The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2291: Shen Wudi (2)

Xia Ming's words immediately caught Shen Wudi's attention. Shen Wudi's eyes suddenly looked down. These eyes, like eagles, were so sharp, Xia Ming's heart was also suddenly tight, staring at Shen Wudi seriously.


Shen Wudi thought for a moment. He thought it was the second on the list. He didn't expect to be a person he hadn't seen before, which made Shen Wudi slightly surprised, and there was a little doubt in the difference.

Because from his impression, it seems that the boy has never been seen before. Where did this come from?

"Yes, please enlighten Brother Invincible!" Xia Ming clenched his fists and said with a smile.

Shen Wudi took a deep look at Xia Ming, groaned slightly, and said quietly, "Do you really want to challenge me?"

Indeed, for such a long time, his first position is unshakable, but every person who challenges him is a tragic defeat. He told these people with strength that his position cannot be shaken


Xia Ming's two words exited, and a moment of overwhelming momentum came on the face. This terrible momentum, I am afraid that the master who turned to the spiritual realm encountered it. An unbeatable breath, that breath is terrifying.

"Yes." Shen Wudi smiled and looked at Xia Ming. Although the two said the same thing, they meant different expressions. Especially when Xia Ming was facing his momentum, Xia Ming was not afraid, even There was no trace of fear, which surprised him a bit. If Xia Ming was in his momentum

He retreated, so he will not continue this battle today. One person retreats under the momentum of another person. This already represents the defeat of the person, and he is still completely defeated.

Such a person will almost always leave a shadow in his heart. Therefore, the achievements of such people will stop there. It is difficult to do much. Maybe never want to surpass him in this life.

Shen Wudi retracted his somewhat contemptuous gaze, and looked eagerly at Xia Ming, whispering: "Since so, I will give you this opportunity."

Speaking of which, Shen Wudi ’s severe forest cold light is like Mars. He has no nonsense. At this point, the meaning of nonsense is no longer.

Shen Wudi blasted out with a punch, and the majestic aura was like a surging wave, sweeping away towards Xia Ming.

"Boom!" An equally powerful aura was also sweeping out of Xia Ming's body. Xia Ming's aura also carried a bit of burning and cold air, even in the face of such offensives as Shen Wudi. Not afraid, but also punched out fiercely, two amazing breaths burst into the sky

collision. The huge sound was rippling from the sky, and the terrible aura impact spread. In this sky, there was a harsh sound boom, and along with it, a hurricane swept through the sky. The terrible hurricane that formed from the confrontation with Shen Wudi seemed to be

Tear the earth apart.

The disciples of Xuan Xinzong all around were all eagerly looking at this scene.

"It's finally shot."

No. 1 in the day vs. No. 1 in the list!

Who is stronger? If according to the previous logic, then there is no doubt that the top of the list is absolutely the first to kill and kill, but the current situation is somewhat different, because Xia Ming's combat power can not be judged by ordinary.

In addition, Xia Ming's vitality is transformed into aura. It can be said that Xia Ming is a master of the spiritual realm. It is true that it is unclear who wins or loses.

The two huge forces burst away, and the terrible shock wave rushed Xia Ming and Shen Wudi ’s bodies away instantly. Xia Ming and Shen Wudi both took a step back.


Xia Ming's mind was stunned. He has been able to abuse this master who turned to the realm with his own aura advantage, but now it seems that his aura advantage has disappeared. Because Shen Wudi is also a master who has transformed all his vitality into aura. Although Shen Wudi has not yet been promoted to Juling Realm, it is because Shen Wudi does not want to be promoted to become a master of Juling Realm. During this time, he was suppressing his power Obviously, if you want to accumulate thin hair, suddenly

Break a higher realm.

However, now Shen Wudi is enough to be comparable to the master of the spiritual realm, because she also has aura. This time, Xia Ming also finally knew some gaps, that is, the gap of the aura of the aura. Now he has only turned to the aura of the aura, and he is a grade away from the aura of the aura. As if the turbulent river is endless, and the aura in his body is much less than Shen Invincible, he can only be described by a stream. In the same realm, it can be said to be invincible existence. At this level of master, I am afraid that it will take some hard work, even if his aura quality is better, he obviously cannot occupy it.

Have the upper hand.

The two strikes attracted the attention of Xuan Xinzong's disciples. Numerous people watched this scene nervously, especially Xia Ming and Shen Wudi's strike ignited the whole scene.

"Is this Xia Ming? How can he block Shen Wudi's blow?" Someone exclaimed.

"It's terrible. Where is this young man who suddenly popped out, how could he have such terrible strength, and how did he do it?" The people present couldn't help asking.

"What's the joke? Do you have a trick with Shen Wu enemy and don't fall into the wind? Isn't this guy unable to gather together?"

Not only these disciples, but even Luo Xiaoxiao and Bai He, couldn't help but take a breath. Xia Ming really brought more and more shock to them.

"This guy is really terrible, Haotian, they are not injustice to lose." Luo Xiaoxiao's face became extremely dignified at this moment.

"Yeah ... I knew that this guy was not weak. I didn't expect to reach the point where he could fight against Shen Wudi. It seems that this battle is also quite colorful." Baihe chuckled aside. "Your strength is good, and it is in line with your lips." Shen Wudi grinned, although it was only a blow, but this blow was only a tentative test. He could feel it, and Xia Ming's vitality had already turned it Transformed into Reiki, but the Reiki in Xia Ming's body is not as good as his male

Thick, really want to fight, Xia Ming may not be his opponent. However, Shen Wudi would not underestimate Xia Ming, because some people in the world always hide some cards, and Xiao's opponent's end is a fierce defeat.

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