The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2192: Show up

"Yes, we won't lose." Under these many eyes, Nangong Yan also slowly came to Yan Chen's side and looked at the childlike child.

"Is it just the two of you?" The innocence still had a slight disdain, smiled faintly, and shook his head slightly, as if to say that the two of them were not his opponents at all, even if they joined forces.

"And we!"


Han Qianyu and Liu Mengxi all came forward step by step. Looking at this childlike child, they stared at him innocently, with intense fighting in his eyes!

It was an unwilling war!

Tongzhen looked at the people in front of him and shook his head again. Obviously, he thought that even if these people joined forces together, it was just a waste of time.

"Now you are the best choice to quit. Why a vain victory, why not retreat?" Childly looked at the people indifferently and whispered softly. From the perspective of innocence, it is enough for these people to come to this scene, especially Nangong Yu has also shown his own momentum. Although they are defeated, they are defeated enough to be proud. You know, he The innate late master can be defeated in his hands, already

Sufficient pride.

If Nangong chants them to practice again, it may not be impossible to surpass him over time.

Continue now, it is completely unnecessary.

Where does the innocence know that at this moment Nangong and Han Qianyu are not fighting for themselves, but for new disciples.

The situation has now changed.

"Gong Chengshui back fart!" Han Qianyi stared coldly at childlike, Ling Ran in his eyes, they are all old opponents, and now seeing the enemy is even more jealous.

"It's you again." Tong Zhen looked at Han Qianyu coldly: "I really should kill you."

"You will come if you have one." Han Qianyu yelled angrily.

Childlike eyes, like a blade, become a little bit sharp, terrible, and the killing intention on his body is a little bit of cohesion.

Liu Mengxi and others all looked nervous at the innocence in front of them.

"If we go together, we don't believe it. So many people can't beat him."

The next moment, Huang Yan's voice opened up! Obviously, they want to rely on many people to overwhelm innocence, but these old people will not give them such opportunities. Innocence is their protection. If the innocence loses, they will have to take it here. .


Many old people are coming from the wind, they are in front of the childlike one, and they are facing away from people like Han Qianzhen. At this moment, these old people are all chanting: "Brother Tongzhen, let us help you."

For a while, the atmosphere of the entire scene became weak, and the battlefield became even more imminent.

Such a delicate battlefield has made these newcomers and disciples a bit breathless. Faced with these old disciples, their pressure is really too great.

Han Qianyu, they are all very angry. These old disciples are generally much stronger than them. Now they have no chance of winning against these people.


In this delicate atmosphere, a faint sound is rippling in the air. This sound is paused in the air, turning into rippling roads, rippling and opening. Everyone present can smell all of them. With a tremor, they looked at the innocence not far away.

Obviously, this voice came from the innocence!


The battle was also completely ignited at this moment. These old disciples roared, their bodies were frequently pulled out, and they were fighting towards these new disciples. For a time, the entire scene was caught in a fight, because of the fight. Chaos has led to constant elimination.

Fortunately, all of these people have the presence of jade charms, which caused them to be injured, but there is no danger to their lives. Obviously, this Xuanxinzong also had prescient things.

The melee kept ringing in this world, all kinds of killing sounds were rippling, and some blood taste was rippling in this sky.

Outside, there are countless talented disciples, all nervously looking at the scene, there are new disciples and old disciples. These old disciples also admire the new disciples, and it is enough to be proud to be able to fight to such a degree. As for these new disciples, they are all in a bad mood, because they all know that the new disciples are in a weak stage. Once they end, It means they are about to


Looking at this newcomer disciple that is constantly being eliminated, these newcomer disciples are all clasped with their hands. Some people have their nails in their palms, but it is still unknown.

It can be seen how much they value this game!

However, the result of this competition was to make them extremely heavy.

"Kill childlike."

Many masters such as Nangongyu, Yan Chen, Liu Mengxi, all went towards the siege of Childhood. In the face of these people, Childhood always smiled and showed a little indifference in his eyes. In his view, these people are just Not at your own expense.


Yan Chen took the lead, and the iron sword in his hand whistled out. He wanted to cut down the innocence of the sword. The innocence saw it. When the sword was swiped, the training came from the tiger, which directly blocked the attack. The palm shot, because Yan Chen was injured before, he couldn't resist this palm at all.

Under this palm, Yan Chen was injured again, and his body severely fell from the mid-air to the ground, and the ground was again smashed out of a large pit.


Three feathers appeared on the body of Nangong. The three feathers were flaming as a whole. It seemed to be burning. Nangong was shocked. The three fire feathers passed through. The terrible sound of the holes penetrated the world. Even the world was slightly boiling. stand up.


Seeing the innocence, it was a cold drink, and the vitality in the body broke out. When the three fire feathers came to the jade in front of him, he waved the iron sword and chopped on the three fire feathers, and the terrible force broke out suddenly. Under this powerful force, these three fire feathers were cut off instantly. At this moment, the attacks of Liu Mengxi and others also came one after another. For a time, the entire scene fell into a scuffle, but it was clear that the Nangong people were even more miserable. They faced such masters as innocence and had no resistance at all. Force, they are constantly hurting, even more on their bodies

The various wounds and scars are extremely miserable.

Blood was constantly spitting out, and various miserable screams rang through the world, but they did not retreat, they were still fighting, and in their hearts, they all had a thought, that is, to survive and defeat innocence.

They have been fighting for so long and have already been weak. Now they are all fighting by instinct.


Tongzhen shoots one person flying. The next moment, Tongzhen appears in front of Han Qianyu. At this time, Tongzhen stares sharply at Han Qianyu, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

Innocently said sternly: "I never had a chance to kill you before. Today, the grudge between you and me can be regarded as a conclusion, but it is a pity ..."

"Xia Ming is no longer here!"

"If he is here, I can just solve you all without any trouble." Having said that, the childlike mouth picked and said, "Although I can't kill you here, I can seriously hurt you. Soon, you will all Died of such a blow. "

Obviously, innocence has killed Han Qianyu and others.

"This time, I'll see who can save you."

Tong Zhen sneered, and the long sword in his hand waved fiercely. This sword was mixed with powerful power. This sword was enough to destroy a congenital mid-level master. In order to seriously damage Han Qianyu, Tong Zhen also played a brutal hand.

"Han Qiandi!" Everyone in the world realized the innocence of their innocence and couldn't help but exclaim. They all saw that innocence was going to damage Han Qianyi. If Han Qianyi was severely injured, I am afraid that martial arts will be instant Lost, martial arts lost, then Han Chien-hyun is equivalent to a dead man, this

The guy is really blackhearted.

Looking at the misery of these newcomers, it is clear that these newcomers have been forced to death.


Han Qianyi also knows that he has no choice now. If he can't survive today, I'm afraid he's all over his life. Similarly, he never thought of quitting the game because his inner arrogance did not allow him to leave here.

Han Qianyi has already exhausted all his strength. He is also determined to die. This child is really going to be a loser. Although this method is to kill the enemy by one thousand and damage 800, he has no choice now.

Just when Han Qianzhen was desperate!

This world suddenly has an extremely harsh sound booming sound booming!

This sound was so thorough that it attracted the eyes of Han Qianxuan and others. The eyes of countless people gathered together, all looking up at the sky.

They saw that a figure came from the south at an extremely horrifying speed and came on the wind, and that speed was really tearing the space!

However, on that figure, there seemed to be a violent rage sweeping across. "Xia Ming ..."

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