The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2154: Endgame

"Five skills!" Accompanied by Xia Ming's shout, Xia Ming's drinking sound echoed between heaven and earth. Rao is a top master such as Fu Qingxuan, but he didn't respond, but he got caught In the formation method, it can be said that this is just an instant, the formation method covers everyone, this is the formation method master

After the formation of the formation, no one dares to challenge the reason of the formation master. They only felt a change in their eyes, but what caught their eyes was the endless desert. Above the desert, the sun was high, the sun was dazzling, and the hot sun shone down. The earth was a dead silence. The sand covered the entire surface, and people stood up,

Even the feet will sink into the sand. If it goes on for a long time, I am afraid it will be buried in the sand here.

The environment here is exactly the same as that of the outside world. This is the Master of Formation! The layout of the array is absolutely shocking.

Moreover, in this environment, if you walk around, you will still face endless dangers, or you will be exhausted. If you want to go out with your feet, it is almost impossible.

If you want to leave here, you have to break the battle! However, those with insufficient strength have no possibility of breaking the battle and can only be trapped here.

Fu Qingxuan took a closer look at the formations here, but there was no fear. As for the rest, he looked startled and looked at the situation around him, feeling a little strange and shocked.

"This ... where is this?"

"Why did you suddenly change places, what is going on here?"

"Ambush in it?"

For a while, all the people around Fu Qingxuan were a little panicked. The place here was really weird. They didn't respond and they changed places. How could this be?

If someone does it on purpose, is that person's strength too terrible? The ability to change scenes in a split second is really terrifying.

"Master of the Formation Method ..."? The next moment, Fu Qingxuan's lips moved slightly, and a calm voice followed, and the next moment, the people around him were shocked.

"What ... Master of Formation?"

"How is that possible? How can there be masters of formations here? As far as I know, none of our entire Master Xuanxinzong exists."

"Yeah ... how can there be Masters of Formation here? Is it possible that Xuan Xinzong was attacked?"

"What a joke, Xuan Xinzong is the world's great sect, who is so powerful, who dares to attack."

"Then where is the Master of Formation from here?"

For a while, all the people present looked ugly and looked at the scene in front of them. If they were masters of formations, wouldn't it mean that they had entered the formations? If so, it would be really troublesome.

"Brush ..."

In the next moment, many people looked at Lin Zhi not far away. At this time, all the people present looked at Lin Zhi with ugly faces and screamed angrily, "Lin Zhi, you betrayed us."

Lin Zhi also panicked, but Lin Zhi calmed down and said solemnly: "We were also ambushed like this at the time, which led to the annihilation of our entire army. I did not expect that this guy did not leave but was still here."

The appearance of Lin Zhi made all the people in the room suspicious and secretly thought: "Is this guy saying the truth? Isn't this guy betraying them?"

They still have some doubts in their hearts, but Fu Qingxuan is relatively quiet. Fu Qingxuan did not change because of entering the formation, but said calmly.

"Brother Xia, come here now, then come out."

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present looked around and looked for Xia Ming's whereabouts. Since Fu Qingxuan said so, there must be Xia Ming's shadow all around.

For a while, the people present became extremely heavy.

"Brother Fu, offended."


From this formation, a figure slowly appeared. When the figure appeared, the people present looked at it in unison. This is a young man who looks a little thin. The young man is wearing a black shirt and wrapped the seemingly thin body, but I do n’t know why. This thin body contains a lot of horror. Explosive power, which surprised many people a little, for the eyes

This young man before us looks a little strange.

"Is this Xia Ming?" Many people looked at Xia Ming in amazement, especially when they felt the invisible momentum on Xia Ming, which surprised the people present. This momentum is too strong Now, even they may not have such momentum, not to say that Xia Ming has just entered Xuanxinzongbu.


"How can it be the day after tomorrow?" One of his pupils suddenly shrank, exclaiming.

"What? The day after tomorrow?"

"No? Just kidding? How could he be the peak of the day after tomorrow? As far as I know, this Xia Ming just entered Xuan Xinzong six months ago, how could he reach such a state?"

"This practice speed ..."

Many people are surprised, they are also shocked by Xia Ming's practice speed!

No matter where they are, they don't have such a perverted cultivation speed. Is this too scary?

Fu Qingxuan also looked at Xia Ming in amazement. He also heard of Xia Ming. He was naturally familiar with some of Xia Ming's deeds and strengths. He did not expect that Xia Ming had reached the peak of the day after tomorrow. The state of perfection surprised him a little. "You are very good!" Fu Qingxuan glanced at Xia Ming with some admiration, and said something without compliment. He also admired Xia Ming a little, and it took him only half a year to reach such a level from the level of cultivation. Afraid of him, they are slightly admired, this talent is really amazing

However, in his eyes, that's all.


Speaking of which, Fu Qingxuan showed his arrogance again and calmly said, "Do you think you can trap me with this formation?"

Fu Qingxuan's words made Xia Ming smile a little. Xia Ming also knows that this formation is indeed very strong, but if it is stuck in a master of innate realm, I am afraid that it is still a little difficult, but if he raises one level, it is stuck. Fu Qingxuan is not necessarily impossible.

Xia Ming smiled and said, "Naturally, this method can't help Brother Fu, but ..."

Speaking of which, Xia Ming stretched out his hand and looked at Fu Qingxuan with a smile, and the voice of calmness resounded between this world.

"Please also enlighten me, Brother!" Om!

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