The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2167: Guess the title

"You all!"

The next moment, Xia Ming's voice was in this forest, the sound was not very loud, but everyone heard it really.

With the sound of Xia Ming's voice, these newcomers and disciples also quieted down instantly, all of them looked at Xia Ming in a flash. At this time, Xia Ming said: "Dear everyone, in order to be able to defend against foreign enemies, I hope everyone will The Yuan Shi in his hand is dedicated to defend against foreign enemies. "" Now, we are all grasshoppers on a rope. If we all lose, I think everyone knows that you will not escape the consequences of being eliminated. So, we should now twist into a rope and work together, so I hope you can contribute the Yuan Shi in your hand. I do n’t know

What's your idea at home? "

Xia Ming's words caused a commotion in a moment. These newcomers Yuan Shi were hard-won. These Yuan Shi are the capital of their cultivation. If they just hand it over, they are naturally unwilling.

Immediately someone questioned: "Dare to ask this brother, Yuan Shi is used for cultivation. What is the role of we handing Yuan Shi? Wouldn't you just rob it while it's on fire?"

This man was extremely rude. Xia Ming heard the words and turned slowly. His eyes fell on a young man dressed in Baishan. The young man looked bright and clear, but this eyebrow revealed a little dissatisfaction and indifference.

Judging from the breath emanating from the young man, it should not have been long before he was promoted to the post-mortem.

Sure enough, as soon as the young man's voice came out, it was aroused the approval of many people present. Naturally, the Yuan Shi they had worked so hard did not want to hand it over.

"Yes, this brother, you asked us to surrender Yuan Shi, which is too difficult for us? Is this brother please give us an explanation, if it is reasonable, we are willing, if it is only for our own selfish desire, please accept We cannot promise. "

At this moment, another teenager stood up and said something. This sentence aroused the approval of many people. Obviously, everyone did not want to surrender their own Yuanshi.

"That's ... Our yuan stones are hard earned, so why should we hand them over?"

"Yeah, we have to practice these Yuanshi, this brother, shouldn't it really be robbed while it's on fire?"

"Well, I don't feel good about this guy."

"You want me to surrender Motoishi, it's crazy to dream."


For a while, all the people present were arguing, and some people became more angry because they talked more, so the look toward Xia Ming was not good.

"This fellow, I think that since we are both newcomers, then why are we newcomers embarrassing newcomers? Let us join together to resist these old people."

"Yes, at this time, we should unite and cooperate more to resist these elderly people, these elderly people are not fuel-saving lamps."

"Brother, I think you'll take it as soon as you see it good." The people present persuaded Xia Ming again. At this moment, Han Qianyu frowned and said loudly: "Masters, this is Xia Ming, he That's right, if you have Yuan Shi, teach Xia Ming, because it will be more beneficial to everyone.


"Brother Han, this statement is really difficult for us to understand. Can we understand this as a protection fee?"

"Yeah, why is it difficult for a newcomer, a newcomer, brother, it's overkill for you to do this." Han Qianyu heard these people's statement, his face became a bit ugly, but said indifferently: "This Brother Xia, but A master of matrix formations, if you put Yuan Shi into his hands, he can use Yuan Shi to the fullest extent, and he can even trap some masters.

. "


As soon as this statement was made, all the people present were shocked, looked at Xia Ming suddenly, and said with shock: "He ... he is a master of formation?"

"Isn't it possible? I'm in this Xuanxinzong, but I have never heard of the existence of a Master of Formation?"

"Yeah, although our Xuan Xinzong also has the guardian formation, but there is no master of formation."

"Isn't it fake? Want to flicker Yuanyuan?"

"Well, it's quite possible."


All the people present were talking about it. Obviously, they did not believe what Han Qianyi said, and did not think that Xia Ming was a master of martial arts. At this time, Liu Mengxi said: "You, this brother is right. Brother Xia is indeed a master of matrix formations. Just now Brother Xia trapped masters such as Fu Qingxuan with matrix formations, which defeated Fu Qing Xuan et al., And eliminated it, all of us here can testify.

"Yes, I can testify. "The first export was Huang Yan. For the strength of Xia Ming, Huang Yan admired it. The strength of Xia Ming was too strong. Especially the hand-mapping method made him extremely shocked. Even the day after tomorrow can be trapped, we can see that

How powerful the law is.

"We can also testify."

The remaining ten people all screamed. With the yelling of these people, all the new people brought by Han Qianyu were a little shocked.

"What ... what did they just say?"

"Defeat Fu Qingxuan? Eliminate Fu Qingxuan?"

"Did I hear that right? Or they are bragging, Fu Qingxuan is a congenital master, they have the highest strength but the day after tomorrow, is it possible to eliminate Fu Qingxuan?"

"What a joke, do they think they are Nangong Yan? They even eliminated Fu Qingxuan?"

The people present were obviously unbelieving. Indeed, Fu Qingxuan's name was too big, and Fu Qingxuan was still a congenital early master. To defeat Fu Qingxuan, at least he needed the top three masters of Xuanbang. .

But they defeated Fu Qingxuan, which made these newcomers feel a little ridiculous.

As everyone knows, at this time, Lin Zhi and others all looked at these newcomers with a sneer and seemed to be ridiculous for their ignorance.

But think about it right. At the beginning, even he did not believe that Xia Ming could defeat Fu Qingxuan. However, when Fu Qingxuan failed, he believed. At this moment, he also has some respect for Xia Ming!

"What we said is true." Liu Mengxi said calmly, "If you really want to win this game, I think everyone will still pull out Yuanshi."

"Yuan Shi is important, but the final book of this game is the mysterious mystery. I think everyone should know the preciousness of the mysterious mystery. If these skills are learned, even if they are promoted to God, The state of affairs may also be uncertain. Isn't this method comparable to Yuan Yuan? "I have to say that Liu Mengxi's young age is quite sophisticated, especially these instigating words. The more is nice.

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