The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2238: Ghost King Mountain

Ghost King Mountain, a famous mountain near and far!

On this night, the ghosts were crying, the wind was blowing, and all the entrants were frightened, and at night they were even more spiritual than during the day.

Moreover, the mountain of Guiwang Mountain is in danger, and there are many monsters and monsters. If you are not careful, you may become the meal of these monsters. Everyone who enters Guiwang Mountain is careful.

By the time Xia Ming and others stepped into this ghost king mountain, it was already night. Xia Ming released his mental power. Within a radius of 500 meters, it was under his control, no matter what the wind and grass moved. He can clearly perceive it.

Xia Ming looked at this ghost king mountain with surprise! Ghost King Mountain does not have the lush forest as imagined. On the contrary, there is still a bald smell, even with overgrown grass, and the mountain has not yet reached the mountain. At this moment it was night, and the gloomy atmosphere became even more


A group of seven people stared diligently at this ghost king mountain.

"Is this the Ghost King Mountain?" Jiang Taichong looked at the sky in surprise and whispered.

"It is rumored that Ghost King Mountain, the ghosts are vertical and horizontal, do not know if it is true or false." Wang Fan said.

"What a joke, we are of course cultivators, but so far, I haven't heard of anyone who can exist as a soul after death." Jiang Tai shook his head with a smile.

Obviously, he has some disbelief about these nihilistic matters, not to mention that they are all innate level masters, so why would they be afraid of these ghosts.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Fan also shook his head and whispered softly: "Sometimes, this is the most terrible, I am afraid it is still popular."

"Yeah ..." Even Baihe sighed slightly at this time and casually said, "This time the Yuanshi ore veins are generated in this ghost king mountain, it is indeed a big trouble. This mining is also a huge problem. If Yuan If there are many stone veins, there is also the value of mining. If there are not many,

There is no use value here. "

Bai Xing's Ling Xiaming and others all nodded slightly. Indeed, the mountain of Guiwang Mountain is dangerous, and there may be nothing for them. However, this is Guiwang Mountain, a well-known Guiwang Mountain. If something happens, it will cause They suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, if there are few boulder ore veins, it is not necessary to dispute.

"Brother, are we going into the mountains now?" At this moment Jiang Taichong looked at Mare around him and asked for a moment. After all, this time Mare was the leader, and they all obeyed Mare's arrangement.

Maretton paused and said, "According to my information, the remaining few martial arts people have already entered the mountain. If they are entering the mountain tomorrow, I am afraid they will be one step behind. In this case, it is not good for us."

Mare's words made the rest of the people understand what Mare probably meant, but nothing more, Mare wanted to enter this ghost king mountain now.

They don't have any opinion, although they say that Ghost King Mountain is more terrible at night, but they don't believe in this evil, and they also have a master of spirituality here, and there is no reason to be afraid.

"That being the case, let's go into the mountain now." Bai He whispered at this time: "At the mountain, we must be careful and don't separate."

"it is good!"

Wang Fan and others all nodded slightly, and the group made a decision, and they stepped into this ghost king mountain. Once they entered the ghost king mountain, Xia Ming's expression was solemn, his complexion also became dignified, his mental strength Open, always watching every move around.

A group of people walked step by step. From time to time in the mountain of ghost kings, weird croaks were heard, and the sounds were infiltrating. It sounded like shivering.

With the deepening of a group of people, such strange calls and rustling voices became more and more. At this time, Mare looked solemnly around, looking solemn.

"Everyone be careful."

Xia Ming and others were staring around intently, and did not dare to have the slightest intention.


As the crowd moved forward, they suddenly saw a fire in front of them. Xia Ming and others all showed signs of caution, and they walked towards the fire.

As the group approached, the group found that there were several bodies beside the fire. When Xia Ming and others saw the corpses of the bodies, they all couldn't help taking a breath.

"The body ..."

If it were only corpses, they would naturally have no fear, but these corpses were all dried up, and it looked as if even blood had been drained! These people are directly skinny, which makes it impossible for them to not shake.

Seeing that the fire hadn't extinguished, it was clear that these people were killed shortly. What made them wonder was why they didn't even have a scream before they could all sound like this.

"What the **** did this do? All the blood was absorbed, and even the vitality in the body was absorbed." Jiang Tai took a breath and said with a shocked expression on his face.

"I'm afraid it's made from the things in the Ghost King Mountain." Bai He took a deep breath, and the dry bodies on the ground looked solemn.

"It seems that there are some weird things in it." Jiang Yunan looked around diligently, as if watching the situation around him, for fear that something suddenly came out.

"So what shall we do now?" Wang Fan whispered. For a moment, the people present were slightly silent, and Maret whispered: "We continue to move forward, here has been sucked into something dead by some weird things, that is to say this guy is likely to be nearby, if Let's rest here, I'm afraid it will cause these things to return

Come. "


Xia Ming agreed with Mare's approach, and the best thing at this moment was to leave here immediately.


Just when Mare's voice had just fallen, a sudden burst of empty sound rang out, which made Mare and others all look slightly different: "Not good, be careful."

Xia Ming had noticed that when the sound of the air broke through, Xia Ming had taken the lead to avoid it because the strength of the party was not very weak, so it was easy to escape the attack. However, this thing The speed is so fast that they can't see this thing at all.

So no one has found out what it is.

However, at this moment, Xia Ming was full of doubts, and he looked at a place not far away. This Mare they did not notice, but he noticed some clues. Xia Ming was abnormal. Confused, what the **** is this? Because this thing looks more like a person, but this thing is not a person, which makes Xia Ming extremely confused.

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