The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2257: whereabouts

"Stop smoking."

With the sound of the system falling, Xia Ming shook his head directly. Today, he only has such a hundred thousand honor points, and it is still useful to keep the critical moments.

Therefore, Xia Ming has no plans to continue to draw.

"Leave the system."

Xia Ming changed his mind, and the whole person returned to this small yard again. Xia Ming took a deep breath and blinked his eyes. With these things, his confidence increased a little bit, but now the main thing is to know Han Qianyi Waiting where someone was being held.

Only then can others have a chance to rescue.

Xia Ming stood up and slowly came to the door before Xia Ming opened the door gently. Then Xia Ming saw a small lake, which was obviously made by the Bai family.

"Brush ..." It was just a moment, Xia Ming noticed that there were several glances across his body, which caused Xia Ming to frown. He is now a master of alchemy and a master of formation, plus he learned Taigu View. Thoughts, his mental strength is always growing, now his mental strength has reached six hundred

With a distance of about meters, you can imagine how fast this progress has been made, I am afraid that the medicine is coming, and it may be shocked.

Because Xia Ming's mental strength is strong, he can clearly feel the surrounding situation, especially those who peeped at him, making Xia Ming's body uncomfortable. Xia Ming's brow froze, but Xia Ming didn't pay attention to these peeping eyes, but came to the pavilion on the lake slowly by himself. Xia Ming sat down slowly, and then Xia Ming waved his hand in this stone. Some food appeared on the table, and these foods were also prepared by Xia Ming on the earth


It ’s just that I have n’t eaten.

Of course, Xia Ming's Qiankun ring also has the role of being insurable, even if it is put in it for 10,000 years, it is no different from the one just out of the pot.

This is the magical use of the Qiankun ring. If the Qiankun ring is known by others, it will definitely cause a **** rain in the ancient continent. At that time, I don't know how many people will die because of this ring.

Xia Ming ate these dishes comfortably, without paying attention to these peeping eyes, his face was bland, as if he really came here to play.

However ... just as Xia Ming was sitting here.

In this hall, there is a middle-aged man and a teenager. The middle-aged man is this Bai Taiyuan, and the teenager is Bai Yunfei.

"Master Qilu, this person hasn't changed anything." The next time he walked out, a man in a battle armor came out, the man said on one knee, respectfully.

"Huh!" Tai Taiyuan frowned, and said, "Let's keep watching."

"Yes, homeowner." The man clenched his fists and left quickly.

"Dad, what are you looking at?" Bai Yunfei frowned, asking casually.

"Dad, aren't you paying attention to Brother Xia?" Bai Yunfei said with dissatisfaction: "Xia Xiong is my friend, how could he do other things, father, you are too much of it ? "


Bai Taiyuan sneered coldly: "What do you know, the rivers and lakes are sinister, and there are many people with ulterior motives, not to mention we are still the Bai family of the Daxia Dynasty. I don't know how many people think of us as thorns in our eyes."

Hearing Yuan Yuan's indifference, Bai Yunfei couldn't help but said, "But after all, this is the guest I invited home, and it's too much of you to monitor it like this, right?"

Bai Yunfei was still a little dissatisfied.

"Well, let's go down first. In this matter, I have my own arbitration." Bai Taiyuan waved his hand and said casually.


Bai Yunfei couldn't help but want to say something, but yelled at Yuan Yuan: "Go down."

"You ..." Bai Yunfei was also a little angry, turned around and left here, and ran quickly towards the Xia Ming Xiaoyuan. After arriving at the Xia Ming campus, Bai Yunfei saw that Xia Ming was sitting here to eat, Bai Yun When the flying figure moved, he came to this pavilion, and Xia Ming also noticed Baiyun

Fei immediately laughed.

"Brother Bai."

"Brother Xia, I'm really sorry." Bai Yunfei couldn't help sighing. "My dad is too big and trivial, so I will send some people to watch you."


Xia Ming shook his head. If he was replaced by him, he would never let a stranger enter Baifu. After all, Baifu was the Baifu of the Great Xia Dynasty. Since he could succeed in Baifu, he would definitely offend many people. If it was Baifu's enemies, it would be worth the trouble.

So Xia Ming didn't care much.

"Ah, it's strange that Wang Du's censorship has been too strict recently." Bai Yunfei also said helplessly.


Xia Ming froze slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei in surprise, and said, "Why is this statement?"

"During this time, the prince caught two masters of Xuan Xinzong, and he didn't know what the prince wanted to do, but he wanted to bring a young man named Xia Ming."

Bai Yunfei said with a slight sigh: "Prince is the most genius prince of the Daxia Dynasty. He even made the emperor seal him as a prince by his own strength, and abolished the rules of standing. , But using such a despicable method is really ... "

Even Bai Yunfei was slightly despised. After all, Xia Linlang was not an ordinary person, but now he threatened each other with others, which made him slightly speechless.

"Oh? I don't know what Xia Ming did?" Xia Ming changed his mind. It was obvious that Bai Yunfei was talking about himself, and he himself changed his name and called it Xia Yueyue.

Therefore, Bai Yunfei did not know his real name.

Xia Ming's questioning method naturally also has the meaning of asking, but now he urgently wants to know the whereabouts of Han Qianyi and the two. "Speaking of, this Xia Ming was really bold and daring to kill three princes of the Great Xia Dynasty. Now the emperor is angry and asks to slay Xia Ming. However, one of the princes also has the son of Ming Fei Even now, even Princess Ming is angry, and even Princess Ming is here.

Waiting for Xia Ming's arrival. Bai Yunfei sighed slightly.

Xia Ming's approach, even he was frightened, this guy is really too bold and bold, even the prince dared to beheaded, isn't he afraid to cause the emperor's anger?

"So it is."

Xia Ming suddenly realized that at the same time, it also made Xia Ming a bit tricky. He played with Ming Fei. At least this guy must be a master of Ning Danjing. There is no chance of facing such a master himself. To add a Charlene, this is indeed a huge trouble.

If you want to escape, I am afraid it is a huge problem. "This is trouble ..."

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