The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2152: Introduce

Lin Zhi didn't bother Xia Ming's words, but directly said, "What do I want now?"

"It's simple."

Xia Ming smiled and said, "As long as you are willing to bring these old people here, of course, you can't say anything here, if you say it, then I'm sorry, your poison, I can't Help you. "

Lin Zhi was silent for a moment, but finally nodded slightly: "Okay, I promise you."

"Well, now you can go."

Xia Ming looked at Lin Zhi, smiled slightly, said.

Lin Zhi glanced at Xia Ming indifferently, and wanted to leave as soon as he was in shape, but at this time Xia Ming's voice came again, saying, "Yes, give me the rest of the tokens on your body." Stiff, reluctantly looked at Xia Ming, and finally waved, there were dozens of tokens in front of Xia Ming, Xia Ming was also polite, throwing these tokens into his Qiankun ring However, at this moment, Lin Zhi jumped into shape and disappeared instantly.

Lost in place.

Obviously, Lin Zhi did not want to stay here for a moment.

Seeing Lin Zhi leave, Xia Ming looked at the rest of the people at this time, and smiled, "You guys, please give up all the tokens on your body. Of course, if you eat poison, everyone can Leave one on your body so that you will not be eliminated. "


These people all looked at Xia Ming angrily. Xia Ming saw a frown, and an invisible power came out. This was like a thunderous power, which made all the people in the complexion look changed. Eventually Both gritted their teeth and pulled out the token.

Xia Ming put away these tokens beautifully. Xia Ming looked at Liu Mengxi and others, and immediately laughed: "Now come and start sharing the stolen goods, two tokens for each person."

Xia Ming then distributed these tokens to Liu Mengxi and others. At this moment, Liu Mengxi hurriedly said, "Brother Xia, all of this token was obtained by you alone, and we did not make any effort. We cannot ask for this token. "Liu Mengxi's words made the people present nod slightly. Although they coveted the token, they all knew that without Xia Ming's formation, they would not be able to get so many tokens. For all these reasons, It ’s all on Xia Ming ’s body, if they can keep the order

Card, they are already satisfied.

What's more, they just misunderstood Xia Ming, so no one was embarrassed for a while.

Although Xia Ming was also dissatisfied with these people, now he also needs the help of these people. After all, the ants are small. If they are gathered together, they can still move elephants.

"This is what you deserve."

Xia Ming shook his head. This is a question of principle. Before he agreed, it was natural to do it. Then Xia Ming waved his hands and quickly ran towards these people with a few tokens. These people One after another reached for the token and looked at Xia Ming gratefully.

"Thank you Brother Xia." At this moment, the people present were also impressed with Xia Ming. If they were replaced with such a misunderstanding, where would they be given anything, it would be good if they could not care about them. But Xia Ming didn't do this, instead he gave them this thing, which made him

They were all moved.

For a time, Xia Ming worshiped gradually.

After Xia Ming divided the tokens, he took a look at the people present and said: "Everyone take a good rest, and when someone comes, you just have to sacrifice your weapons and say hello to these people, don't give me Mercy. "


The remaining few were in unison.

In such a unity, even these old disciples felt incredible. Although they were all defeated by Xia Ming alone, this did not mean that they would surrender to Xia Ming and even worship Xia Ming.

Because Xia Ming does not have this qualification.

But looking at people like Huang Yan, it is clear that these people admire Xia Ming from the heart, which makes them feel so incredible. Everyone took a deep look at Xia Ming, and seemed to want to keep Xia Ming's face in their hearts. At this time, they were not afraid to be like Xia Ming before. Existence, especially after entering the Xuanxinzong, their hearts are extremely proud


Even if they are higher than they are, they still refuse to accept.

But at the moment Xia Ming can make these people call a brother sincerely, which makes them convinced.

"Okay, everyone is concealed."

As soon as Xia Ming waved his hand, these people all found something to hide, and Xia Ming sat in place, his vitality quietly moved, and obviously he was recovering his own vitality.

At this moment, Liu Mengxi had a pair of beautiful eyes and secretly glanced at Xia Ming's eyes. A little flush appeared on this pretty face. The beautiful eyes looking to Xia Ming had an inexplicable worship and admiration.

When looking secretly at Xia Ming, Liu Mengxi felt that his pretty face was a little hot, which made Liu Mengxi shyly lower his head.


"Brush ..."

After Lin Zhi left here, his eyes were filled with incomparable anger. Lin Zhi secretly said: "Fuck, it was actually settled by a new student and disciple. You wait for me. After the day is gone, the other day, I Definitely want to report today's shame. "To him, it is a shame. Xia Ming is just a newcomer who has just started for six months and can enter the outside door. It is a blessing. He never expected that he was planted in this kid. Here, how does this make him not angry, he secretly made up his mind and waited until the test was over

Then, go to Xia Ming's troubles, and recover all the faces that were lost today.

As for the formation method, he was completely not afraid, because he would not give Xia Ming the opportunity to arrange the formation method. This is where the master of formation methods is shortcoming. It is also the reason why it is so difficult to cultivate in the early stage.

Because when they are facing the enemy, they need to arrange this formation to be eligible to defend the enemy! But if you don't arrange the formation for the formation master, they are just an ordinary warrior.

This is perhaps the darkest part of Lin Zhi! Lin Zhi secretly suppressed this shame in his heart.

Lin Zhi thought secretly: "Who should I lead?"

Lin Zhi was a bit worried. Now that he has taken Xia Ming's poison, if he attracts a powerful enemy, Xia Ming will also plant here. Xia Ming will definitely not give him a cure when he arrives. Time is another huge trouble.

However, if it were to attract some weak people, for Xia Ming, it was simply giving him benefits. For a time, Lin Zhi also had a slight headache.

"what should I do?"

When Lin Zhi rubbed his head, a voice echoed in Lin Zhi's ears, Lin Zhi's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly looked in one direction.

"Lin Zhi, what are you doing here?"

With the sound of this voice, Lin Zhi's gaze couldn't help looking at it in one direction. After Lin Zhi could clearly see the coming person, Lin Zhi's eyes brightened. "It turned out to be him ..."

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