The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2255: lottery

Bai Taiyuan seems to know his son's temperament very much, and said indifferently: "If you make friends in the future, be careful, at least you must figure out his identity and origin, whether it is evil to you."

"Yes, Dad." Bai Yunfei nodded.

"But your friend is not simple. When you communicate with him, you must be careful." Daytime Yuan said calmly.

"Okay!" Bai Yunfei was a little puzzled. What's not so easy for Xia Ming? Is it bad for him?

But doubts returned to doubts, Bai Yunfei nodded and said yes.

"During this time, you must not run around!" Bai Taiyuan instructed.

"Dad, why is this?" Bai Yunfei asked for a moment, a curious moment.

"Prince recently, I made some arrangements and wanted to introduce a boy named Xia Ming into Wangdu and beheaded him! So you better not go out during this time," Bai Taiyuan explained. "What? The prince is going to kill someone?" Bai Yunfei shook a bit, and Xia Linlang was a very famous presence throughout the Great Xia Dynasty. This person was very talented. Bai Yunfei didn't turn around. Xia Linlang Would waste so much effort to kill Xia Ming, what the **** is going on


"Dad, what's going on? Why did the prince kill Xia Ming? Now the prince's strength has reached Ning Dan, right?" Bai Yunfei couldn't help asking.

"Huh!" Bai Taiyuan said indifferently, "Three princes of the Daxia Dynasty fell on the young man's hands. Now the emperor is furious and wants Xia Linlang to kill this son."


Bai Yunfei was taken aback. Prince Sanming fell on Xia Ming's hand. Is this guy crazy? Don't you know that beheading the prince is tantamount to a slap in the face of the royal family. This is simply death.

"Where is this person from? You are so bold?" Bai Yunfei couldn't help asking.

"This person is the person of Xuan Xinzong." Yuan Yuan calmly said: "Xuan Xinzong is also a millennial, after all, cannot be underestimated."


Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "No wonder the Wang Duzhong was heavily guarded during this time. It turned out to be this way."

Bai Yunfei also knew more or less about Xia Linlang's things. There was nothing to hide about this, and many people in the DPRK knew about it.

It's just that Bai Yunfei didn't know that Xia Linlang was actually introducing Xia Ming into the set.

"Dad, I'll be careful." Bai Yunfei nodded slightly.


at the same time!

In a separate courtyard of this Bai family, at this moment, Xia Ming sat cross-legged on this bed, and the whole person's mind was immersed in the system!

"System, bring me the draw page." Xia Ming couldn't help but say.

"Didi, the host is drawing a lottery."

The system's cold sound sounded in Xia Ming's mind. I saw a big turntable in front of Xia Ming's eyes. The big turntable was the same as before. It didn't seem to have changed much. In those four areas, Xia Ming looked at the big turntable and was very excited.

Xia Ming hesitated slightly, and then suddenly said, "System, take me to the mall first to see what is good today."

"Didi, the host is entering the mall system."

As the sound of the system fell, Xia Ming's eyes changed into the mall system, and Xia Ming's eyes kept turning.

This was in front of Xia Ming, but there were objects. When Xia Ming saw this object, his eyes almost couldn't help falling.

"Spirit Dan, an elixir can pass through the sky without any side effects, the honor point needed is 100 million."

When Xia Ming saw this number, his eyelids couldn't help but beating for a while, 100 million, which was too expensive, but the value of the **** Dan was what made Xia Ming a little emotional.

The efficacy of Shen Ling Dan is unimaginable. According to the description, once this elixir is swallowed, it can even get him directly above the realm of Shenfu. This elixir is simply **** elixir.

The only thing that hurts is that now he doesn't have so many honor points at all, it can't be exchanged at all, that is to say, it can only be used if it can't be used.

Xia Ming put this gaze on other items, other items are also quite precious, but unfortunately, for him, it is not very useful for the time being.


At that moment, Xia Ming suddenly found a problem, that is, at the end, it was quite cheap to have an item, which surprised Xia Ming a little!

"This is, Shen Lei?" Xia Ming glanced at this thing in confusion, puzzled. The value of Shen Lei is about 10,000 honor points, which is extremely cheap, but a tenth of a fold is seen above. , This touched Xia Ming slightly.

"I didn't expect the mall to be discounted?"

Xia Ming was a little surprised.

"It is natural that there is a discount in the mall products of this system, but the host does not pay attention to it, but the discount is not fixed." The faint voice of the system appeared in Xia Ming's mind, explaining.

"So it is."

Xia Ming was ecstatic for a while, but did not expect to encounter a discount of 0.1, which is basically equivalent to giving away.

Xia Ming was heartbroken. According to Shen Lei's instructions, this thing can summon a Shen Lei, which can defend the enemy, but this thing can only be used once, which means that this thing is a disposable consumable.

Xia Ming immediately said: "The system immediately redeemed me forty pieces of this stuff."

"Are you sure the host wants to exchange?" Xia Ming's voice echoed in Xia Ming's mind. At this moment, Xia Ming was full of excitement and said immediately: "Exchange, of course."

"Didi, the host exchanged forty Shenlei, deducting 400,000 honor points from the host."


Xia Ming saw that his honor point was less than 400,000 in an instant, which made Xia Ming feel a pain in the egg, but thinking of this **** thunder made Xia Ming extremely excited.

He doesn't know how powerful the Thunder is.

"Because there are so many thunder mines, the host can't extract them. This system has sent the thunder mines to the host's ring, and the host can extract them at any time." The voice of the system came again.

Xia Ming didn't mind it. He hurriedly communicated the Qiankun ring, and then his heart moved, and a **** thunder appeared in Xia Ming's palm.

Xia Ming carefully observed this **** thunder, this **** thunder is a ball-like thing, the ball is not very large, but in this ball, there is a constant rumbling voice, Xia Ming slightly Somewhat surprised, even more, Xia Ming still noticed lightning on the surface. The black ball looks nothing, but Xia Ming knows that the small black ball contains a powerful force of destruction. As long as he throws Hei Qiu, thinking of who it is, he will lead Come to a **** thunder and split it directly!

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