The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2240: Corpse

"Right!" At this time Mare smiled and said, "Sister Shen Bing, this is my younger brother, Xia Ming, and the rest are also my younger brother."

Mare hurriedly introduced a few people, and Mare said: "We might as well listen to Brother Xia Ming's suggestion first, take a break here, and wait until early tomorrow morning, let's start."

Shen Bing heard this, then suddenly realized, and said, "Okay, so, let's take a break first."

Such statements were approved by the people present. At this time, Xia Ming and Xia Ming found a big tree and sat here silently with their knees crossed.

Xia Ming closed his eyes, but his mental strength was open, and he was always paying attention to every move here. He didn't dare to have the slightest intention. The feelings of those things just to him were too frightening.

Xia Ming noticed every move around him. As the night gradually deepened, the entire Ghost King Mountain became silent. However, this quiet atmosphere was somewhat wrong.

Xia Ming opened his eyes suddenly, staring sharply forward, a dark shadow, fleeting, that speed is also quite fast, even if Xia Ming, if you do not observe carefully, it is almost even skipped .


Xia Ming snorted coldly, and his body moved quietly to follow up. Obviously, because of his existence, he didn't dare to attack the people around him, so he quickly left here. It seems that he wanted to To shift the target.

However, Xia Ming didn't plan to give up this thing. His body moved and he followed up. Xia Ming stepped on the rails. This speed is also quite fast. Now he also transforms all vitality into aura. This This has increased his strength even more.

Xia Ming followed the shadow tightly behind him, and the speed was not much worse than this shadow!

Xia Ming chased for ten minutes, and the two ran out hundreds of miles, showing how horrible Xia Ming's full speed at this speed broke out.


This dark shadow suddenly turned a bend in front, and it stopped like a lightning. This figure was wearing a black cape and a hat, and it was almost difficult for people to find his face!

But under these black hats are a pair of scarlet eyes. After the scarlet eyes are fascinating, they are trembling a little.

Xia Ming fell behind this figure, Xia Ming said lightly, "What the **** are you?"

Even Xia Ming was a little surprised by this guy's hiding method, because even his mental strength can't seem to know exactly where this guy is.


This shadow didn't answer Xia Ming, but the soles of his feet slammed into the ground, his body suddenly rushed out. This speed was simply staggering. Obviously, the shadow wanted to kill Xia Ming directly.


Xia Ming saw Heiying being so ignorant of the current affairs, and he snorted slowly. He slowly raised his right hand. When the shadow attacked quickly, Xia Ming suddenly took the palm of his hand, and a large hand formed suddenly, then Suddenly snapped at this dark shadow.


The two met together fiercely, and terrible power burst out in this ghost king mountain, and terrible power broke out. The waves of energy seemed to shake the world.

"Hmm ..."

Below this, a dark shadow flew upside down. On the ground, a scratch was left, and the big tree behind was also broken by this shadow.

"call out."

As if the shadow was not injured, he rushed towards Xia Ming again. The speed didn't seem to be hindered. Even Xia Ming was a little surprised.

"what happened?"

His palm is extremely powerful, and it is still aura. This palm is Mare, and it is definitely not so bearable, but this dark shadow is so blocked, and it looks like it is not like Like the injury, even Xia Ming was a little surprised.

"It's really weird."

Xia Ming groaned a little. When the dark shadow came towards him quickly, a sword appeared in Xia Ming's hand. When the sword appeared, Xia Ming gave a cold cry.


Xia Ming controlled the power and froze the 500-meter circle instantaneously, even this dark shadow was no exception, because Xia Ming's existence caused the body to be hindered, and this speed became much slower.


Xia Ming gave a swift slap, and quickly waved the four swords. These four swords were extremely severe and overbearing, and the four swords passed with a daunting glance over the black shadow.

"Brush ..."

The limbs of this black shadow were cut off by Xia Ming's sword, and the black shadow slammed on the ground severely. At this time, Xia Ming also slowly fell beside the figure, and Xia Ming held a long sword. Looking at the dark shadow coldly! It's just that the black shadow was blocked by clothes. Xia Ming used the sword to directly pick up the black shadow. Xia Ming was surprised to see that the blood flowing from this black shadow turned out to be dark green. Such a scene, even if it was Xia Ming is slightly surprised. In theory, human blood is bright red.

What a ghost is this green one. After Xia Ming saw the black shadow's appearance clearly, Xia Ming's complexion became extremely dignified. This was a monster without hair, and a weird pattern was engraved on his head. Look at the monster's eyes. , But it's crimson, extreme bloodthirsty, but this weird looks

Look at that.

The outline of the face looks human, but this face is a bit grayish green and looks very strange. At this moment, the monster is staring at Xia Ming with a grin, and it looks like Xia Ming will be killed!

Xia Ming looked at the monster in front of him coldly, and said coldly, "What the **** are you? If you don't answer, I will kill you."

This monster seemed to have not heard Xia Ming's words, and showed fierce eyes at Xia Ming, wishing to kill Xia Ming.

Xia Ming frowned, staring coldly at the monster in front of him. The next moment, Zhu Er flew out of this ring of ring, and Zhu Er flapped his wings and said, "Boss, don't ask, this monster, basically He won't speak. "

"Can't speak?"

Xia Ming froze slightly and asked with a little surprise: "What's going on?"

"What's going on, I don't know." Zhu Er shook his head slightly. "But boss, look at this monster, it should not be your own intention, it should be controlled by others."


Xia Ming heard that his face was dull. If it was controlled by others, wouldn't it mean that this guy has been paying attention to the actions of others and others, and someone has to deal with them specifically. "But who the **** is this?"

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