The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2197: Decisive Battle (2)

Just entering Xuanxinzong six months ago, he has reached such a state. Such a talent is really terrifying!

"Yeah ... I just started for half a year!" Zhou Huang couldn't help but said, "I remember the old days, or I brought him into the introduction. At that time, he was only in the early days of grade!"

"What, early days ..." Lan Luo covered her cherry mouth and opened her eyes with an incredible look.

"Suppress me!"

On this light print, layers of golden light appeared, and then directly under the eyes of the countless disciples of the Xuanxin Sect, the innocence was shrouded in the golden light, and it seemed to have a killing nature. Power, completely lock innocence.

In other words, the innocence of this moment has been eliminated by confrontation with force, and there is no escape at all.

"Great martial arts ..."

Rao is innocent, he put away his previous contempt and became a little dignified. He didn't put Xia Ming in his heart before, because there is a huge horizontal gap between him and Xia Ming. But now, through this, It was only after he knew that Xia Ming's realm and combat power did not match at all.

At this moment, even he was paying attention. Looking at the light print suppressed by the golden light, the child really suddenly stretched out his hands and gave a light shock. The sharp vitality hit the light print. However, the light print did not pause for a moment, just flashed the light. , Is again shrouded in innocence, it is clear that this attack also

Quite not weak.

"Well, with your strength, even the best martial arts, you can't exert the power you deserve."

Tong Zhen looked at Xia Ming not far away, sneer and sneer.

"It's enough to kill you."

Xia Ming smiled lightly. He didn't talk nonsense. He increased the output of vitality while reading. The terrible vitality pulsated, and even a layer of dust shook on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Tong Zhen's intentions are even more severe. Under these countless eyes, Tong Zhen slowly stretched out two fingers. At this moment, Tong Zhen's body exudes a powerful sword, that kind of sword. Italy and the world are affected by some influences.

"No sword."

The low voice, accompanied by the childlike sword pointing out, also suddenly turned into a sharp light, the sharp sword, hit the past with Xia Ming's light.

Wherever this sword intention passes, even this air seems to be cut out. In the end, under these countless sights, this sword intention turns into a substantial sword, and it is fierce with this light. The Indian pair came together.


The deafening voice was so loud that the sword and the light imprint of Xia Ming were in conflict, and a destructive force erupted, which caused the world to shake and was extremely terrifying.

When Xia Ming saw this, his face sank, and then he stepped into the void, walking up and down in this void several times, and then he was able to stabilize his body. Some people may not understand Xia Ming's movements, but some people clear.

Because when the two of them collided, the innocence of swordsmanship erupted, and even this area was covered by some swordsmanship, which led to Xia Ming having to open more swordsmanship.

"A trio of strengths, Babu Futian."

Xia Ming yelled again, stepped on mysterious steps, and quickly changed his hands quickly, and complicated runes appeared in front of Xia Ming.

"come out."

Xia Ming sighed sharply.


Eight angry roars rang through the heavens and the earth, and then the people between heaven and earth saw that there were eight golden dragons lingering on Xia Ming's body. These eight golden dragons looked extremely precious. Each golden dragon seemed to be a hegemon.

However, Xia Ming's hands changed rapidly, and there was a complex one after another, which was absorbed by Xia Ming's eight golden dragons.


There was another roar. The eight golden dragons seemed to have been pulled. Under these countless eyes, Xia Ming's eight golden dragons turned into one.

The eight golden dragons merged into one, and the volume of this one has become even larger. Such a mysterious martial art, everyone who was watching was a little shocked.

"This **** ..."

Tang Xiwen looked in horror at the scene in front of him, and his heart was filled with fear of Xia Ming. Even so many martial arts, even him, were slightly shocked.

"This guy, where did you learn so much martial arts?"

Many people also turned their eyes, apparently being deterred by Xia Ming.

However, at this time, even innocence became a little dignified, and the anger in his heart was getting stronger.

"Suppress you now!"

Xia Ming's eyes fell on the innocence, and he looked at the golden dragon again, and the golden dragon wandered in the air. Of course, using this trick was also huge for his consumption. Fortunately, he has been promoted to innate and opened the bridge to heaven The vitality of the body is constantly produced.

"Eight Bubu Tiantian collapsed, suppress me."

Xia Ming's eyes were cold and his hand prints changed. This golden dragon seemed to be a golden statue, carrying the breath of destruction and repression, and came down to the childlike repression severely.

This kind of martial arts domineering, Rao is innocent all seeing and a little scared. Wherever the golden statue passed, the air was exploded, and the sound of bangs was constantly emitted. This situation did not last for long. Xia Ming's fingerprints changed, accompanied by a roar. Is to go straight to the innocence, there is not even any


Bang! Wherever Jin Long passed, the unprecedented shock and the terrible wave directly changed the color of countless people in the heavens and the earth. Even Zhou Huang and Tang Xiwen appeared in shock in their eyes. If this power is replaced by Any one of them, I am afraid, will be printed by this light

Suppressing it momentarily, if it's not good, it will turn into a mess.

too terrifying.


This golden dragon fell violently, and eventually met the innocent child fiercely. The innocent body was quickly enveloped by this golden dragon.


Xia Ming looked at this scene, his palm suddenly changed, and a golden amulet was integrated into the body of the golden dragon. Then, the golden dragon shrouded the childlike body and suppressed it underneath.



Newcomers and disciples between heaven and earth looked at this scene, and suddenly there were ecstatic cheers, and countless people were shocked and surprised by the unknown.

"Innocence ... it was suppressed, great."

The people between heaven and earth are very excited, especially these newcomers. Xia Ming's suppression of this innocence is equivalent to giving their newcomers a sigh of relief, which has accumulated over the years. They didn't even hope for this battle, but they never expected that Xia Ming would suppress the innocence. This sudden change made them extremely surprised.

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