afraid of being Xia Ming, and he was almost tired. He was still a human, not a machine, let alone his strength. It is not as strong as the old medicine, so it is impossible to stick to it.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, and put the elixir into his mouth. The elixir was melted in the mouth, and a strong elixir of danxiang poured into his extremities and bones. He almost felt the joy. Can't help crying out, but fortunately he resisted, not so impulsive.

Xia Ming sat down on his knees hurriedly. Xia Mingpan sat on the ground and began to absorb the medicinal effect. With the absorption of the medicinal effect, his spirit gradually improved a lot, but he was still a bit sluggish. Xia Ming stood up for about a while, and Xia Ming moved his imprisonment and looked at Yao Lao. At this moment, Yao Lao was sitting on a futon. For the strength of Yao Lao, Xia Ming was also a bit surprised. Yao Lao was able to make this futon volley in the air. Such strength,

Not everyone can do it.

Xia Ming found his futon and sat down securely. At this time, Xia Ming couldn't help looking at Yaoyao, who slowly opened his eyes.

"Rested off?"

"It's okay!" Xia Ming nodded slightly, but his spirit was still a bit tired. After all, this thing is not recoverable from elixir, unless it is the elixir that restores the spirit, but this elixir is extremely difficult to find. .


Yao Lao couldn't help but admire: "I didn't expect that you would be so talented in refining the alchemy together, maybe one day you might become the master of the ancient alchemy."

"Ancient alchemy master?" Xia Ming was surprised, slightly surprised.

"Yeah ... it's just that the ancient alchemy master hasn't appeared in a long time. It doesn't exist yet, it's still unknown."

Yao Lao shook his head slightly, his voice mixed with a little sigh, it seemed a bit lost!

"Senior, what is your current level of elixir?" Xia Ming could not help asking.



Xia Ming was slightly puzzled and couldn't help but look at the medicine. Yao Lao explained: "The master of alchemy is divided into one to nine grades in the early stage. After the nine grades, it is a spirit, and after that, it is a fairy. Once you become a master of alchemy, the medicine will also be qualified Ascension is the so-called spirit. Of course, you ca n’t reach this point yet.

There are not too many benefits for more words. "

"Now I ask you, how many levels of mental strength have you cultivated?" Yao Lao suddenly became serious, looked at Xia Ming, and said solemnly.

"Mental strength?"

Xia Ming froze slightly and asked a little puzzlingly: "What is spiritual power? Is it the personal spirit?"

Xia Ming didn't understand what Yao Lao said, so he couldn't help asking such a sentence, but when this sentence came out, Yao Lao was speechless for a while.

"This guy ... is really a monster." Yao Lao was crying and laughing. He didn't know anything about it, and he became a master of alchemy in an inexplicable way. It is estimated that this is also the most confused alchemy master in the world, right?

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