The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2256: Raffle (2)

"good stuff."

Xia Ming couldn't help but admire, although this **** thunder is a one-time weapon, the power contained in this thing is too great, it is almost equivalent to a grenade on the earth.

However, Xia Ming also felt a little distressed. After a while, the effort had turned into 300,000 honor points. He had just earned the honor points and spent half of it.

"It seems that we must return to the martial arts as soon as possible, and get the remaining two lists first." Xia Ming couldn't help thinking about it. He also had a task, which was to get the top four list. Now his strength It can only be said that it is strange, even he can't tell what the realm is.

However, the master of killing and turning to the spirit realm is no longer talking, so the number one problem in this place list is not big. As for the sky list, Xia Ming dare not say that he can win.

"Let's continue to draw."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming shook his head slightly and said, "The system brought me the lucky draw page."

"Didi, the picture is changing."

With the fall of the system's voice, Xia Ming's spirit was stunned for a while, but it was a big turntable that caught his eyes. Xia Ming looked at the big turntable.

Xia Mingdao: "The draw."

"Didi, the host is drawing a lottery, may I ask the host, are you sure?"


"Didi, the host draws."

The sound of the system opened up, but it came to the eyes of four areas, which were attribute category, consumption category, skill category and special category.

Xia Ming saw the pointer on the turntable spin up quickly, and the speed was quite fast. After a while, Xia Ming felt dazzled for a while, and even couldn't keep up with the speed of the pointer.

This speed only lasted for a little while. The pointer became slow because of lack of stamina. Xia Ming stared at the pointer and stared at special items.

The whole heart was mentioned in his throat. Xia Ming clasped his hands tightly, his eyes rounded and said, "Special, special."

The pointer passed slowly from this attribute class, but when it came to the consumption class, Xia Ming found that the pointer had no more stamina. Eventually, the pointer fell on the consumption class, which made Xia Ming's eyes stare: "I Rub it, consume it? "

Xia Ming's face went dark.

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, you can get a teleportation jade, which can instantly transfer 10,000 miles." The sound of the system echoed in Xia Ming's mind, which shocked Xia Ming.

Teleport Jade Rune and instantly transfer 10,000 miles.

Even Xia Ming was slightly shocked. The last time I got a teleporting jade charm, it was only one hundred kilometers. I didn't expect that it could be transferred ten thousand miles this time.

However, for this, Xia Ming is afraid to use it randomly. This thing does not know what ghost place will be teleported to you. If you accidentally teleport to a place that should not be teleported, then you are really fucking.

However, it is acceptable to draw such a thing this time.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath and said, "System, continue to draw."

"Didi, the host is in a lottery."

Xia Ming's voice dropped, and the pointer quickly turned, and the speed was quite fast. With the rotation, Xia Ming's eyes were also dazzled.

Xia Ming saw that the pointer quickly passed over attribute classes, consumption classes, skill classes, and special classes. Although it is not the first time to draw a lottery, each draw can arouse Xia Ming's exciting heart. .

"Special category, special category ..."

Xia Ming's eyes stared at the turntable. However, when the pointer on the turntable became slow, Xia Ming found that the pointer slowly moved from the consumption class to the skill class. However, when it reached the skill class, the pointer became slower and slower, as if at any time. Are able to stop in general, this is the only way to see the special class

What a three-step distance.

"Go, take two steps."

At this moment, Xia Ming was anxious to go up and give him two strokes to make him point to the special category. However, after taking a step, the pointer stopped directly, and there were only two steps left. Yeah.

"Your uncle's ..."

Xia Ming's face was not very good-looking. He was only two steps away. As long as he took two more steps, he could get special items, but this system was just like iron heart, he stopped directly, which made How can he be angry?

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, get the skill class, Sanxian body."

"Three Immortals?"

Xia Ming heard that he was directly at the scene and was puzzled. Some did not understand. What kind of skill was this?

"Didi, may the host extract it?" As Xia Ming was contemplating, the voice of the system came again.


"Didi, the host is extracting."


A surge of information melted into Xia Ming's mind instantly. Xia Ming closed her eyes and carefully realized the information coming from her mind. This information shocked Xia Ming slightly. Through this martial art, Xia Ming understood more or less. This martial art is divided into three stages. The first stage, the so-called celestial body, can double its strength instantly when it is used. The second stage is the golden fairy body, which can be increased tenfold, the third

The stage is Xuanxian body, which can be increased a hundred times.

Such martial arts, even Xia Ming, are extremely shocking.

This can be said to be a secret method for improving strength, and you can quickly improve your strength at that time.

It's just that this secret method is too abnormal. Suddenly you can increase your strength by a hundredfold. If a person with a higher cultivation practiced the Three Immortals, wouldn't it be invincible? However, Xia Ming seems to think too much, because the three immortals are still a top-class martial arts. Although martial arts are good, but the promotion is ultimately limited. The more you get to the top, the effect is minimal, but compared to As far as Xia Ming is concerned, the Sanxian body is indeed a rare martial art.

learn. However, this martial art is also flawed. The use of celestial bodies and golden celestial bodies does not have much relationship, and there is more or less power. However, once this mysterious body is out, after a period of time, the whole People become weak because of lack of strength.

If that was the case, it would be a disastrous hazard for Xia Ming.

At that time, it was just an ordinary person who could kill it!

This is the only weakness of Sanxian Body!

Of course, if this is used, the Sanxian body is definitely a weapon of great lethality, which can make the enemy invincible. "Unexpectedly, this lottery draws such a good thing, it is really great." Xia Ming Xia Ming was ecstatic for a while, and Xia Ming was surprised to find that this martial art did not need to use experience to learn , He can use it almost at any time, the only drawback is that

Even he couldn't avoid it.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took a deep breath! "Didi, may I ask the host, continue to draw?"

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