The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2552: Manyouzan

"We head to Wan Yao Mountain."

This statement made Ao Wushuang and others look at each other.

"There are many masters in Wanxiu Mountain. Are we going to Wanxiu Mountain now?" Ao Wushuang couldn't help asking: "I'm afraid there are already many forces occupying it?"


Xia Ming nodded slightly, his eyes flickered. For Xia Linlang, there was also an endless killing intention. Xia Linlang did not die. For him, there was great trouble. Therefore, Xia Linlang must be killed.

It's just that he doesn't know how far Xia Linlang has reached. "It's a long time away from Wanxiu Mountain. If we pass now, it will take at least one month to two months, not to mention that it is too dangerous and difficult. We arrived in Wanxiu Mountain and we really Don't know what

Anytime. "Tang Zhao also nodded slightly.

He also agreed with Xia Ming, after all, Wan Yaoshan is too far away, and it is too dangerous here. "Wan Yaoshan is infinitely close to the core area of ​​the ancient battlefield. At that time, the real hundred wars will also be held in the core area, but if you want to step into this real core area, Wan Yaoshan must go. . "Liu Xuan was on the side

Can't help but say. "However, Wan Yaoshan is also a huge mall because most people need to pass Wan Yaoshan, so there are a lot of things, and even large auctions will be held. Some people are willing to get their own Some East

West, replaced by Lingshi, so many people are willing to be in this place. "

Liu Xuan's words surprised Xia Ming a little, and said in amazement, "Where is there an auction?"

"That's natural."

Liu Xuan nodded.

"That being the case, let's go to Wan Yao Mountain together." Xia Ming nodded slightly. "It's just that we're still in the forbidden area. It's not easy to go out." Aowu said with some dignity. "Here the spirit beasts roar again and again. Some are transformed,

Like everyone else, we have to be careful. "

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Ming smiled slightly and immediately waved his hand. A finger appeared in his hand. This finger was a token for Qing Xuan Palace. Of course, this is also the key to leave here. The so-called ghost mountain range of one of the four forbidden areas is nothing but a mountain range formed by the Qingxuan Palace in order to leave the heritage. Can't get lost


"this is……"

Ai Wushuang and others all looked at Xia Ming and asked in amazement.

"Finger finger." Xia Ming smiled and waved his hand, a light appeared on the finger. This light surged directly upward, and then a line appeared before Xia Ming's eyes, and this Route, amazingly leaving Ghost Mountain


"let's go……"

Xia Ming and his team left here in a mighty manner. It was about three days before the team left here. As for whether Bai Yang can come out, that is not his business.

After leaving, Xia Ming and others sought a direction and ran towards Wan Yao Mountain.


They ran for a month and their goal was to get to Wanwan Mountain as soon as possible!

On the way, Xia Ming stopped suddenly, his eyes were dignified, Xia Ming stopped suddenly, so that Ao Wushuang and others were all confused, some did not understand what Xia Ming meant.

"Brother Xia Ming, what's wrong with us?"

Tang Zhao couldn't help looking at Xia Ming and asked in a low voice.

Xia Ming's sharp eyes looked around, with a bit of sternness and fierceness in his eyes, and he said, "We are probably trapped."


Tang Zhao, Liu Xuan, and others looked at each other and immediately couldn't help asking: "How could we be trapped, aren't we advancing towards Wan Yao Mountain?"

"If I had expected it well, we should be in the formation." Zhu Er suddenly said.

"Hahaha ..."

Sure enough, as Zhu Er's voice fell, a voice came from all directions, this voice with a little wild laugh, laughter and sarcasm, said lightly: "He is right, you did step into the formation . "

"how is this possible……"

The faces of Ao Wushuang and other people changed greatly, and they did not expect that they even stepped into the formation somehow. Is this impossible? Their strength is not low, if you step into the formation, it is impossible to detect at all.

"Nothing is Impossible……"

This voice came again, if someone noticed the position of this person, they would find out!

Not far away, there is a young man with a bit of coldness and wickedness among his eyebrows. His name is Li Shangwu and he is a master of martial arts.

"I Li Shangwu has been waiting for you for a long time. You still obediently obey."

"Li Shangwu?"

When Auntou Shuang and other people heard the name, they all changed their faces: "It is the division master Li Shangwu." "It is rumored that his martial arts cultivation is only the fivefold realm of Huadan. Even the masters of Hua Dan Jing Jiu Zhong are trapped in it. It is said that he even killed the masters of Hua Dan Jing Jiu Zhong by means of formation. "Tang Zhao

He said somberly.

The formation method is a taboo for many people! Many people are reluctant to deal with the battle formations, but the really powerful ones are the soul formations. Those soul formations are really terrible.

Even if those soul division masters are not weaker than those martial arts arrogants, they are even better than others, showing how terrible this soul division master is.

"Li Shangwu, we have no injustice and revenge, what do you mean by blocking our way?" Ao Wushuang reprimanded.

"What do you mean?"

Li Shangwu heard it, but grinned, and said indifferently: "It is the Crown Prince who wants me to wait for Xuan Xinzong here. Anyone who is Xuan Xinzong, there is no pardon." "The one in black clothes, should Is Xia Ming right? "

As soon as this statement was made, all the people present changed their faces slightly. Their natural way was the contradiction between Xia Ming and Prince Xia Linlang. I did not expect that Li Shangwu was actually sent by Xia Linlang to kill them, which was really troublesome.

At this moment, they were in great trouble. They entered the formation, which was basically passive. They could not even find the position of Li Shangwu. How did they fight against Li Shangwu? Big trouble.

"What on earth do you want?" Ao Wushuang suppressed his anger, said.


Li Shangwu smiled and said lightly: "It's very simple, take Xia Ming's head to see His Royal Highness." "You delusional." Ao Wushuang angered.

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