Xia Ming's words caused Fang Qingling to set off a stormy sea. There are few masters of martial arts this year, and there are only a few people who can master martial arts and masters of martial arts.

Xia Ming's martial arts talent is quite terrible, otherwise, he would not be able to gather the spirit realm and be able to slay the masters of Huadan Realm.

But Xia Ming is still a master of the front line, such a talent is really rare.

"Follow me."

Xia Ming stepped into this array, and Fang Qingling and others all looked for a moment, and hurriedly followed Xia Ming into them, they did not dare to have the slightest intention.

The difference between the natural formation method and the formation method arranged by the master of the formation method is that this is a natural formation method. Even if there is no master of the formation method, such formation method can operate by itself.

This is the terrible aspect of the natural formation.

As Xia Ming and others stepped into this array, they saw a corpse in this array. Most of these corpses were the bodies of spirit beasts. Of course, there were some human corpses.

After Xia Ming saw the corpse in the mountains, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"This formation is really so horrible?" Ao Wushuang said dreadfully, "So many spirit beasts have died."

"This is a natural defensive formation and killing formation." Xia Ming whispered: "Everyone be careful, don't bump around. Once the formation is activated, even if we want to escape, I am afraid it will be difficult. Ascend. "

Xia Ming's words made the rest of the people afraid of moving. Xia Ming stared diligently at the formations around him. The brain was also running fast, looking for loopholes in the formation. Natural formations are not without loopholes. On the contrary, many natural formations have quite a lot of loopholes. This is natural

Formation, but naturally formed arrays need the right time and place.

And without these things, the formation method cannot be formed, of course, there are some natural formation methods, there is no slight hole, but that formation method is really very rare.

"Let's go this way."

Xia Ming pointed to a direction, and then stepped on, and walked in this direction. As Xia Ming walked by, Ao Wushuang and others hurried to keep up.

A group of people walked in this large array. Under Xia Ming's command, they made almost no mistakes! All this stems from Xia Ming's understanding of matrix formation.

Without Xia Ming, I am afraid they have become a pile of bones along the way. After half a day, Xia Ming and others came to the foot of a mountain. Xia Ming looked up at the rolling mountain and Shen said, "If I expected it well, the Tianling Tree should be at the top of this mountain. And he definitely intends to get there

. "

"What shall we do?" Ao Wushuang asked in a low voice.

"Of course I got the Tianling Tree." Zhu Wuxin couldn't help it.

"The Tianling Tree should already have its own wisdom. The Tianling Tree with its wisdom is not so easy to deal with. We have to be careful." Xia Ming said dignified.

"Xia Ming, what do you say we should do?" Fang Qingling couldn't help asking.

"I first figure out a way to arrange a formation, so that he can also prevent him from escaping." Xia Ming said.

"Arrange the formation?"

Fang Qingling was stunned, and said inconceivably: "Can you still arrange the array in the natural formation?" Xia Ming nodded, while Fang Qingling was shocked to the extreme. It ’s not that easy. You need to know that there are matrix formations in the outside world. However, if you put another matrix formation in it, you must not use it.

In general, this array is rarely left untouched, not to mention the case of natural array.

"Can this work?" Fang Qingling worried.


Xia Ming said: "Let's go up the mountain now, don't startle this guy first, and pay attention to the people around you, if there is someone to remind you."

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded slightly, then ran towards the mountain!

When Xia Ming appeared again, he had already reached the top of the mountain!

At the top of this mountain! Xia Ming saw a large lush tree, which stood upright, and all the rhizomes were stuck in the rock, giving people a sense of uprightness.

However, in the sky, there seemed to be a rush of power, and then it was instantly absorbed by this big tree.

This big tree is a hundred feet tall and extremely conspicuous. But the most conspicuous is probably the fruit above this big tree. The fruit of this big tree is the size of two fists and exudes an attractive fragrance, but unfortunately, this fruit is only thirty-three. One less, one less


Even when Xia Ming saw this scene, he was a little disturbed.

That is the ancient fruit Tianling fruit.

If he obtains the fruit of the heavenly spirit, he will be able to refine an elixir, and his strength will be one step closer.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart. Then he quickly changed his hands and quietly arranged around them. This time, two days passed in the blink of an eye.

For the past two days, Xia Mingxun has been exhaustingly devoting himself to laying out the array, which will make Xia Ming a half dead!


In a mountain stream, Xia Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Xia Ming!" Audrey Wu saw it suddenly, and immediately rejoiced, "You replied?"

"I have fully responded." Xia Ming nodded and said, "We can go and get the Tianling Tree now."

"Okay, let's go."

Xia Ming nodded, a few people prepared for it, and ran towards the top of the mountain. When everyone came to the top of the mountain, Xia Ming saw the tall tree.


This big tree also seemed to be aware of Xia Ming's arrival, and the whole big tree was shaking quickly, and the roots that had been stuck in the ground were quickly gathered, and they wanted to escape.

"I still want to escape."

Xia Ming saw it with a sneer, his hands changed quickly, and complicated inscriptions came out, and then in the sky, a barrier was formed.

"Hmm ..."

When the big tree stood up, there was a loud bang, and the plane hit the barrier fiercely, and then the big tree fell down fiercely.

When Xia Ming saw it, his body moved, and he immediately came to this big tree, and then Tian Lingshu stretched out the roots and entangled fiercely towards Xia Ming.

"Break me." Xia Ming scolded him severely, and the Tianyuan Divine Soldier in his hand cut off a large number of stalks, which broke off, while Xia Ming rushed towards the Tianling Tree and came to the front of the Tianling Tree. At that time, Xia Ming chuckled coldly: "You can't escape.

capture. "

Tian Lingshu was furious. Under these many eyes, the light flickered, and then turned into a human form. Such a scene was seen in the eyes by Fang Qingling and others, all shaking.

"It turned out." Everyone knows that it is very difficult for plants to change shape, because they need hard work, and sometimes they can't change shape for a lifetime.

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