The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2193: Finally arrived


There is a figure like a meteorite, rushing insanely, this figure quickly changes hands, flashes a light print between the hands, the light print contains the power of extreme anger, directly printed on the childlike body!

boom! The low voice rang through, and the muffled sound rang through the world, listening to everyone's ears. However, people saw that the innocent body trembled suddenly, and it finally seemed like a cannonball, flying fiercely hundreds Meters, but finally hit a big tree the size of a hundred feet


The leaves fell, and the big tree was almost broken, but it looks like it will not survive!

"It's Xia Ming!"

"Brother Xia is here!"

Not far away, countless people were attracted to come, especially these newcomers and disciples, all looking at the figure in a black shirt in the battlefield, with surprise in his eyes, said excitedly.

"Xia Ming!"

Even Han Qiandi looked excitedly at Xia Ming. At this most critical moment, Xia Ming arrived, which made him a little relieved. At this moment, Han Qiandi could feel the radiance from Xia Ming's body. The anger is so fierce.

Apparently, Xia Ming was angry! Such anger, even if it is the first time he saw the amount of Han Qian moved!

"Who is this figure?" Some old disciples did not know Xia Ming. When they saw the black figure clearly, they were a little confused.

"This guy ... is really terrible, even Brother Innocent can shake it!"

Some old people couldn't help but took a deep breath, and Xia Ming struck the childlike child in one blow. I am afraid that even this Nangong Yu can't do it.

"Is he ..."

In the distance, Nangong Yu, Wang Fan and others looked up in the past. When they saw Xia Ming's figure clearly, both of them looked solemn.

"He should be Xia Ming ..." Wang Fan's deep voice sounded so that many people looked at Xia Ming in unison!

"Is he Xia Ming!"

Rao is Nangong Yan's hands are clenched slowly, staring at this figure in the sky, at this moment, this figure seems to have a magical power, all the disciples who were present were attracted to come, originally chaotic The battlefield, at this moment, also quieted down instantly!

They all locked the figure in front of them quietly.


The juvenile landed slowly, as if he had a power to drag his body. When the juvenile landed, it was slow and there was no fluctuation!

It is just that the young man's face is filled with a mighty murderous intention at that moment. The strong murderous force shakes the world and is chilling. His eyes glanced at the innocence not far away, like the eyes of a beast, even if it was innocent. There was a touch of coldness.

"Brush!" As soon as the child was struggling, his body broke free from the big tree, and he stepped into Xia Ming not far from Xia Mingyao. Although Xia Ming's attack was overbearing, he did not hurt him. It can be seen what terrible level his strength has reached, but his heart is only

There is nothing but anger.

Tong Zhen stared at Xia Ming with the same killing eyes, his heart was full of anger, and he was just hit by Xia Ming, which made him extremely angry!

"Dragon, are you all right?"

Xia Ming glanced at Tong Zhen, his gaze looked at Han Qianyi and others behind him, and saw this seriously injured and embarrassed Han Qianyi and others, Xia Ming's heart was filled with a violent killing intention.

Obviously, if it wasn't for his own shot just now, Han Qianji would be abolished on the spot by innocence. By then, Han Qianji would be a waste.

This angered Xia Ming.

"We're fine." Han Qianji shook his head slightly. "It's just ... Now the situation of the new disciples is not very good, I'm afraid we will lose ..."

Han Qianyu still said what he thought, Xia Ming nodded, he turned his head and looked sharply at the innocence not far away.

"Next ..."

Xia Ming's faint voice rippled between the heavens and the earth, in that bland tone, mixed with a bit of coldness and hatred: "Just leave it to me." Xia Ming stood here quietly, but in the bland words, With a firmness, an unprecedented calmness, but anyone can hear it, Xia Ming at this moment is like a demon from Nine Heavens Hell, that violent atmosphere permeates this sky, I am afraid,

This place will become a blood-stained place.

There is a strong evil spirit, rippling between the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth are tense, and the atmosphere is becoming a little tense, and the source of all of this is because of the immense anger in front of him!

Some people don't know who this figure is, but the way this figure is played is really special. It is so powerful at the moment of shot. Therefore, the people present are shocked.

But no one dares to underestimate the figure in front of them, because they all know the explosive power radiating from this figure, and they know that no one in the field can fight this person.

Especially the taste of bloodthirsty, the figure at this moment is like a fierce beast, full of violent and bloodthirsty.

Once it breaks out, it will be an endless fight!

At this moment, many people's breathing has a short stagnation zone, and even the people present can feel the mixed smell of gunpowder.

They all know that there is a contradiction between Xia Ming and innocence, and even the contradiction between innocence and Han Qianyu. Now, at this final stage, they also have some vague expectations.

Xia Ming stood here quietly. Although Han Qianyi and others were relieved, Han Qianyi and others were still slightly nervous. You must know that Xia Ming was innocent.

Xia Ming stepped forward slowly, and quietly looked at the innocence not far away. At this moment, the innocence was staring at Xia Ming with violent eyes, and there was a cold surge in his eyes, which seemed to be a touch of killing and faint.

"I thought I didn't dare to come out. I didn't expect that you really came out."

"I heard that you want to abolish Han Qianyu."

In the face of childlike ridicule, Xia Ming didn't answer, just stared at childlike, cold in his eyes, and said a question.

"You are here, just to abolish the two of you together." Tongzhen squinted and stared at Xia Ming with a smile.


Xia Ming glanced indifferently at the surroundings. The surroundings were full of pits and messes, which were obviously caused by the fighting here, Xia Ming whispered softly. "Buying you here seems pretty good."

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