The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2551: trembling


Shi Hanche looked at Xia Ming with a pale face, a little panicked and scared. He never thought that he would be defeated by the kid in front of him just by one move. How could this kid be so horrified?

Shi Hanche knew that he was scrapped, and he was chopped off his arm at once. He was basically half scrapped, and he could only play six out of ten.

Even during the heyday, he was not Xia Ming's opponent, and now he is Xia Ming's opponent.

"His ..." On this side, Tang Zhao and Ao Wushuang couldn't help but take a breath. They knew, however, that Xia Ming couldn't be more serious than Hua Dan, but now he can cut off Shi Hanche with one stroke. The strength of Hua Dan Jing Jiuzhong, this strength, really is


But ... how did Xia Ming do it? How could its combat power improve so fast?

Everyone was numb with scalp.

Genius, they have not seen it before. On the contrary, they have seen many geniuses, but they are the first time they have seen a genius like Xia Ming.

"What? Are you trying to kill me? Do it?"

Xia Ming squinted and looked at everyone present. This sharp glance swept over everyone. The people present couldn't help shaking.

They were all scared by Xia Ming.

Bai Yang gave Xia Ming a jealous look and said immediately: "The mountains don't change, and we will meet in the next day."


After speaking, Bai Yang wanted to leave, but Xia Ming was faster. He stopped Bai Yang's way in a blink of an eye. Xia Ming looked at Bai Yang lightly and said indifferently, "I said, let you go. "


Bai Yang was furious: "Don't bully people too much."

"Too bullying?"

Xia Ming heard the words, but he couldn't help but laughed: "The three of you besieged me, why don't you say that it is too bullying." Bai Yang and others looked so blue that they could not be refuted for a while. The three of them besieged Xia Ming. They were not good enough, and they killed them, and they killed them. No one took the lead for Xia Ming, but they kicked on the iron plate and deserved it.

They are unlucky, they can't think of anything.

Just entering Qingxuan Palace, this guy's strength has actually improved so fast. How can a person's strength be so horrible? How did he do it?

"What do you want?" Bai Yang stared at Xia Ming with a somber face.

Even Luo Hua and others are so solemn and extremely fearful.


Xia Ming smelled it, but looked at these people lightly, and said coldly, "It's very simple. I will give you all your storage magic weapons, and I can spare you."


Not far from here, Shi Hanche was furious, and said coldly, "Don't think about it."

"Don't think about it." Xia Ming's eyes flickered, and as soon as he stepped on, he came to Shi Hanche's body, a sword flickered in his hand, Shi Han was horrified, and hurriedly transported the aura in his foot, trying to resist Xia Ming This sword, but how powerful Xia Ming ’s sword is,

Without giving Shi Hanche a chance, a sword penetrated into Shi Hanche's chest.

Shi Hanche's eyes widened, his fingers trembled slightly, and he pointed at Xia Ming: "You ..."

"Hmm ..."

Eventually, he fell weakly on this land, and the appearance of this scene also made the people present couldn't help but take a breath and looked at the scene in shock.

"Really killed ..."

"This Shi Hanche, but the one at the gate of life and death, this kid actually killed Shi Hanche?"

"His ... It's terrifying. Hua Dan Jing Jiu Zhong can't take a trick in his hands. What is the strength of this guy? How can one person kill a person when he kills him in a higher level? How can this guy kill him in four small realms? Is that right? "

"It seems that he has got a huge benefit in Qingxuan Palace. If not, he cannot improve so fast."

"So what exactly did he get?"

Many people looked at Xia Ming with dread, and at this moment, Bai Yang and Luo Hua's faces were as pale as paper, as ugly as they were.

The next moment, Xia Ming's voice came along, "Isn't it necessary to hand it in early? I have to waste some aura."

Xia Ming looked at the storage ring in his hand and put it away at the same time. At the same time, Shi Hanche's possessions also made Xia Ming a bit pleased.

"what about you?"

Xia Ming's eyes looked at the people who were not far from the gate of life and death. These people were all nervous. Even their brothers were not the enemy of Xia Ming. What qualifications did they have to fight with Xia Ming?

These people sank, gritted their teeth, and said, "We give you everything."

After speaking, these people lost all the rings, and Xia Ming smiled and took all these things as his own. Then he said lightly, "You can roll."

"Hmm ..."

These people did not return, and fled here.

The next moment, Xia Ming's eyes were on this Bai Yang and others again. Xia Ming squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered brightly, and the killing intention on his body was a little bit of cohesion. He cried out, "What about you ..."

Xia Ming's words made these people tremble suddenly, Bai Yang gritted his teeth, and he was unwilling, but in the end he was scared by Xia Ming's strength: "Give him everything."

Bai Yang obviously didn't want to fight Xia Ming. Although he was a master of ninefold lands of Huadan, Xia Ming's strength was too terrifying. He was not an opponent at all, so he could only surrender.

Xia Ming took all these people's storage magic weapons, and then let them go. This time, Xia Ming made a lot of money. With these resources, cultivation is not a problem during this time.

"Xia Ming ... you ... what is your realm now?"

When these people left, Ao Wushuang came to Xia Ming's body, and then couldn't help asking.

"Hua Dan realm is fivefold." Xia Ming smiled slightly.

"Fivefolds of Huadan ..."

After Ao Wushuang and others listened to it, they couldn't believe it. Hua Dan Jing Wu Zhong and Hua Dan Jing Jiu Zhong were not his opponents. It would be terrible to kill a leap in this rank, right?

They feel that Xia Ming is more like a person who transforms.

"Today we have offended these people, and we have offended them." Tang Zhao could not help but said, "This is not a good thing for us."

"If you offend, you will offend." Zhu Er said casually on the side. "If these people don't know anything, then they will slap to death."

Xia Ming took a deep look at the pig, but said nothing.

"Oh, what shall we do next?" Ao Wushuang suddenly asked at this time.

"What next?" Xia Ming heard, his eyes flashed.

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