These Dan furnaces are covered with a layer of dust. Presumably no one has been cooking for a long time to make alchemy, which has led to this happening.

Xia Ming glanced in surprise, a little surprised.

"Here, is it Danchang?"

Xia Ming glanced puzzledly, some of these furnaces were damaged, but the damage was not great, but from the point of view of the atmosphere, the furnaces must be at least treasures above the spirit.

These Dan furnaces are precious, but compared to Xia Ming, these Dan furnaces do not have much effect. After all, his alchemy technique does not need these Dan furnaces.

"Well." But just when Xia Ming was about to take a step, suddenly, there was a flash of light on this square, and then, countless people fell on this square in the futon. On the other hand, there is an old man,

Sitting cross-legged, the old man sat quietly there, and those in front of him looked at it in solemnity.

"this is……"

Xia Ming was startled, stopped his pace for a moment, and looked diligently forward: "These are all ghosts."

Xia Ming frowned and looked at all of this quietly.

Then, the old man's faint voice spread out and said calmly: "Dan Dao will be evaluated today. Dan Dao will be extensive and profound, if you don't advance, you will retreat."

Before evaluating Dan Dao, I hope that other good students will listen to the old man explaining Dan Dao.

Then the old man's voice spread, and even Xia Ming heard it clearly, the old man said.

"Dandao Dandao is another gate leading to the Tao. Human beings have human beings, ghosts have ghosts, Dandao naturally also has Dandao, and the masters of Dandao can gather the power of heaven and earth to refine Dan. ... "

With the explanation of the old man, Xia Ming couldn't help but feel a little surprised. I didn't expect that there were so many Taos in this Dan Tao, and it was so extensive and profound.

According to the old man's intentions, this dandao way has its own unique charm. Martial arts may increase human life and reach the same life as the heaven and earth. However, this dandao way is the same.

According to the old man, if Dan Dao is cultivated to a very high level, then his body can be refined into Dan, and refined into the elixir that best fits this world!

This way of Dao Dan lies in a refining word.

Xia Ming was also a bit surprised.

I do n’t know how long it has been, Xia Ming was in deep thought and felt for a long time. Xia Ming came back to God. When Xia Ming returned to God, he found out that everyone here was It's gone.

It was replaced by an old man.

What scared Xia Ming was that the old man, at this moment, looked at him with a smile, as if the old man could see him.

"this is……"

Xia Ming's pupils suddenly shrank, and then a voice echoed in Xia Ming's ears and said, "Little friends don't have to panic."

In this sentence, Xia Ming's entire heart was mentioned in his throat, and his face was shocked: "Senior."

This man turned out to be talking to him, what a joke, you know, these are all people from the ancient times, who knows how many years have passed.

But the old man in front of him is talking to himself. Does it mean that the old man is still alive? If it were alive, it would be terrifying, right?

Xia Ming looked at the old man nervously.

The old man shook his head gently and said, "The old man has long since died out, and what is left here is nothing but a godly sense of the old man."


Xia Ming heard the words, and for a moment hesitated, some didn't understand what the consciousness was.

The old man smiled and said, "Conscience is something more advanced than spiritual power, but the two have similar meanings."

Xia Ming suddenly realized that he dared to ask his predecessors, but what did he command?

Since the old man was talking to him at this time, there must be something wrong, otherwise, the old man would not speak to him here.

The old man smiled and said, "You can enter this place, presumably you have got Qing Yun's approval."

"Yes." Xia Ming clenched his fists and said respectfully.

"But did you realize the 36 true meanings?" The old man asked again.

Xia Ming heard the words and nodded slightly.

"Not bad!"

The old man sighed and said, "I can feel the true meaning of the thirty-six truths, but I have entered this door. If not, you won't come here. If you go here, you must have this extraordinary talent."

"You should know that if you want to get all the inheritance, talent, perseverance, etc. of Qingxuan Palace, it must be the best choice."

"The juniors know." Xia Ming clenched his fists, said.

"Very good!" The old man nodded slightly, very satisfied, and said calmly: "My level is Dan Dao. If you want to become the inheritance of this palace, you must be aware of Dan Dao, of course, not only that, but Instrumentation is also what you need to perceive, if

It's a pass, but you can't get the inheritance of that Qingxuan Palace. "


Xia Ming held his fists and said solemnly. Xia Ming also didn't expect that there were instruments and formations behind it. It is really incredible. No wonder this assessment is so difficult. It is really too difficult and difficult for everyone to know that. One's energy is

Limited, it is impossible to learn so much at the same time.

Not to mention the need for Dan Dao, Qi Dao, Zhen Dao, and martial arts are all proficient, that is simply nonsense.

If he does not own the system, I am afraid that even he may not have achieved such a degree.


The old man nodded with a smile, this smile was like a spring breeze, giving a very kind feeling!

"If you have questions now, you can ask your husband, if you pass the assessment, the old man's consciousness will also disappear between the heavens and the earth." The old man seemed to see what Xia Ming thought in his mind and said lightly.

Xia Ming smelled it and asked immediately: "Senior, what happened in that year?"

Xia Ming asked his doubts, even the super martial arts such as Qingxuan Palace would be buried. What happened then?

The old man smelled it and shook his head slightly: "This is not something you can know. If one day you can reach the Seven Deadlands, someone will tell you what happened that year, and now you know that it is not good for you."

Xia Ming heard it, and his heart moved: "Seven calamities ..."

As if a new state opened a new door, Xia Ming shivered.

"Senior, in the past few years, but someone has crossed these four levels?" Xia Ming asked immediately.

"Someone broke in." The old man nodded slightly and said lightly.

"Why is the inheritance still there?" Xia Ming heard it, asked for a moment, surprised.

"Because he can't get through the fifth level."


Xia Ming was speechless for a while, horse egg, this is still the fifth level, isn't it that there are only four levels? What is the fifth level? "No need to worry, the fifth level is the last level. If you can get through, you can get the inheritance of Qingxuan Palace." The old man said lightly.

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