The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2542: The power of one palm

"it is good!"

Qing Xuan nodded and said lightly, "Since this is the case, then I will complete you."

I saw his palms curled up, an extremely violent force spread from all directions, just for a moment, and the power around him was evacuated for a moment, not only that.

In front of Qing Xuan's body, a huge blue dragon slowly condensed. The blue dragon roared and deterred the heavens. For a time, thunderstorms and thunderous sounds rang through the world.

After Xia Ming saw this Qinglong, his complexion became a little dignified.

Qinglong hovered in front of Qinglong, but the Qinglong face was exposed and stared at Xia Ming. Xia Ming knew that this was a Fa-phase. This momentum alone was so powerful, so how strong was Qing Xuan in the heyday? ?

Xia Ming felt this tremendous pressure, and the aura in his body was running crazy. In the face of this palm, Xia Ming also had to be careful.

"Om ..."

The gale swept through, and Xia Ming's clothes clung to his body under the gale, and even his face was deformed by the gale.

The palm force has not yet been issued, it is already such a mighty power, it is conceivable how horrible this palm is.

"This palm is one-tenth of my strength. Boy, although I suppress the realm with you, I am afraid that it is not as easy as you want to resist. Next, you have to be careful."

Qing Xuan's voice came from all directions, and the terrifying pressure also directly applied to Xia Ming's body. No wonder Chu Jingtian of the past would be defeated here. It turned out to be so.

I'm afraid that even if anyone comes here, they can't bear the power of this terror? Such a palm is really abnormal.

Xia Ming stared intently at the black man in front of him. At this moment, he no longer hides himself. If he still wants to hide himself at this moment, I am afraid he is really dead.

"Three heads and six arms."

The golden light on Xia Ming's body flashed. For a moment, there were two heads, four arms, and the sudden condition, even Qing Xuan was a bit frightened.

"Supernatural powers." Qing Xuan looked at Xia Ming in surprise, with some small vibrations. Supernatural powers are extremely precious to them, because this supernatural power is not comparable to martial arts, but a kind of Specific existence, just to learn supernatural powers

Surgery, but not so easy.

Of course, this supernatural power is also divided into levels. There is a supernatural power that is endowed by nature. It is called a supernatural power. There is a supernatural power that is learned. It is an acquired supernatural power. There is also a level difference between the supernatural power and the supernatural power. .

Xia Ming's ability to learn such magical powers in the triple realm of Huadan Realm was somewhat unexpected.

"This kid!"

Qing Xuan took a deep look at Xia Ming. At this moment, he had reached the critical moment of casting. Naturally, it was impossible to continue being distracted. He suppressed the shock in his heart and continued to cast.

"Panlong shook the sky and broke."

Qing Xuan screamed loudly, and the Golden Dragon roared out. The momentum was extremely appalling, and the place where he passed was a mess. These creatures did not respond at all, but were directly destroyed.

Jinlong opened his teeth and danced toward Xia Ming. This power is quite strong. If Xia Ming doesn't have any hole cards, this palm alone is enough to kill Xia Ming's life.

Therefore, when the dragon's claws flew over, Xia Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

"Daily Thunderbolt."


There was a thunderous thunder in Xia Ming's body, and Xia Ming's body surface was actually flashing with thunder, these thunder lights were guarding Xia Ming's physical body!

As Lei Guang circulated, Xia Ming's body was also powerful to an incredible extent.

"Engulf the demon eyes." Xia Ming roared, and at the center of Xia Ming's eyebrows, he slowly opened a pair of eyes. These eyes appeared taupe and looked extremely weird. When the demon eyes appeared, it was There is a force of ablation flowing from this world

That's a power to devour.

Seeing this scene not far away, Qing Xuan was also slightly surprised.

Because he saw that his own golden dragon was broken down under this strange monster's eyes. Although it was said to be very slow, it was melted down. This shocked Qing Xuan.

"How many cards did this kid hide?"

Qing Xuan is extremely amazed, so amazingly talented, even he is only seen in his life, Xia Ming's talent, even in ancient times, are quite terrible. Swallowing the demon eyes is powerful, but Xia Ming has just cultivated, and naturally cannot exert the true power of swallowing the demon eyes. Moreover, Xia Ming itself is not very strong. In the face of this golden dragon, it is impossible to annihilate it at once. This can

It's 1 / 10,000th of Qing Xuan's strength ...

"Finger strikes, five fingers kills heaven."

Xia Ming didn't hesitate. With a movement of his fingers, in the sky, five fingers fell from the sky, and then he cracked down fiercely towards this golden dragon. The terrible power broke out and constantly offset the golden dragon's power.

"Boom ..."

Although the Daxian refers to being overbearing, in front of Jinlong, it is still not enough to see, so just a few breaths, it is broken and disappeared between heaven and earth.

However, Xia Ming's post moves have not been completed yet, and he has exerted his martial arts to the extreme.

"It's too wild."

"Baibu Futian."

"The Great Seal of the Wilderness Town."

"The ghost ghost fire ..." Xia Ming's attacks were fatal, and they generally greeted Jin Long, and they gathered such a powerful power in an instant. Even if Xia Ming had nine Jindans in his body, at this moment, he felt a little weak. , He sucked around crazy

Heaven and earth aura, want to restore their strength.

Although his attacks were powerful, when he encountered Jinlong, it was like a child encountering an adult, shattering, but this instant martial art, Qing Xuan who looked aside was stunned.

"Sinister ... unparalleled evil ..."

Qing Xuan took a deep breath and looked at Xia Ming with a shocked face. It was only a moment that Xia Ming condensed such a powerful force, even if he could not do it so fast.

This guy is really too evil.

"Booming ..."

The deafening sound kept ringing. When the last ghost and ghost fire resisted the golden dragon, the golden dragon roared, but at this moment, the golden dragon was dim a lot. These powers of Xia Ming cut off the power of the golden dragon by 60%. .

When Jinlong broke through the ghost and ghost fire, Jinlong roared, carrying unmatched strength, and rushed towards Xia Ming fiercely.

At this moment, Xia Ming took a deep breath, the nine golden dandelions in his body circled quickly, and an extremely terrible force poured into Xia Ming's body.

Xia Ming was also at this moment. "Mysterious mystery, one way to one ..."

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