
Xia Ming frowned, then raised his hand, and a token appeared in Xia Ming's hands. The token appeared. Both of them changed their faces slightly and hugged fists: "Master, please come in."

Xia Ming stepped into this prison very easily. As soon as he entered the prison, Xia Ming noticed a strange feeling. It was a stinking and rancid feeling. Obviously, There are many dead people in China, and the environment here is extremely harsh.

Xia Ming stepped forward and walked towards the inside. After seeing Xia Ming, one of the law enforcement officers ran over. This person asked carefully: "Dare to be an adult, what is the reason for coming to the prison?"

Xia Ming said indifferently: "Take me to the place where Han Qianyu and Bai Bingqing are. I want to see these two people."? "Ah?"

The law enforcement officer's face changed and hesitated: "Master, these two are criminals, this ... this ..."

"Huh?" Xia Ming's eyes were cold, and he shot two cold mangs suddenly, screaming, "I am His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness let me come and take a look at the condition of these two people and want to be in You know something in these two mouths, do you dare to disobey His Royal Highness? "


"Dare not dare, dare not dare."

The legal person's face changed greatly. Everyone knew that His Royal Highness was the future emperor. His Royal Highness rebelled against His Royal Highness.

As a small law enforcement officer, he naturally did not dare to fight with His Royal Highness. He immediately said, "Sir, please follow me." Under the leadership of this law enforcement officer, Xia Ming walked quickly and let Xia Ming is more surprised that the people here are relatively quiet, and, looking at the people inside, sitting cross-legged, I do n’t know if they are practicing or doing, but Xia Ming is curious that these people are

There seems to be no vitality or even aura fluctuations, which makes Xia Ming slightly surprised.

You have to know that in heaven, all martial arts masters are detained. Since these people are martial arts masters, it is impossible to have a little vitality and aura. What is going on?

Xia Ming looked at the people here in confusion, and the people here were also watching Xia Ming's every move. Xia Ming walked through the door of their cell, and these people also followed Xia Ming. Passed.

Soon, Xia Ming was led to a relatively concealed gate. At this time, the law enforcement officer said: "Sir, Han Qianyi and Bai Bingqing are inside."

"Open the prison door," Xia Ming said indifferently.

"Yes, sir."

This man hurriedly opened the prison door, and Xia Ming said lightly, "You are watching here, I will go in alone."

"Yes, sir." Xia Ming glanced at the man casually, and then stepped into the prison where Han Qianyu and Bai Bingqing were detained. Xia Ming walked in quickly, but it was two eyes in sight. In the figure, Xia Ming saw that in this prison, there was a large iron ball, and there were four

Iron chain.

The iron cable is very strange, and it will not be made of any material, but it looks very hard, and on this big iron ball, there is a person tied up, this person's hair is a little scattered, and there is some The blood stains looked embarrassed, which changed Xia Ming's face.


Xia Ming quickly came to the figure and couldn't help it.

Han Qianxuan slowly raised his head. At this moment, Han Qianxian's spirit and spirit seemed to have disappeared, and he looked extremely weak. Obviously, he did not suffer less during this time. Han Qianlian was pale, and when he saw Xia Ming's Naa, Han Qianzhen was excited, with some panic in his eyes, and said in a hurry: "Xia Ming, why are you here? Come on, here is the Daxia Dynasty, Xia Linlang is waiting for you to enter the suit, if you don't leave, it will be too late.


Xia Ming was so grateful to see Han Qianyi, and he was also very self-blame in his heart. Xia Ming said in a deep voice: "Dragon, sorry, if it were not for me, you would not be like this today. . "

"Xia Mingdu said something at this time, you go quickly." Han Qianyu said with some excitement.

"I will take you out of here today." Xia Ming suppressed his anger and took a deep breath. "I can't do without it." Han Qianji shook his head and couldn't help but said, "I'm locked by the iron cables here, unless I can cut them away, otherwise I can't escape, but this iron cable is made of special materials. As a result, he can not only suppress people's cultivation, but also prevent people from escaping.


"Suppression of human cultivation?"

It was only for a moment that Xia Ming suddenly realized that it was no wonder that so many people were wearing handcuffs and shackles. It turned out that for this reason, the next moment, Xia Ming's eyes passed a cold mang.

"Dragon head, Bai Bingqing? Where is he?"

"He is in the closet next to him. If he wants to get out of the closet, he has to open the closet." Han Qianyi couldn't help but say.

"So it is."

Xia Ming suddenly realized, "I will help you open these chains now."

Xia Ming's eyes were cold. The next time he saw a black lacquered sword in Xia Ming's hands, this sword didn't look too bright, but on this black lacquered sword, It was flashing a little purple light, Xia Ming's eyes flickered at this moment.

"My sword is not an ordinary sword. It must be able to cut off the iron cables on your body."

Xia Ming didn't make nonsense, and he directly chopped a sword on the iron cable, and clicked, and the iron cable suddenly broke. Xia Ming waved three swords again, and the other iron cables were also cut off. Next time, Han Qianyi It was the forward leaning that almost fell, and Xia Ming hurriedly caught Han Qianyu.

"Faucet, are you okay?" Xia Ming hurried.

"I'm fine." Han Qianyu exulted for a while. He never expected that Xia Ming could really cut off his chains.

"I'm going to save Bai Bingqing now. Don't resist now. I'll take you to a place where you can rest and rest in peace."

Xia Ming's words caused Han Qianji to be confused and a little puzzled, but he also obeyed Xia Ming's words without resistance. The next time, Han Qianji only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and appeared in a place of birds and flowers, which made Han Qianji tolerate Can't stop shaking.

"What is this place?"

Han Qianzhen's eyes were full of shock, and he looked at the scene in shock.

"Faucet, you first rest inside, there is elixir here, you restore your strength first, I will rescue Bai Bing."

Hearing Xia Ming's words, Han Qianxuan nodded, and then Xia Ming walked to the side of this secret room. Xia Ming looked through the window and saw a beautiful shadow.

This Qianying, sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, exquisite faces, sheep-like skin, and the slender waist without any fat, make many people intoxicated. "Bai Bingqing!"

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