The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2239: Purple Moon View

"I'm scared to death." Jiang Taichong was still worried about it. It was just too fast. If they hadn't escaped fast, I'm afraid they would become exactly like the people just now.

"What the **** is this?" Wang Fan couldn't help asking.

Indeed, this thing is so weird that it is not even clear to see clearly. This unknown thing is the most frightening and fearful existence.

"Like, it's human!"

At that moment, Xia Ming's voice resounded, and Xia Ming's words made everyone present a little stunned, especially Mare, and immediately asked: "Is it human? How is it possible?"

Not only Mare did not believe it, it was also true of everyone else, no joke, their strength was not weak. If this guy was a human, they would not be able to catch up, or even be unaware of it.

"It's not exactly human."

Xia Ming groaned slightly: "I just saw this guy's face."

"you saw it?"

Bai He gave Xia Ming a surprised look, and hurriedly said, "What the **** is this?"

"The eyes of this thing look red."

Speaking of which, Xia Ming's eyes flickered at this moment, just now, he directly released his mental power, and has been paying attention to every move here, until the weird thing comes over , He has been following this thing. However, to Xia Ming's surprise, this thing even has red eyes, and this guy is just like humans, except that the nails are very long and have sharp claws. As for this body, the skin is a bit dry. Whatever it looks, it ’s all weird.

Go, will certainly be considered a monster.

"The red ... is it really a ghost?"

Jiang Taichong's face calmed and he sank.

"Probably not." Mare also said solemnly: "I also noticed just now that the speed of this thing is fast, but it looks like a human form."

"Not a ghost."

Xia Ming also gave a clear answer, and Xia Ming paused. "This thing looks more like a dead body."

"Dead body."

As soon as this statement came out, all of the people present became heavy. The dead body thing is an extremely evil thing, which is regarded as unlucky, not only now, but even before.

"So what do we do?" All of the people present at the time couldn't help asking.


Just before the crowd hesitated, there was a scream suddenly in front of them. Xia Ming and others sank and immediately said, "Let's go and see."

Maret and others leaped into shape and hurried toward the front. This is not far from them in itself, but it is only about twenty miles away. After flying for a few minutes, they came to these two places. Ten miles away, at this moment, they saw a group of girls.

These girls are all wearing Taoist clothes, but the clothes are very beautiful, pink and white, and after wearing them, they are quite pure. At this moment, they are staring intently.

Because in front of it, it is a dead body!


A few girls all couldn't help screaming, which made all of them look slightly different. There are about ten of these girls, and the cultivation of these girls is not weak. High-strength, even reached the spiritual realm.

The headed girl, named Shen Bing, was also the leader of Ziyueguan this time.

The girl named Shen Bing had a blue complexion, and looked angrily at this scene. This had not yet reached her destination. They lost a disciple of Ziyueguan, which made them not angry.

"Hmm ..."

With the arrival of Xia Ming and others, the girls also looked at Xia Ming and others. After Shen Bing noticed Mare and others, they also relaxed their vigilance.

"It was sister Shen Bing." At this time Mare said: "Sister Shen Bing, but what happened?"

"A disciple under my door is dead."

Shen Bing looked at Mare and pointed to the dead body not far away. At this time, Xia Ming was slightly confused, and some did not understand why Mare would call Shen Bing as a sister, but Xia Ming didn't think too much, but Looked at it.


Xia Ming couldn't help but walk two steps towards the dead body. A young girl stopped Xia Ming's way at once, and immediately said, "Sister Shi's body, please don't come near." Xia Ming looked surprised to stop him first. Xia Ming was slightly surprised at this young girl. The girl was dressed in pink with a white robe, her hair was like Yinchuan, she was loose, her head was wearing some small decorations, and her skin was like snow, like a beautiful jade. Smooth and

It is as delicate as milk, and even a faint scent of virginity is transmitted on this body. It is astounding that I can't help but feel a little bit agitated.

"Ziyan, don't be rude."

Seeing this, Shen Bing hurriedly scolded.

"Sister." Lin Ziyan heard it, and said anxiously for a moment.

Xia Ming shook his head and said, "Anyway, I just want to see what the ghost is."

Lin Ziyan glanced at Xia Ming and let Xia Ming go, but when Lin Ziyan looked at Xia Ming, she had a bit of disgust and coldness.

Xia Ming walked to the side of the corpse gently, looked at the neck of the corpse, and sure enough, there was a tooth mark on the neck, Xia Ming's complexion became heavy.

Obviously, this is the way people look like they sucked up blood, but this blood-sucking thing is what a ghost.

Xia Ming also saw such strange things for the first time.

At the same time, Xia Ming also secretly admired that this ancient continent is really full of wonders, it seems that it is not just these things.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming will become more curious about the world.

"Sister Shen Bing, did you encounter a very fast monster attack?" Mare asked immediately.


Shen Bing's eyes flickered for a moment, and Shen said, "We were all resting and the vigil was watched by Shimei. I never expected that there would be a very fast monster. Shimei was sucked out of blood and died. Are here. "


This made Mare's heart bewildered that it was impossible for the monster to attack them, but he flew here quickly and attacked Shen Bing. This monster is likely to be the monster who just attacked them.

Xia Ming said at this time: "Today we are not going to leave for the time being, you are all here to rest." Xia Ming's words made the people present a slight stun, at this time, even Shen Bing looked at Xia in surprise Bright.

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