The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2292: Fierce battle Shen Shen

"Hehe, you are also very strong." Xia Ming's eyes were slightly drooping. Immediately, the surface of his skin actually began to have layers of Jin Mang condensation, which was covered with a layer of Jin Mang. Xia Ming's defense strength was also improved. Doubled, this is Qinglong Jinshenjue, who has long been trained by Xia Ming

In Dacheng, the energy of fighting against this body is not just talking.


A deep sound boom rang through Xia Ming's body, a horrible force, like a river, flowing endlessly, and then Xia Ming slowly stretched out his palm with a sudden grip and a click, which made it far away. Everywhere Shen Wudi was slightly surprised.

"Refining martial arts." Shen Wudi saw the Xia Ming and other changes, his eyes were also slightly condensed, because people rarely practice the martial arts training, the practice method of the martial arts training is too cruel, many people Ca n’t bear it, so many people ’s physical strength is weak, which is why the human race

Reasons that cannot be compared with those monsters.

However, Xia Ming used this Qinglong Jinshenjue, its breath is obviously more powerful than before, and its danger is a bit dangerous.

"Boom!" Xia Ming, enveloped by Jin Mang, stepped out suddenly, and his appearance appeared ghostly over Shen Wudi. The fist carrying the terrible power directly shrouded Shen Wudi without mercy. Facing Shen Wudi is a fist that blasted the past fiercely, that terrible power was present

People are feeling palpitations.

"Will you fight with me physically? I like it."

Shen Wudi grinned. There was nothing stronger than the physical body. In order to exercise the physical body, he ran under the thunder himself and was baptized by the thunder. This made him the physical body he was today. Pain is not for everyone.

In addition, he had died several times under the baptism of Thunder. This kind of madness is estimated to be played only by Shen Wuji.

When others see Thunder, it is estimated that they will turn around and run. Thunder is a taboo for almost all practitioners, because to a certain extent, they need to experience thunder robbery. It is conceivable how terrible this is.

Shen Wudi also blasted out with a punch. This punch was used to the extreme. He raised his hand and pitched his feet, all with the power to move the mountains and reclaim the sea.


The two fists slammed into each other, and the terrible force rippled and turned into waves of ripples. However, the two just touched each other and then collided again. In this air, there was a constant bang. The resounding of the two, and the two figures, also left a residual image in the air.


However, this battle did not last long. The two collided, and the two figures were suddenly shocked. Then they flew out dozens of feet, and the two stood in the air. Both of them suffered some fists. The attacks all caused them to lose some minor injuries.


The uproar sounded sharply at this moment. People in the heavens and the earth looked at the two figures in front of them. They were so incredible. It never occurred to them that the two were evenly matched. Xia Ming stabilized his body and stared at Shen Wudi in front of his eyes. He did not expect that Shen Wudi ’s physical strength was so strong. This guy ’s body was like steel, even if he urged the Qinglong gold body The trick is that they can't help each other, it is really a good

Afraid opponent.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and rubbed his fist. Shen Wudi was indeed Shen Wudi. It really was the top of the list, but it was really not difficult.

"Your physical body is very good. There are not many people who have tried hard to cultivate the physical body these years." Shen Wudi glanced at Xia Ming with a smile and said with a smile.

"Your physical strength is also very strong. It seems that you have also cultivated a physical method." Xia Ming glanced at Shen Wudi and said a moment later.

"Ha ha!" Shen Wudi shook his head slightly and said, "I'm just special."

"However, although your physical body is strong, I am afraid that it will not be enough to hit me. Next, I will take your opponent seriously and hope you can survive it."

Speaking of which, Shen Wudi's eyes gradually became more serious. Obviously, now he has paid full attention to Xia Minglai.

"Thank you so much." Xia Ming was not afraid. If Ruo Shen was invincible to let him win the game because of water release, this was not what he wanted to see.

Only defeating the most invincible Shen Wudi is what he wants most, and he also wants to see how big a gap exists between himself and Shen Wudi.

Shen Wudi heard the words and nodded slightly. Under these countless eyes, the monstrous aura behind Shen Wudi rioted at any time. It seemed as if there was a sound of explosion blasting through the world.

Under this voice, the aura between heaven and earth was violent at this moment, and Xia Ming's complexion became a little dignified. Obviously, this Shen Wudi was going to really shoot.

"Shen Wudi, is this going to use Tianleiju?"

Not far away, some informed people saw this scene and narrowed their eyes. Obviously, they were all able to perceive the strength of Shen Wudi's martial arts.

Tian Lei Jue is a powerful martial art cultivated by Shen Wudi. This martial art can evolve various attack methods. It can be said that it is invincible. Tian Lei Jue is not learned by Xuan Xinzong, it is Shen Wudi. When you go out for a trial, explore a technique that your predecessor Dongfu gained.

This martial art seems to be created for Shen Wudi by nature, because training Tian Lei Ju requires a strong physical body, and Shen Wudi just meets this requirement. Therefore, Shen Wudi practicing this martial art will be like a fish.

Xia Ming was able to persuade Shen Wudi to use this martial arts, and it was enough to be proud.

"At this moment, if Xia Ming doesn't have some real skills, I'm afraid it's dangerous." Some masters who turned to the spiritual realm squinted and said with a smile. "Yeah, for so many years, Shen Wudi has been able to occupy the top of the list, but it is not blown out, but it is played out. Now Shen Wudi has converted all the vitality into aura. I'm afraid it won't be long before, Can break through and be promoted to a master of spiritual gathering, if

If Xia Ming came to challenge the list again at that time, he would really be picked by him if he could not get the top spot in the list. Unfortunately, Xia Ming was more anxious. "Some people said with a little pity. Xia Ming's strength, they also have some analysis, and turned all the vitality into aura, but this richness is not as invincible. If Xia Ming really challenges the second place, If not, it's really possible for Xia Ming to take off this name!

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