The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2118: Psychiatrist (2)

"So-called psychiatrists, as the name suggests, they can control an invisible power, but this invisible power is spiritual power." Since Xia Ming didn't know, Yao Lao can only start from this foundation.

"Spiritual power is invisible and colorless, but he really exists."

"Moreover, everyone has this spiritual power. Some people are born with strong spiritual power. These people are also born masters of alchemy. If they can do alchemy, they will do more with less."

"Of course, some people are born with weak mental strength. If they are weak, they will be lethargic and have no spirit. This is the so-called mental strength."

"It's just that it's generally difficult to increase this spiritual power. A strong warrior will increase with time, and some weak warriors may have a smaller spiritual power."

"Of course, there is a mud pill palace in everyone, but some people have developed it, and some have not developed it."


Xia Ming heard the words, and for a moment he asked, "What is a mud pill palace?"

"Within the eight dungeons, in the subtlety, the jade essence flows, and the people in the town. The mud pill 绛 palace, the five qi in the middle, the hundred gods, and ten turns back to the spirit."

"This is the so-called mud pill palace." Yao Lao explained.

Xia Ming still heard some clouds and fog, and some did not understand what the so-called mud pill palace meant.

"Nanimaru Palace is the upper Dantian Palace, which is where the eyebrows are located. However, this Dantian is divided into three places. I do n’t think you should know the three specific places. However, near the Nimaru Palace, it is It's called 'Sifang', and it's called 'Sifang' when it is farther than Niumaru. "

When Xia Ming heard this, he suddenly realized that he had some understanding of this mud pill palace. The so-called Shangdantian is the so-called eyebrow center. As for Zhongdantian, it is the heart. As for Xiadantian, it is a three-inch belly button.

"You are now a master of alchemy, you must have a lot of mental energy," Yao Lao said thoughtfully.

"How do you know the mental strength of Nimaru?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

"You're happy, I'll show you!" Yao Lao paused. "Wait a while, there will be a visiting power. Don't resist."

"it is good!"

Xia Ming nodded slightly, relaxed his mind, and waited for Yao Lao quietly. Then, Xia Ming felt that there was a scourge of power swept across his body instantly, as if there was an invisible power that quietly entered his own. In my heart, Xia Ming couldn't help but feel shocked.

Even, Xia Ming also noticed that if this power immediately stirred his mind, he would probably become an idiot directly, but Xia Ming resisted and did not reject this power, because the person in front of him was Yao Lao.


Xia Ming suddenly thought of a problem, that is, Tianyuan Shenbing!

Tianyuan Shenbing is right at the center of his eyebrows. Generally speaking, he rarely uses this Tianyuan Shenbing, if he is noticed by Yao Lao ...

Thinking of this, Xia Ming's heart couldn't help but jump up and down. The value of Tianyuan's soldiers was too high. Xia Ming couldn't help it. You can see it from 100,000 miles east of that purple gas. This thing is definitely a rare treasure.

Xia Mingsheng was afraid of being found, so he didn't dare to move.

However, just after entering the Xia Ming's mud pill palace, Yao Lao couldn't help but feel shocked. The next time, Yao Lao became shocked and inexplicable, and his pupils grew rapidly.

"Om ..."? Shaoyao Lao's pupils suddenly shrank, and immediately withdrew from Xia Ming's mud pill palace, and then Yao Lao's face paled and looked at Xia Ming in shock.

"how is this possible……"

Yao Lao was horrified by surprise, and the sudden situation also shocked Xia Ming, thinking that there was something wrong with Yao Lao.

"Senior ... you ..."

"I'm fine."

Yao Lao took a deep breath and calmed down his heart. Yao Lao couldn't help looking at Xia Ming, and there was more shock and unbelief in his eyes.

"Tell me the truth, why is your mud pill palace so big?" Yao Lao couldn't help it.

"So big?"

Xia Ming did not understand what Yao Lao was talking about, and immediately said, "Seniors, but what's wrong with them?"

Seeing Xia Ming's doubts, Yao Lao did not continue to say anything, because he already knew that Xia Ming didn't know the situation inside his mud pill palace.

At this moment, Yao Lao took a deep breath. Just after his mental strength entered Xia Ming's Ninomiya Palace, he found a vast and boundless place. This place is like a deep sea, boundless, and such ample Ninomiya Palace, he was the only one he saw in his life. I'm afraid that compared to this Xia Ming, his mud pill palace is

To be inferior.

But how old is Xia Ming? Even the psychiatrist heard it for the first time!

How did Xia Ming have such a big mud pill palace? But that ’s all. He ’s still in Xia Ming ’s mud pill palace, and he ’s seen a purple scene. In such purple, the medicine is always beating with his eyelids, even his heart is indisputable. Thump.

The kind of purple gave him a strong coercion, which made him a little bit horrified. If he didn't know it, he would think that a certain heaven and earth could reincarnate.

"Can someone help you open this mud pill palace?" Yao Lao hesitated and couldn't help asking.


Xia Ming shook his head slightly, and said, "It's the first time I've heard this Nirumariya, and it's the first time I've heard mental power!"

Xia Ming's words wrinkled Yao Lao's brow, and he secretly thought, "This is not possible ... is this boy born with a natural mud pill palace so big? If it is so large, it would be too wasteful, if This boy has been practicing alchemy since he was a child. What realm has he reached now? "

Thinking of this, even Yao Lao couldn't imagine Xia Ming's future. Yao Lao couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming, you might as well learn alchemy from me, at least in the future, you will be a master of alchemy of alchemy."

"The alchemy of the elders and juniors is nothing but a supplementary technique. The goals of the juniors are mainly above martial arts." Xia Ming hesitated, but couldn't help saying.

"You ..." For a while, Yao Lao didn't know what to say. At this time, Yao Lao paused. "Since this is the case, the old man will not persecute you anymore. Your mud pill palace is very large. The spiritual power is also very strong. Now that you have a treasure, you will not use these things. If one day

Excavated by you, this treasure will definitely bring you earth-shaking changes and benefits. "Well, in this case, I will prescribe you and my spiritual cultivation. "Only here, however, the old medicine hesitated.

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