When Xia Ming scolded him, the power in Xia Ming's body was completely erupted. When Qing Xuan not far away saw this scene, his old face became a little stiff, Qing Xuan looked with horror. Xia Ming in front of me, an unspeakable

The shock came to my heart.

"this is……"

"Nine Golden Dans ..."

Feeling the surging power in Xia Ming's body, he finally noticed that Xia Ming's body was different, and even he did not think that Xia Ming's body had nine golden dandelions.

"How is it possible ... this boy ... that he has cultivated nine golden dandelions? If he has cultivated to the realm of **** ... **** ..."

Rao Shi Qingxuan couldn't help but burst into a swear word. The moment he looked at Xia Ming, it was even more shocked, surprised and excited. Maybe others dare not imagine that there are nine Jindans in a person's Dantian, but he knows that once someone has cultivated multiple Jindans, but practicing multiple Jindans is not as simple as it seems, because Practice multiple Jindanbu

Only luck is needed, and people need to be in harmony with each other. If one is not at ease, Jin Dan will repel each other. At that time, the two Jin Dans will touch each other and explode, and this person will fall down.

It can be said that the person who can cultivate two Jindans is already in the middle of nowhere. The person who cultivates nine Jindans is basically none of the hundreds of millions. To be the most famous, I am afraid that only That nine-pole real person.

He is the only super character in the world who has cultivated nine Jindans.

It is for this reason that this person has beaten the invincible man all over the world, and although it eventually fell, his reputation is still circulating in the world.


At this time, Xia Ming's right index finger and **** were moved together, and a terrible force wafted out. Then this force quickly condensed, and a pair of practises also poured out from the fingertips, piercing the golden dragon hole. Passed. Mysterious mystery is a very strange method. He is not only a method of cultivation, but also a method of attack. This method of attack is also quite domineering and powerful. I do n’t know how the ancestor of the year was Create such a skill



Under Xia Ming's eyes, this practice eventually collided with Jinlong suddenly, and the aftermath produced by it spread to the whole world. The earth was booming at this moment, and it fell down by a foot.

The pair of energetic storms engulfed this heaven and earth, raging the heaven and earth, and the terrible and powerful impact shattered some of the surrounding stones.

Looking at Qing Xuan again, under such shocks, the lines remained motionless, as if this force had no effect on him. However, looking at Xia Ming, when the light-spirited and Jinlong confronted each other, that power broke out, constantly offsetting the power of the Golden Dragon. Even so, there was still some power that could not beat the Golden Dragon. Given by golden dragon

Torn into pieces, at this moment the Golden Dragon has reached its limit. After all, Xia Ming's martial arts are not too low. Each martial art is quite overbearing. Xia Ming played this idea. With his three heads and six arms, and his nine golden dans, he directly offset Jinlong. Most of the power,

The power of the Golden Dragon is gone.

"Hmm ..."

Eventually, Jinlong came to Xia Ming's body and hit him in the chest severely. This big thunder body was also used by Xia Ming to the limit. The thunder light flickered and resisted this terrible impact force.

"Hmm ..." If Xia Ming's body was severely hit, he was directly removed by this terrible impact. Xia Ming fell on the ground fiercely, and "wow" spit out a lot of blood, and Xia Ming's face was pale. No blood, but this final blow was given by him

Resisted it.

Although the breath is a bit weak, it is not important at all. As long as he recovers for a while, he can fully recover it. Xia Ming stood up slowly. Although he was a little weak, the palm was stiffly blocked by him. Already.

After seeing this scene, Qing Xuan was silent for a long time, and finally sighed: "I didn't expect that you could resist this palm, it was really something I didn't expect ..."

Qing Xuan was really shocked, but Qing Xuan was a little depressed ... he seemed to be a bit out of hand.

"Senior, I don't know if the junior passed this level?" Xia Ming asked with a clenched fist.

Qing Xuan heard that there was a tangled heart. In and of itself, he kept this level more than this palm, because his assessment of this level was a strong heart!

If a warrior does not have the heart of a strong person, then the potential of this warrior is also limited, but now, Xia Ming blocked this palm, which directly caused some small flaws in his trial. "Passed!"? Qingqing Xuan nodded slightly, and finally let Xia Ming pass this level, because if the heavenly pride like Xia Ming missed, it is definitely the biggest loss of Qingxuan Palace, Qingxuan Palace. Able to dominate in ancient times

Compared with any force, it has squeezed a piece of it, and naturally has his ability.

It is so difficult to choose the owner of this palace alone, and you can imagine how harsh this is.

Although there are some small flaws in the last level, this is just his personal reason. Xia Ming's ability to block his palm is indeed very powerful. If such a genius does not pass, it is a loss.

"Thank you, senior." Xia Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and after so much effort, he finally passed. Otherwise, the loss would be great.

"You were able to block my palm, which was beyond my expectation. I wanted to test your strong heart. Now it seems that I don't have to test it." Qing Xuan said with admiration.

"Heart of the strong?"

Xia Ming said for a moment, surprised.

"Yes!" Qing Xuan nodded: "If a warrior does not have the heart of a strong person, he is afraid. This person's potential is ultimately limited. Only with the heart of a strong person, can he continue to win, and I would like to win in the past. Under the pressure of this palm, take a look

Do you have the heart of a strong man? I never thought that your kid broke my palm. It is indeed a hero who is a boy ... "

Qing Xuan sighed, Xia Ming was also a little stunned, and then he smiled bitterly, and his heart was a little depressed. He thought he really needed to resist this palm to pass the customs. What if you said it earlier, he didn't have to work so hard Already.

As everyone knows, Qing Xuan was more depressed than Xia Ming.

He is the grand master of one case, but he did not expect that this palm was blocked by a boy from Huadan Realm, which is not so good on his face.

"The senior, I don't know if there is still a next level?" Xia Ming could not help asking? In his current state, he has no ability to continue to the next level. If there is another next level, then he would rather give up. This level is too abnormal.

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