The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2165: Evenly distributed

Han Qiandi paused and said, "Now the situation on the battlefield has changed a lot. Now, the first person to think new is to respect Nangong Yu. Now, there are a lot of new students and disciples around Nangong Yu. They all In the process of token exchange, if they encounter weaker elderly people, they will

It will be swarmed up, and the token will be mostly owned by Nangong Yu, and others will follow to drink some soup. "

"Did they just give Nangong so willingly?" Xia Ming asked in amazement.

"Yeah!" Han Qianji nodded slightly, and said, "After all, they were protected by Nangong Yu, and it would be nothing for Nangong Yu. If they can get this final victory, this loss is not much."

Han Qianyi continued: "Second, the force headed by Wang Fan. This person is powerful and comparable to innate. Even innate masters can compete. All people are willing to rely on Wang Fan. Wang Fan's asylum. "

"Here is Jiang Taichong. Jiang Taichong's strength is slightly weaker, so in this force, it is also the weakest, but even so, Jiang Taichong gathers a lot of people."

"It's you at the end!" Han Qianyi said casually: "Your whereabouts have been exposed, and now a lot of old disciples have been stunned. These disciples are now rushing here. It can be said that among current newcomer disciples, There are only four forces like you. "

"What about the old disciples?" Xia Ming heard, nodded slightly, and continued to ask.

"The old disciple is headed by innocence. This innocence is a congenital late master, but this school is also fierce enough, and even sent a congenital late master to sit in town. We want to win hope, almost zero, but This is not the least hope. "" Secondly, under this child, there are four major war fighters, one of whom is named Zhou Huang, which is the brother who led us last time, the second place. For Tang Xiwen, the third is named Lanluo, and the fourth is named Fu Qingxuan. These four wars will all be masters of the innate period.

Those who are powerful enough to compete with them are only the top three in this mysterious list. "

Han Qianyi said so much in one breath, but also a little panicked, but after hearing the news, Xia Ming nodded solemnly.

He had just stood with Fu Qingxuan, and he knew the power of these four masters. I didn't expect that one of them was destroyed, and there were actually three, and it was really some trouble.

"Fu Qingxuan ranked fourth?" At this moment, a teenager exclaimed.

"Hmm!" Han Qianyi heard it, and he nodded slightly.


Then the young boy took a breath and said excitedly, "If we say so, shall we not eliminate a warrior?"

With this statement, everyone who was present was slightly surprised. Han Qianzhen asked a little strangely: "What's wrong? Who did you eliminate?"

"Of course it is Fu Qingxuan." The new disciple could not help but say.


As soon as this remark came out, Han Qianyu stayed at the scene directly and asked inconceivably: "You just said, who did you eliminate?"

"Fu Qingxuan!"


When Han Qianzhen heard these three words clearly, he couldn't help but take a breath. What a joke, Fu Qingxuan, even eliminated Fu Qingxuan?

This Fu Qingxuan is a master in the early days of congenital. Such strength is by no means comparable to ordinary people! They even eliminated Fu Qingxuan?

The next time, Han Qianxuan's eyes fell on Xia Ming's body. At this time, Han Qianxu couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming, shouldn't you be eliminated by this person?

Under Han Qianji's eyes, Xia Ming nodded slightly.

At this moment, Han Qianji was directly stagnation on the spot. For a time, Han Qianji was silent!

Crazy, this is absolutely crazy!

How long did Xia Ming enter the realm of the day after tomorrow, and she had the ability to eliminate Fu Qingxuan? What kind of strength does this require? Did Xia Ming be promoted to innate? You know, between the day after tomorrow and the day before tomorrow, there is a huge horizontal trench, which is almost insurmountable.

However, Xia Ming even eliminated Fu Qingxuan? This mom ...

Thinking of Xia Ming's cultivation speed and terrible combat power, Han Qianyu was silent again, because Xia Ming's cultivation speed and combat power really cannot be calculated by common sense.

"If you say so, there are still three congenital masters there, plus childlike, there are four!" Xia Mingning whispered.

"Yes." Han Qianji nodded slightly, and didn't continue thinking about other things.

Xia Ming's eyes have also become fierce. They have not been here long, and they must obtain more tokens within a limited time!

"Then where are they now?" Charmington paused and asked in a low voice.

"They are all moving in one direction now. If expected, the three masters of the Xuanbang are all gathering." Han Qiandai paused.


Xia Ming froze slightly, looked at Han Qianyu a little puzzled, and asked strangely. "Yes!" Han Qianying condensed, "I think they may see it. If they walk alone, they may be eliminated if they meet these four major war fighters. Therefore, they might as well be united together in such strength. It ’s going to be bigger. Now these four battles will be eliminated.

With one person, I have lost a big threat. Now the three of them are united. Even if the three major wars are going to come together, they can also stand. Of course, as long as they don't encounter innocence. "

Xia Ming's words nodded slightly. Han Four's strengths were very strong. Although Nangong Xiu and theirs all have incompetences compared to innate masters, this does not mean that they will not lose. If both lose, and with these newcomers, It is indeed not the opponent of these old people.

The most terrible thing is probably innocence!

Innocent, this person is powerful, even if he is a master of innate late, you have to weigh it, but this time the martial arts made such a big master, it is indeed a bit tricky!

Just don't know where innocence is so strong!

"Xia Ming, what do we do now? Would you like to join with these people too? If so, we will have more protection for ourselves." Han Qiandai paused.

Xia Ming heard the words, nodded slightly, and condensed: "Now the top three of Xuanbang are all gathered together. I think they will also receive the sound of innocence. By then, they will definitely go there and fight with these people!"


As soon as Xia Ming said this, all the people present were indifferent, and Shen said, "If you say that, there will be the final battlefield." "Hmm!"

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