The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2150: Eliminate one by one

"Impossible, how could he be a master of formation? If he is a master of formation, why isn't it revealed at all?"

Lin Zhi suppressed his inner thoughts for a moment, Lin Zhi suddenly looked at Xia Ming, his eyes were sharp, he seemed to want to see something in Xia Ming's eyes.

However, Lin Zhi was disappointed and found nothing. Lin Zhi stared darkly at Xia Ming, looking heavy.

"Lin Zhi, hand over all the tokens you got, I can let you go." Xia Ming looked at Lin Zhi with a smile and said calmly.


Lin Zhi was furious. He looked at Xia Ming, his eyes flickered constantly, and Lin Zhi Shen said, "If you want me to surrender this token, you have to see if you can trap me. "


Xia Ming's eyes narrowed, he looked at Lin Zhi quietly, and said calmly, "Since so, then you can try the power of my formation."


Xia Ming's hands changed quickly, Dao Dao's complicated seals were printed, and turned into countless Dao mysterious runes, these runes have been incorporated into the formation.

"Five lore formations." With the integration of these runes into the formation, the five lore formations were opened again instantly. Numerous cold breaths locked Lin Zhi and others, and Lin Zhi and others also raised their entire hearts. In the eyes of their throats, they can vaguely feel that if the formation is activated, they will almost be defeated.


"Oh shit."

Lin Zhi cursed.

"This Xia Ming is so insidious that he arranges the formation here and waits for us to be hooked." One person glared glaringly, but it was also provoked by Xia Ming.

But in the formation, he did not have any room to resist at all.

"what should we do?"

"Look if the formation can be broken!" Lin Zhi whispered: "Even the most powerful formation, there is always a bearing capacity. As long as we exert our best, we may not be able to crack it."

"Force a break?"

As soon as this statement was made, the people at the scene became heavy and forced to break the line. This is not something anyone can do, because forcibly breaking the line, it will take twice or even ten times as much power.

"Want to force a break?"

Xia Ming, who is in charge of the formation, is naturally under his control. Therefore, all the words of Lin Zhi and others were passed into his ears in a word.

Xia Ming picked a corner of his mouth, showing a slightly playful smile.


Xia Ming's hands changed rapidly. Suddenly, there were countless ice swords condensing in the air, and Xia Ming sang.

"go with……"

The extreme sharpness of these ice swords turned into a white light, which was to pierce through Lin Zhi and others, almost in an instant, they came to the crowd and straightened their throats.

"not good……"

Lin Zhi and others also changed their faces, yelled, moved, and left here like lightning.


With a loud noise, the place where Lin Zhi left exploded, and the terrible aftermath of power actually blasted the ground into a big pit!

Lin Zhi's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Xia Ming in shock, his eyes showed a thick fear.

"How could it be so strong."

Lin Zhi shouted hysterically in his heart, but only to vent his heart.


Lin Zhi roared, and a knife appeared in his hand. The knife was crystal-clear and the lines were perfect. In the light of the sun, it showed a faint light.


Lin Zhi's sword was suddenly subcutaneous, and this handle sword was severed by him, but Lin Zhi's hands were trembling suddenly. He even felt that his hands could not hold the sword. It can be seen that the sword was just powerful enough. What kind of point.

Can only be said to be horrible.

"call out."

But at this moment, another light passed by Lin Zhi's body. Lin Zhi was shocked and turned his body away. However, on his shoulders, there were red bloodstains and blood. Flowing down the bloodstains, Lin Zhi's complexion was a little frozen.


At this moment, a sudden scream came suddenly. It was obvious that one of them was directly damaged. At this moment, their formation was completely chaotic.

"Attack towards the upper left and shoot with all your strength."

Lin Zhi knew that if he didn't organize these people to make all-out shots, I'm afraid they would have to confess here. Their group of old people would be defeated by the newcomers. If this was passed on, how could they still be mixed.

Immediately, Lin Zhi roared, and the vitality in the body burst out at this moment, and then the terrible power condensed and madly bombarded the past towards the upper left.

Lin Zhi, the leader, was pretty good. When Lin Zhi just shouted this sentence, the rest of the people were madly bombarded in the upper left.

"Boom ..."

The deafening sound followed, but the formation was still intact. At this moment, even Lin Zhi couldn't restrain his inner confusion.

How powerful their combined attack is, he knows best, but he never expected that their combined attack would have no solution to this formation!

"Ha ha……"

Xia Ming's voice resounded through the sky, and then numerous ice sword holes came through. For a time, Lin Zhi and others were embarrassed.

For the tenaciousness of these people, Xia Ming turned a blind eye. This is a competition where you lose and I win. If he doesn't compete, then they lose.

Xia Ming looked at the formation in front of him calmly, looking calm.

However, Liu Mengxi and others were shocked. They never expected that Xia Ming's formation would be so horrible that even Lin Zhi and others could not be defeated. This guy ...

For a moment, they couldn't help but swallowed a spit, glanced at Xia Ming carefully, and they were all shocked by Xia Ming.

The shock that Xia Ming brought to them was too great.

Time passed by a little bit, and the vitality of Lin Zhi and others was also consumed in large quantities.

If they fight with others, they will be convinced if they lose, but the **** encounters such an old hooligan, trapping them directly with the formation method, so that their strength cannot be exerted to the fullest.

It's as if they are fighting against the air all the time. How does this make them uncomfortable?

If it continues like this, they will almost certainly lose, but their inability to break the line, which makes them extremely wronged.

Xia Ming has also been watching their every move. Xia Ming is also slightly surprised. Lin Zhi and others are firm, and persist for so long that they refuse to admit defeat. "We give in ..."

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