The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2530: Feeling

Within the hall!

Time is passing by a little, and in front of these 36 stone pillars, there is always a young figure sitting. This young figure sits in front of the stone pillars, eyes closed, like the roots of an old tree. not moving at all.

This hall is also quiet enough that no one is here!

But Xia Ming's mind was passing through ancient pictures!

Within each stone pillar, there is a picture. The picture is different. The thirty-six stone pillars are actually thirty-six pictures. In this picture, Xia Ming can be distinguished faintly. There is a middle-aged figure. His body is filled with majestic power. This power is a shock to the heavens. Even in this majestic power, he also brings With one intention, if you punch

Is the meaning of fist, if it is a palm, it is a palm.

Each meaning was violent enough to shatter the world, as if his random movements could make a big earthquake.

At this moment, Xia Ming was realizing the last stone pillar. Xia Ming saw that the long sword in the middle-aged man's hand was slightly tilted to present an angle with the ground. Then Xia Ming saw that the old man slowly raised it. Right hand, a sword waved.

"Oh!" This sword seems bland, but when a sword is waved, it is like a tiger coming out of the cage, and the space is chopped in an instant, an indescribable and terrible sword meaning, like a rampant flood The beast, tearing away, seems to want this piece of heaven

A tear in the mouth was trembling.

"Oh!" Suddenly, in front of the middle-aged man, countless people died instantly. Whether beasts or humans, all were under this sword and destroyed instantly, even the mountains. It is under this sword that is inexplicable

The cut was broken into two paragraphs.

Xia Ming suddenly felt that the true meaning of the thirty-six is ​​not as simple as imagined. I am afraid it is not just martial arts!

"Thirty-six truths can be obtained by those who have fate, so you can comprehend the true meanings of the thirty-six truths within a limited range. You can see that the talent is excellent. Congratulations, you have passed the first pass.

After Xia Ming saw these images, a sound also pulled Xia Ming into reality, then Xia Ming suddenly opened his eyes and looked around this space.

"Is someone talking to me just now?"

Xia Ming frowned and recalled the sentence just now. Although he didn't know where the sentence came from, Xia Ming was still confused about this sentence.

"Click ..."

However, at this time, Xia Ming suddenly saw that the whole hall began to tremble slightly. Xia Ming saw that the stone pillar began to fall off, and the imprint on it was gradually wiped out.

An indescribable force wafted, and Xia Ming's heart was born.

After a while, the stone pillar was completely peeled off, leaving only the smooth stone pillar, and there was no previous mark, and the mark seemed to disappear.

Xia Ming frowned, and murmured, "What's going on? Why can't I remember anything?"

Xia Ming felt that he really couldn't remember the true meaning of his own feeling, which made him feel extremely confused. How could things look like this?

This strange feeling puzzled Xia Ming.

He knew that he had been sitting here for a long time and realized the true meaning of it for a long time, but this true meaning seemed to disappear. No matter how he recalled it, he could not recall it, which was really weird.

Xia Ming shook his head, took a deep breath, and looked at the hall again. In front of him, I didn't know when a light appeared. Xia Ming glanced at this light gate in surprise.

"Is this the next level?"

Thinking of this, Xia Ming didn't hesitate, then stepped into this next level!

As Xia Ming entered the next level, Qing Yun, who had been outside, suddenly opened his eyes. Qing Yun's face was a little surprised, and he murmured, "He passed the level of understanding so quickly ..."

Qingyun couldn't believe it.

He was left over from ancient times and was used to guard this place!

The genius in the ancient world is what he knows best. However, he never thought that Xia Ming would pass the level of understanding so easily. These thirty-six truths are left over from the superpowers of the ancient schools. If you want to be the leader of the school and the master of the school, you must have excellent talents. And such people are not worthy

Become the lord of the palace.

Therefore, the purpose of these thirty-six truths is to assess one's understanding. For many years, no one has passed, but most of these people have not passed the first level. Of course, there are many amazing talents who can pass through the first level, but they have reached the second Off but still unable

Moving forward, blocked out. However, these thirty-six truths, according to his estimation, if others want to feel, it will take at least one year! But here in Xia Ming, it only takes a few days, and the thirty-six truths are all understood.

Talent, even in this ancient era, is a top-notch existence.

"Hope you can inherit the heritage of this palace."

Qingyun murmured to himself, closed his eyes again, and stood here quietly, motionless.

at the same time!

Xia Ming stepped into this second level again!

Xia Ming doesn't know how many levels there are! When Xia Ming stepped into this second stage, Xia Ming felt that some changes had taken place in his surroundings. When he saw the situation in front of him, Xia Ming was surprised to find out that this place was one by one. Islands, one of which is more

Is suspended in this mid-air.

This island is huge and magnificent, and the mountains are intertwined, but in this void, it is a stand-out, showing the majesty and boldness to the fullest. The island can't see the end at a glance. The most peculiar thing is that here, I also smelled a unique aroma. The aroma is not a human aroma, nor an ordinary floral aroma, but more like Is elixir

The aroma that comes is like the aroma from the elixir.

The scent is scented, which makes people take a sip, and feels that they have an indescribable joy.

"here is……"

Xia Ming stepped out and stepped on this high-altitude island. This island has an indescribable openness. In the distance, there seems to remain a futon, but after so many years, the futon is dim. Light.

"This is the sermon hall, right?" Xia Ming glanced at it suspiciously, but it looked like a place of preaching, but then Xia Ming saw the Dan furnace above the place, but it was Dan furnace.

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