The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2265: Be noticed

Seeing this familiar figure, Xia Ming's eyes flickered a bit. Inside it, sitting side by side, it was the Bai Bingqing, which was different from Han Qianying. Bai Bingqing was fine, without any abuse. Xia Ming took a sigh of relief, Xia Ming took a deep breath, anxious


"Bai Bingqing, wake up."

However, what made Xia Ming strange was that Bai Bingqing didn't show any signs of waking up, which made Xia Ming frown: "What's going on? Is there something wrong that she can't hear?"

Xia Ming yelled twice again, but still showed no signs of waking up, which made Xia Ming's face hard to look: "I want to come here is a formation in the cave, this formation is a soundproof array Law, so you ca n’t hear it inside. "

"Oh shit."

Xia Ming could not help cursing, Xia Ming looked at the plate of Bai Bingqing sitting on the ground, and groaned. He immediately radiated his mental energy!

Now his mental strength has reached a distance of about 600 meters, such a terrible distance that even some masters of matrix formation cannot reach.

Xia Ming tried to use spirit to communicate with Bai Bingqing.

At this moment, Bai Bingqing, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.


Xia Ming shook himself and said immediately: "I'm Xia Ming, white girl, I'll save you out."


As soon as Xia Ming said this, Bai Bingqing murmured to himself: "Xia Ming ..."

Thinking of this, Bai Bingqing's face suddenly changed dramatically, and suddenly said: "Xia Ming, hurry up, there are masters here, if you don't leave, you will be too late."

Xia Ming heard and said directly, "No, I have to take you away."

"Hurry up, Xia Ming, the masters here are very powerful. You tell the martial arts and let them come to pick me up, and the people of the Daxia Dynasty did not dare to treat me." Bai Bingqing hurriedly said.

Xia Ming took a deep breath. Xia Ming did not leave Bai Bingqing here. He took a sharp look at this stone gate. Xia Ming's eyes became sharper a bit. This stone gate is not too special. Shimen!


The aura of Xia Ming's body suddenly erupted. The next moment, Xia Ming patted it in the palm of his hand, and a loud bang, this stone gate split in an instant.


When Xia Ming slammed, he reached Bai Bingqing's side, and this speed was also quite fast. When Xia Ming came to Bai Naqing's side, Bai Bingqing looked anxious, and immediately said, "This time it's broken, it must shock the guardian prison Master, Xia Ming, let's go. "

Xia Ming said: "Open your chains first."

"This iron cable is made of special materials. He can seal people's repairs and cannot be opened at all. We leave here first to say." Bai Bingqing hurriedly said.

"Ding ..." As soon as Bai Bingqing's voice fell, Bai Bingqing heard Ding. The iron cable was opened instantly. This scene, viewed by Bai Bingqing, was caught on the spot. Bai Bingqing did not expect that Xia Ming would be so easy. Opened this iron cable, you know, this iron cable can suppress people

If they do n’t, they wo n’t be placed in such a place.

"Don't resist now, I will take you to a place where it is safe." Xia Ming immediately said.


Bai Bingqing was one of them. The next time, Bai Bingqing's body disappeared. When Bai Bingqing appeared again, he had already appeared in another place.

Bai Bingqing looked at the surrounding waters and the scenery here, but couldn't help but feel shocked and said, "This is ... what is this place?"

"Sister Bai, you are here too."

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of Bai Bingqing. This figure was a little embarrassed and there were some injuries on his body. This man was Han Qianzhen.

"Han Qianyi, are you out?" Bai Bingqing immediately said, "How is your injury?"

"The injuries are not a big deal, they are all flesh wounds." Han Qianyi said immediately.

"Yes, what is this place?" Bai Bingqing couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Han Qianji shook his head and said, "This is also what Xia Ming sent me over. He said it was safe here."

"It's safe ..." When Bai Bingqing heard these words, he couldn't help but be silent. What was this place? Even he didn't know, but Xia Ming was able to receive her in such a place, but it was a bit shocking to Bai Bingqing, because it was so incredible, even in the entire Daxia Dynasty

I have encountered such a thing, and I have never encountered anyone who has such ability and can actually send people to such a place.

At the same time, Xia Ming also gave a little sigh of relief outside this time. At this time, as long as Han Qianzhen and Bai Bingqing were rescued.

"Someone, dare to break into the prison and take it for me." In the next moment, countless figures have entered the prison, and the strength of these figures is quite not weak, even if they are all heaven Masters, but these people's grades are not comparable to Xuan Xinzong. In this world, even if one person is pushing the boat down,

You can reach the level of heaven. As for whether you can break through the level of heaven and reach the state of the day after tomorrow, then say two things.

The person headed by this is the leader of these people. This man is wearing a golden armor, holding a long sword, staring sharply at Xia Ming, scolding sharply.


Xia Ming sneered and said indifferently: "The Da Xia Dynasty really has a great ability and told Xia Linlang that today's account will be counted in the future." At the next moment, Xia Ming's figure jumped up, a In the breath, it appeared among these people. The long sword waving in Xia Ming's hands turned into a sharp sword. These figures could not hold even a breath. They were beheaded and killed by Xia Ming on the spot. For these people, Xia Ming didn't

Any stay, his body quickly ran towards the outside of the prison.

This speed is also quite fast.

Xia Ming knew that if he continued to stay here, there would be no life, and he must leave here as soon as possible.

"Want to leave."

This commander didn't want to let Xia Ming leave here so easily, the vitality in his body suddenly broke out, and a sword was split towards Xia Ming.

This leader is also a master of the innate realm, and has great strength.


Xia Ming sneered, and the sword in his hand was cut out. This leader saw that Xia Ming even hit him hard, and sneered: "I can't help it."

The next time, the leader was directly at the scene. The leader saw that his sword was easily split, just like a piece of paper. Before the leader responded, Xia Ming directly The leader split in half. The commander never dreamed that it would turn into this, what kind of sword is it, and why is it so overbearing.

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