The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2241: arrival

Xia Ming looked at the monster in front of him coldly, groaned a little, and waved a sword. Under this sword, the monster was split directly into two halves. Looking into the distance.

at the same time!

In this other place, there is a figure sitting on a big tree. This figure is dressed in a black shirt, and he also wears a black hat. The hat wrapped the figure strictly, others. Can't see the figure clearly.

Suddenly, the dark shadow opened his eyes suddenly, and in the look, there was a dash of shock, and the figure murmured: "Someone died."

"It's really interesting."

This dark shadow grinned, showing a slight smile, but there was a hint of killing in the smile: "It's really interesting."

Hei Ying stood up, and when he moved, he turned into a streamer and disappeared into place.


Where Xia Ming was, Xia Ming took his gaze from the distance and said, "Let's go."


At this time, Zhu Erji hesitated a little and said, "There is a secret that I don't know when to speak or not."

"What secret?"

Xia Ming looked at Zhu Er in doubt, and asked curiously.

"Boss, I saw your Tianyuan Shenbing, it seems to be an incomplete soldier. Once, I know that in this ancient continent, there are fragments of Tianyuan Shenbing. I don't know if I can repair your Tianyuan Shenbing. "Zi Er casually said.


Xia Ming heard that he immediately looked at Zhu Er and asked with a little excitement: "Do you know the fragments of Tianyuan Shenbing? Where is it?"

"Boss, you have to enter the real ancient continent." Zhu Er could not help but said, "Even if it is said to you, it doesn't make much sense. You might as well find a way to enter the interior of the ancient continent, there is only one Where genius is born. "


Xia Ming heard the words, took a deep breath, his eyes flickered a bit: "It seems that we can only wait for the advent of a hundred wars."

Thinking of this, can't help but feel a little moved.

However, thinking of Xia Linlang, Xia Ming still felt a kind of pressure. Xia Linlang was very strong. If he met this guy, even he would not dare to say that he could escape in this guy's hands.

"Let's go back now. It would be bad if they found something." Xia Ming's body moved away, and so on, and Pig II turned into a light and entered Xia Ming's ring.

When Xia Ming returned to the place where they rested, Xia Ming had just leaned on the big tree. At this time, a figure came from the side. This figure was a white crane.

Bai He whispered, "Master, are you out?"

Xia Ming was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Bai He to wake up suddenly at this time, and nodded, "Well, I just went out."

"But what did you notice?" Bai Hening whispered.

"There was a little discovery." Xia Ming nodded solemnly, and then he told Bai He about the situation he found. After speaking, Bai He's complexion became a little dignified.

"Don't talk about this first, so as not to cause panic." After Xia Ming finished, Bai He directly reminded.

"I know."

Xia Ming also did not intend to speak out. Although the monster was too weird, if he said it, it would inevitably cause some panic. This is not a good thing for them.

"Okay, hurry up and rest, you can reach the place where the Yuanshi ore veins are located tomorrow. Be careful tomorrow, you offend the Daxia Dynasty, and they will embarrass you," Baihe whispered.


Xia Ming's eyes flickered for a while.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming sneered in his heart. If he dared to embarrass him, let him go. He was really not afraid that these people would make him difficult. The night passed quietly, and the night was still peaceful, and nothing too strange happened. Although the people present were resting, they were always on the alert, and if something came close, they would Realized for a while, but fortunately nothing happened

Big event.

In the early morning of the second day, a group of people went to the place where this Yuanshi vein was lofty.

The group walked for a morning, and it was worthy to reach the place where the Yuanshi mine veins were located. This is also the depth of Guiwang Mountain, the most dangerous place in Guiwang Mountain.

As soon as it entered this place, there was a cloudy wind, which made many people snoring.

"It's too evil here, and the wind is blowing, as if something is looking at me." Jiang Taichong looked intently, looked around and couldn't help saying.

"Yeah, it's weird here." Even Ziyan of Ziyueguan couldn't help but agree.

"Brother is not far from where the Yuanshi veins are located." Shen Bing paused. "What are your plans?"

"Let's go up first, there should have been a lot of people there, haven't they?"

"That being the case, let's go up together."

Shen Bing nodded slightly, but did not refuse, the party made a decision, they rushed towards it, and soon the party came to this destination.

With the arrival of the crowd, at this time, they found that there were already two groups of men and women waiting here, this seems to be the man of the Tianjian School and the man of the Turing Sect.

Xia Ming noticed that the two teams were calm.

There are some grudges between him and the Earth Spirit Sect!

With the arrival of Xia Ming, the two teams also directly discovered Xia Ming and others. The person headed by Tu Lingzong was named Zhou Tai. Zhou Tai looked coldly at Xuan Xinzong and looked indifferently. A glance.

"Who is my Tao? It turned out to be Xuanxinzong Mare." At this time, Chen Xuanzong of the Tianjian School laughed and said, "It's really time for you to come."

Mare gave a slight glance at Chen Xuanzong. Don't look at them on the surface and be kind, but secretly, they are more competitive.

And martial arts are a kind of competitive relationship. Mare quietly glanced around them. At this moment, there are many people here. However, in front of it, there is a hole, and there is a strong vitality flowing out of it, such a strong vitality. , Even though they are extremely rare, such a scene is what makes Mare

One surprised.

"Brother, there's so much energy in it."

Wang Fan pointed to the cave, exclaimed, said. Not only did Wang Fan find it, even Xia Ming was secretly surprised. The vitality in it would be so strong. If he had been before, even he would be tempted. Nowadays, for this yuan stone vein, But he was not so tempted, because what he cultivated was aura.

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