The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2151: ambush

At this moment, Lin Zhi and others could not bear anymore and chose to give in.

They all know that it is impossible to break through this formation with their power. At the moment, there seems to be no other way to go except for surrender.


Lin Zhi surrendered suddenly, which made Lin Zhi and Liu Mengxi in the distance look shocked. Lin Zhi looked at this and then looked at Xia Ming.

"Suddenly surrendered?" The people present couldn't help swallowing their mouths and looked at Xia Ming incredible. They naturally knew that it was all because of Xia Ming. If it weren't for Xia Ming, this Lin Zhi and others It would never be so easy to surrender, and in the end, it was all because of Xia Ming.

Xia Ming's body moved slowly and appeared in front of the crowd. At this time, Lin Zhi looked at Xia Ming with a complex look. This newcomer had already reached such a point, which was really beyond his expectations. Lin Zhi looked After a few glances at Xia Ming, he said, "You won, but we have a request."

"Do you still have the required qualifications?" Xia Ming did not save face for Lin Zhi and others. Now he has the initiative. As for how, it is all up to him.


Lin Zhi was furious again, but he also knew that they were beasts in cages. If Xia Ming was willing, they would be destroyed.


Xia Ming picked a corner of his mouth, showing a little funny smile, and looked at Lin Zhi with a grin: "I can give you a chance."

"what chance."

Lin Zhi gritted his teeth and sank, although he didn't want to agree to Xia Ming's request, but if they lost, they would cause their own troubles, especially their faces. It was a relentless blow. This was theirs. What a shame to be beaten by a newcomer, what can't bear?

"It's very simple!" Xia Ming smiled. "As long as you are willing to attract a group of old people here, I can send you a token. In this way, you are not considered eliminated."


Xia Ming's words brightened Lin Zhi's eyes, but immediately Lin Zhi's complexion changed, and his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he said sharply, "You are the one who made me betray us."

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming said calmly, "Either you sacrifice yourself or you betray them. There is no choice between the two."


Lin Zhi was furious. If he brought these old people here, he would offend these people. These old people are not weak. If they offended and died, it would be a big trouble.

Even he couldn't bear the consequences.

"Now you have no choice, I will only give you one minute to consider."

Xia Ming looked at Lin Zhi lightly, Liu Mengxi and they all looked at Lin Zhi in front of them.

"Brother Lin, we cannot betray our people."

"Yes, Brother Lin, if we betrayed our people, we will inevitably be hated by these people. How can we still be mixed in the door in the future."

"Brother Lin, we fight with him, so big we don't want this reward anymore."

"You know what fart."

Lin Zhi also scolded angrily, chanting: "The reward this time is the supreme mind of that school, the mysterious mystery, who can give up."

A word from Lin Zhi directly calmed these people down, mysterious mystery, and hearing the five words, all the people present were shocked.

At this moment, they finally knew why Lin Zhi refused to give up. It turned out to be because of the supreme mind and mystery of the heart.

For a while, all the people present were silent, and the reward of the new disciples was a mysterious secret. This old man is naturally no exception, but the premise is that the old man can't lose face!

At this moment, if they are eliminated, they will almost lose their qualifications to obtain the mystery of the mysterious heart. It will be really difficult for them to study such exercises in the future.

But if they are not eliminated, at least they still hope to obtain such a supreme mind.

Lin Zhi's face was cloudy, he bit his teeth, and hated, "OK, I promised."


Xia Ming smiled and said, "You eat this thing."

Xia Ming waved at will, and one of the elixir was thrown away. Lin Zhi grabbed it and grabbed a turquoise elixir. The turquoise elixir smelled a little and smelled bad. smell.

"What is this?" Lin Zhi changed his face and whispered.

"This is a specialized poison." Xia Ming grinned, exposing his white teeth, and looked like he couldn't help shivering.


As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Zhi's face changed.

"Eating this poison, if you do n’t have an antidote, you will feel itchy all the time, even the masters of the spiritual realm cannot bear it. Of course, if you help me attract the enemy, I will give you the antidote. Then let you leave here, but if you play tricks, hehe ... "

As soon as this statement was made, Lin Zhi and others couldn't help shivering. Lin Zhi stared angrily at Xia Ming and hated: "Xia Ming, you are too much."


Xia Ming shook his head indifferently and said indifferently: "If we are defeated today, maybe you will do more things too, right?"

Lin Zhi heard that for a while, he was silent, and Xia Ming was right. This is the battlefield. The battlefield itself is cruel. He also expected the enemy to be less cruel to himself, which was really funny.

"Okay, I eat." Lin Zhi said.

"Brother Lin." The others hurried.

As soon as Lin Zhi waved his hand, he stopped these people. When he lost his hand, he opened his mouth, and this elixir fell directly into his mouth, and Lin Zhi swallowed it.

At this time, Xia Ming looked at the others, and smiled, "You guys."

As soon as Xia Ming waved his hand, another elixir burst out. The faces of these people changed slightly and they hurriedly caught the elixir. At this moment, several of them were all staring at the elixir in their hands.

"You guys, if you refuse to eat, then I can only eliminate you." Xia Ming said lightly.


A few people gritted their teeth and swallowed the elixir. Now the situation is stronger than others. If Xia Ming concedes, they can only be eliminated. However, they have a soft spot for the mysterious mystery. If they can get it, It is enough to change their lives.

What's more, as long as they get the mystery of mystery, all their losses will come back instantly, and their enemies will not be a concern. Xia Ming saw that these people had taken his own elixir, and nodded slightly, expressing his approval for them. Xia Ming looked at Lin Zhi, not far away, and smiled slightly: "Brother Lin Offended, I was compelled to do so. "

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