The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2196: Decisive Battle (1)

The confrontation between the two did not distinguish between the top and the bottom. Both innocence and Xia Ming, they received some minor injuries. Fortunately, these minor injuries were not fatal!

Xia Ming glanced at his arm and snorted coldly, and his figure flew out again. Xia Ming's speed was quite fast. He breathed in front of Tongzhen again.

Xia Ming's eyes were stubborn. Looking at the childlike child, there was an endless vitality. In the west, Xia Ming came to the childlike child, and Xia Ming also launched the most severe attack!

Xia Ming used his fists, knees, elbows, and head. At this moment, his whole body has become a weapon for killing. Such a stormy attack is extremely severe. For a time, even the childlikes are a little overwhelmed!

I have to say that Xia Ming's ingenuity in this fist is somewhat not his opponent!

Tong Zhen was forced to retreat by Xia Ming, which made him very angry. Tong Zhen punched Xia Ming fiercely, and then Tong Zhen's body retreated, and opened a distance from Xia Ming.

He knew that Xia Ming's physical strength was strong. If he continued to fight with Xia Ming closely, it would not be of any benefit to him.

Tongzhen's eyes were cold, and the vitality in his body was a little bit condensed. Suddenly, there was a snoring sound in Tongzhen's body. Looking at the surface of the innocence, he even covered a layer of vitality hood.

This vitality hood is a combination of innocent vitality. If you want to break it, you must not congenital late. After all, this is the innocent energy hood condensed from innocence.


The next moment, Xia Ming rushed out again. When he came to the innocence, Xia Ming's attack fell on the innocence again. Under this endless formula, the rumbling voice continued to rang out. It was a sound that collided with an iron block.

Countless people are looking at Xia Ming's offensive so diligently. They can feel the terrible power of Xia Ming's fist. These close combats are really exciting.


The sound of the impact rang continuously, and every time Xia Ming hit the childlike body, there would be a layer of ripples.

"Drive me!"

Xia Ming's eyes became cold. The next moment, his arm became thicker instantly, especially the golden scales above, which gave Xia Ming a huge power.

Those forces roared out, but they were faintly accompanied by some Longming, and then under these countless eyes, Xia Ming hit the vital hood with a punch.

"Hmm ..."

The hood of the Aura was unable to withstand this huge force, but a dense crack appeared. Eventually, it could not withstand Xia Ming's terrible attack. A loud noise exploded from the sky.

At the next moment, a fist hit Xia Ming's body fiercely, and Xia Ming also hit a child with a punch, which was really hurt. The figure of the two was extremely embarrassed, and then fell from the sky. Shooting out, flying backwards in the sky a few feet away, this barely stabilized.


The next moment, the two spit out blood, and the blow just made them both injured. For a while, the people present were secretly horrified, watching the scene in shock.


The people present looked at Xia Ming in front of them, with unparalleled shock in their eyes. They all knew that Xia Ming was a master in the early days of congenital and had great strength, but there was always a gap between him and the innate late!

However, I did not expect that Xia Ming was injured together with innocence. Doesn't this mean that Xia Ming is incomparable with innocence in terms of strength? Being able to force innocence to such a point, this Xia Ming is really terrifying.

"This guy……"

Not far away, Jiang Taichong couldn't help but swallowed his mouth, and condensed, "It really looked down on this guy."

"It's really a demon." Rao is Wang Fan, who couldn't help but admire it. Such strength has surpassed them too much, and they didn't expect that if they were not careful, they would be given by a new man. Beyond, this also makes them a little bit depressed.

However, there is more joy, and the more powerful Xia Ming is, the greater their chance of winning today.

"It seems that this time we have another amazing character in Xuan Xinzong, just don't know where he can go." Jiang Taichong sighed and said.

"Xuan Xinzong has many geniuses, especially Brother Li Xuantong. It is the pride of the entire sect. He wants to be in the upper ranks, I'm afraid it's not easy." Wang Fandan said.

"You compare him to Brother Li Xuantong?" Jiang Taichong said in horror.

Wang Fan shook his head slightly and did not speak. A pair of sharp eyes stared tightly at the battlefield, while at the same time the people around the embankment were afraid that these old foundations would suddenly cause trouble.

In this battlefield, innocence wiped out his mouthful of school books, staring at Xia Ming in front of his eyes, an anger rising from his heart, and soon this anger turned into killing.

At this moment, the child really moved his heart.

The child really didn't expect that under his own palm, this guy still resisted. This guy's combat power is definitely more than that in the early days of congenital!

Such a speed of growth is really horrifying, which further aggravates childlike killing.

"Is this the power of innate late? I don't think so."

Xia Ming's mouth twitched, raising a ridiculous expression. He was not emotional because of his injury, but instead showed a smile.

Childlike complexion turned a little Yin, and said coldly, "You are forcing me to kill you."

"kill me?"

Xia Ming haha ​​laughed: "If you want to kill me, just let it go."

"court death!"

Childhood was furious, and it was shot with another slap. This slap was even more overbearing than before. This palm was enough to slap a congenital mid-level master to death. Obviously, Childhood was completely angered by Xia Ming.

"The Great Seal of the Wilderness Town."

Xia Ming no longer hesitated, and his hands quickly sealed the seal, but this time the seal was a little different, because in front of him, a golden mark was formed. This is how Xia Ming directly entered the perception after reading the breakthrough, so Feel the magic mark of the deserted town.

This is the ultimate power of the Magic Seal of the Deserted Town.

On top of this golden mark, a large town character was engraved. This town character was rippling, and it even had a repressive taste. The smell made all the people present were shocked.

"What kind of martial arts can actually provoke the power of heaven and earth to suppress." Some old disciples couldn't help exclaiming.

"Actually inspired the heavens and earth's vitality!" Zhou Huang muttered to himself not far away, and said in a deep voice. "Sister Xia Ming really just started for half a year?" Lan Luo's red lips lightly opened, with a delicate face, with a little dignity and curiosity. Obviously, even she was surprised by Xia Ming.

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