The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2155: The day after tomorrow

"Wow!" The sound of the ups and downs resounded at this moment. For a time, all the people in the world looked directly at the scene, even Lin Zhi looked at Xia Ming in surprise, In this world, Liu Mengxi and others can clearly see the situation in the formation, and even

Even the other party's conversation can be heard clearly.

This is also the result of Xia Ming deliberately!

But they couldn't think of it. Today's Xia Ming even tried to challenge Fu Qingxuan. Does this guy not know how horrible Fu Qingxuan is? That is an innate master.

Between the day after tomorrow and the day before tomorrow, there is a bridge between heaven and earth. If this bridge is opened, it will be unimpeded, its strength will be further enhanced, and it will communicate with heaven and earth.

But Xia Ming tried to challenge the innate with the peak of the day after tomorrow, is this guy crazy?

"This guy……"

Many people swallowed their mouths and looked at Xia Ming in front of them, as if they were deterred by Xia Ming in front of them. This guy is really too bold.

"Isn't he afraid?" Someone finally couldn't help asking.

"Yeah ... this guy is so impulsive after all, trying to challenge Fu Qingxuan, and really thought that he could not be able to shoulder his brother." Someone said disdainfully, with a deep sneer in his expression, obviously, they Don't think Xia Ming is Fu's opponent.

"Yeah ... too impulsive. If Nangong Yan came here, maybe he was still eligible to fight Brother Fu, but right now ... this guy doesn't have that qualification." Another said calmly.

For a time, the people present were not optimistic about Xia Ming. In their opinion, Xia Ming tried to challenge Fu Qingxuan. That is to find abuse. What kind of master is Fu Qingxuan? !!

"Ha ha!"

The next moment, Fu Qingxuan smiled lightly, he looked at Xia Ming in front of him, and from Xia Ming's eyes, he saw an unprecedented firmness.

This made Fu Qingxuan slightly surprised. After the calm day after day, the peak challenged the innate. Such courage is not something anyone can have.

"Courage is commendable!" Fu Qingxuan said in admiration: "But ... if you try to challenge the innate early stage with the strength of the day after tomorrow's peak, I am afraid you will be wrong!"

As soon as this remark was made, the people present nodded slightly! Apparently, what Fu Qingxuan said was correct.

"That being the case, then Brother Shi wants to see what he can do in his brother's hands." Xia Ming grinned, stretched out a pleased gesture, and smiled.

"That being the case, then I will show you the difference between the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

The voice fell, and Fu Qingxuan's big hand Yang Yang, a vitality was rushing out, directly through Xia Mingdong, the vitality from the hole, everyone who was watching was secretly surprised, this is outside the vitality Release, to the realm of innateness, you can completely release the vitality.

This vitality burst out, even Xia Ming's complexion became heavy.

In this sky, all are the talented disciples of Xuan Xinzong. When they saw such actions, they were all projected. Obviously, they also wanted to see how Xia Ming was abused.

Xia Ming saw the vitality from this explosive shot, and there was also a dignity in his black eyes. This was the first time he had played against a master in the innate realm, and he naturally did not dare to care.

Xia Ming clenched his hands into a fist, the terrible vitality waved out, and the fierce vitality erupted. He clenched his fists with his five fingers, and fisted out against Fu Qingxuan's vitality.

On the surface of this fist, there was actually a faint flame rising, the flame was burning, the kind of high temperature, it seemed that the air was to be blown up, and it was booming.

This fist blasted out, and in these many eyes, he was hardly shaken with Fu Qingxuan's vitality.


The vibes that are visible to the naked eye swept away where the two met, like a storm, and the ground below appeared a deep pit. For a time, the sand was flying and filled the entire sky!

"This Xia Ming is so strong."

Lin Zhi was frightened, his gaze looked towards the battlefield, and just after the confrontation, he could clearly feel that Xia Ming took it.

"Brush!" Sure enough, after the dust was gone, two figures slowly appeared under the eyes of everyone, and the two figures stood here quietly, like this pillar of heaven, Supporting this heaven and earth, but the people around that saw Xia Ming's jade, but the pupils were suddenly


"This ..." The people present were shockingly looking at Xia Ming in front of them. Obviously, they did not expect that Xia Ming actually blocked Fu Qingxuan's move. According to their ideas, the day after tomorrow's peak and innate There is a huge horizontal trench. This horizontal trench is almost insurmountable, but Xia Ming is blocking it.

With such a blow, this guy, is he the master of the day after tomorrow?


When Lin Zhi, Huang Yan, and Liu Mengxi saw this situation, they all took a breath of breath, and obviously they were all deterred by Xia Ming's combat power.

Of course, it's not just them who care about Xia Ming and Fu Qingxuan.

Somewhere in this Xuan Xinzong, there are several figures in a hall, sitting quietly, all looking at the screen in front.

However, in the middle of the screen, it is a picture of Xia Ming and Fu Qingxuan. Such a scene was surprised by the people present.

"Okay ..."

The next moment, the elder's laughter resounded throughout the hall, and he smiled and said, "Sure enough, it is a hero who is a boy, but he can fight against Fu Qingxuan.

"Yeah ... this little guy is really hidden from the ordinary. He is still a master of martial arts. If he is so talented, he can be cultivated by the martial arts. In the future, the martial arts will be solid."

"Yeah ... it's just a pity that this little guy was first boarded by the elder of the wine. If not, I will rob this little guy."

"Haha ..."

At this time, the elders on the side took a sip of wine and laughed aloud: "Lao Tzu's baby apprentice, don't think about it, you can't pay Lao Tzu's baby apprentice." With a slight sigh, as Elder Jiu said, they really can't pay Xia Ming, because they are not masters of matrix formation at all, so they can only hand over some martial arts of Xia Ming, but Xia Ming is a master of array formation and teaches martial arts. May be indifferent

. However, they did not know that the elder's heart caused a rough sea. He did not say anything about Xia Ming, so these elders did not know.

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