The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2166: Mandolin

Xia Ming nodded! Indeed, these three major forces come together, these old people can't get a little wind. However, if it is true, they will be proud of their innocence, and they will never let Nangong meet them, even if they are gathered. , Innocence can be completely unfeared, because innocence is

Innately late, he had his own pride.

At that time, they can wait there, or stop them directly. As long as they are all eliminated, the hope of this new disciple can be said to have been disintegrated, because of the entire outside disciples, only Nangong stabbed them. Have the opportunity to fight against innate masters.

"Will we be too reckless?" Han Qiandai paused and couldn't help asking.

"Just go straight." Xia Ming shook his head and saw Xia Ming say this. Han Qiandi suddenly thought of something. If Xia Ming really defeated Fu Qingxuan, it would be nothing. Thinking of this, Han Qiandi would be slightly loose. Breathed.

"By the way, where are they gathered?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"Named Mandolin!"

"Manduo Mountain?"

Xia Ming murmured to himself, his eyes gradually became sharp, and then Xia Mingning whispered: "Natural is now bound to rush to Mantuo. This is also an opportunity for us!"

Speaking of which, Xia Ming's eyes became deeper, as if he was thinking about something. Han Qianyi heard the words and couldn't help asking: "What opportunity?"

"Opportunity to brush tokens!" Xia Ming said with a smile, "Continue to let out the voice, and say that the strongest of us is the state of the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow. In addition, we will tell them the route we walk."


Han Qianyi heard this, and was a little sceptical, saying, "Xia Ming, haven't you got a fever? If this sounds out, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of people's frustration, especially these old disciples, I'm afraid they will rush up."? "Hehe!"

Xia Ming heard the words, and immediately laughed, and said, "Who is a praying mantis and who is a cardinal? This is not good enough."

What did Han Qianyu think of suddenly? "You mean ... want to pit these old people?"

Xia Ming smiled and nodded. At this moment, Han Qianzhen also relaxed and his eyes narrowed. If it is really like Xia Ming said, this is a good way!

Because Xia Ming's strength is equivalent to the realm of the innate early stage, and he can defeat this fu Qingxuan. Even if it is compared with the other four major wars in the future, it is not bad. Even if they meet these four major war generals, they do not need to be afraid. At least these four battles will take them no way.

Of course, if they meet with the four major wars, even they may have to escape.

However, the probability of this encounter is very low, and of course, it cannot be ruled out.

So they can bet completely. If the bet is correct, there are many people who send tokens!

Thinking of this, Han Qianji also squinted and laughed.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's make a noise." Han Qianyu said with a little excitement.

"Yes, how many people did you bring?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"There are twenty people in total," Han Qiandai paused.

"Only twenty."

Xia Ming frowned and shook his head slightly. There weren't many twenty, but with his own side, it was equivalent to thirty people.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming said again: "Go and tell them and take out all the stones from them."


Han Qianyi heard that he was directly at the scene and looked at Xia Ming inconceivably. He couldn't help asking: "Xia Ming, are you kidding me? Hand over Yuan Shi? You want to rob them?"

Xia Ming heard the words and said silently, "I still need to rob them?"

"I'm here for the battle."


Han Qianji heard the words, blinked, and asked curiously, "What array?"

"Of course it is a formation."

"Matrix ..."

Han Qianyi heard the words and was shocked. He immediately asked, "You ... have you learned how to form a battle?"


Xia Ming glanced at Han Qianyi, and said with a little helplessness, "Is this difficult?"

Han Qianyi looked at Xia Ming with a look of a monster. He was speechless for a while, is it not difficult for your uncle? Who knows that the formation of the alchemy is profound and profound, just like alchemy, but the master of alchemy is more exalted, because the master of alchemy can save lives.

As for this array master, this status is also quite high. Of course, above this, there are masters of refiners, which are also a higher level than masters of array masters. Because the array will be arranged, it is not necessarily a refiner, but if it is refined, the array must be arranged, because after this refiner, it is necessary to arrange the array on the weapon, the stronger the array, the The more powerful the weapon is, the more weapons that directly destroy the mountain

It is not impossible to move mountains and reclaim the sea.

But these must be blessed by the formation.

This is not to say that if you just find a **** iron, you can make you a top-level weapon. These all require the blessing of the formation. Only in this way can the true magic of this weapon be exerted.

Han Qiandi did not expect that Xia Ming had even learned the formation method. For a while, Han Qianji looked at Xia Ming as if he was looking at a monster.

This guy is really terrible, this is simply not human.

Alchemy, Master of Formation, shouldn't this guy also be an master of refiners? If that's the case, this guy's talent is absolutely peerless.

Because so far, I have never seen anyone who can do three kinds of training at the same time, and even if some people do three kinds of training, these three have to be divided into primary and secondary.

Han Qianji really wanted to cut Xia Ming into pieces to study how this guy did it.

"It's just ... isn't this a bit bad!" Han Qianyu hesitated, and couldn't help asking: "After all, these people are following us." Xia Ming shook his head slightly, and said, "These are all contributed by them. Yes, what ’s wrong, not to mention, it ’s now that we shelter them, not they shelter us. If you do n’t want to give them, this token has no part to them. There is such a good thing in the world that I do n’t want to give.

The price, but also want to take advantage of the fishermen. "

Han Qianyi heard that and nodded his head slightly. Indeed, there is no lunch in the world, but if he was asked to collect this yuan, he really couldn't help it.

At this time, Charmington paused and said, "Let's say it for myself." "All right ..." Han Qianyi sighed helplessly.

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