The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2567: Mantis catching cicada

Unexpectedly, the heavenly tree in front of him turned into a shape.

"You humans, all **** it." Tian Lingshu said angrily.

Xia Ming heard the words, but said faintly: "You can't say that. I need your heavenly fruits. If you give me six heavenly fruits, I can let you go."


Tian Lingshu said angrily: "If I weren't going to robbery and not dare to exert all my strengths, would you be arrogant in front of me?"


Xia Ming smiled coldly and said, "Now give you a chance, either give me six heavenly fruits, or I will pick it myself."

"If you want my heavenly fruit, you have to see if you have that ability."

Tian Lingshu was furious. Under Xia Ming's eyes, when his hand was stretched out, there was an extra rhizome on this hand. This stem looked very sharp. Obviously, this is the weapon of Tian Lingshu.

When Xia Ming saw this, he grunted coldly.


With Xia Ming's cold rebuke, taking Xia Ming as the center, the air was quickly frozen, and when Tian Lingshu saw this situation, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Break me!"

The terrible aura erupted in the body of the Tianling Tree, and then turned into a majestic force, severely chopped forward, and the force of the ice in front spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Kill." Tian Lingshu blinked and came behind Xia Ming. The sword in his hand stabbed in the direction of Xia Ming's back severely. Xia Ming saw it, but smiled coldly, and the spirit in his body burst into a sudden The outbreak, the hand is a sword fiercely with the roots of the Tianling Tree

Collided together.

"Click ..."

However, the root of the Tianling Tree is sharp like Tianyuan Shenbing, but it is just a collision. This stem was cut off by Xia Ming instantly, which surprised the Tianling Tree again.

Xia Ming stepped on Jiuyao's footsteps, floating in the air, Xia Ming stared coldly at the sky tree.

"Human beings, by virtue of your strength, can't get my heavenly spirit fruit." Tianlingshu sneered: "Leave here now, and I can let you go."

"is it?"

Xia Ming smelled it, and picked a corner of his mouth, showing a little funny smile, and said with a smile: "Your heavenly fruit, I still have to make a decision."

Under the eyes of this spirit tree, Xia Ming slowly reached out his hand, but at the fingertips of Xia Ming, there was a flame rising slowly.

This is an ice-white flame, the flames are burning, exuding a cold atmosphere, but the atmosphere is scary.

"This is ... this is ..."

Tian Lingshu saw the flame in Xia Ming's hand, as if he had seen a ghost change, and his face became extremely ugly: "Fire in heaven and earth."


Xia Ming sneered: "This is a ghost fire, you say, can he burn you up."


Tian Lingshu screamed and said excitedly, "Don't move."

Xia Ming said with a smile: "If you don't let me move, will I not move?"


Xia Ming flicked his fingers, this flame ran towards the Tianling Tree as fast as lightning. When the Tianling Tree saw it, his face changed greatly, and he hurriedly retreated, trying to avoid Xia Ming's ghost ghost fire.

But Xia Ming's ghost ghost fire, like his own consciousness, flew towards the Tianling Tree quickly, and fell on the Tianling Tree almost in a blink of an eye, and the Tianling Tree screamed.

"Don't stop, just stop."

Xia Ming waved his hand, and the ghost fire on the Tianling Tree returned to his hands. Xia Ming looked at Tianling Tree with a smile and said, "Now that I know the pain, why go there early."


The sky spirit tree is full of anger. He is the sky spirit tree, and the fire of the sky and earth can be said to be his nemesis. If it is a general flame, he is naturally fearless, but this flame is the fire of heaven and earth, then he cannot be afraid. If this kind of fire of heaven and earth burns, it is extremely difficult to extinguish, unless he can reach an extreme High degree

Otherwise, the fire of heaven and earth is his nemesis.


Tian Lingshu screamed, the flames on his body were burning again, Tian Lingshu screamed endlessly, as if he had endured great pain.

Not far from here, Fang Qingling and others all looked at this scene in shock. They did not expect that Xia Ming still had the fire of heaven and earth.

For a moment, even Fang Qingling's eyes looked at Xia Ming, a little more doubt.

She felt that Xia Ming was really getting more and more unsightly. She even had such treasures on her body. How many cards did he have?

"Don't burn it, don't burn it, I confess, I confess."

Tian Lingshu can no longer withstand the power of this ghost and ghost fire, and immediately asked for forgiveness, Xia Ming looked at Tian Lingshu a little, but smiled coldly.

"You have to be bitter to ask for mercy, why did you go early?"

Xia Ming said lightly: "Now I receive you in my space, you take root in it, is it okay?"

Xia Ming's words changed Tian Lingshu's face, but he knew it was almost impossible to escape, and now he could only surrender to Xia Ming.

"No problem, no problem." Tian Lingshu said with a lingering fear.

"Well, you don't have to face hard. I think your calamity is about to come. If you follow me, I can help you survive this calamity." Xia Ming said lightly.


Tian Lingshu heard the words, and couldn't help looking at Xia Ming for a moment, and asked excitedly. In fact, he was not quite sure about his calamity. It was too difficult or too difficult for them to survive the calamity. It was so difficult, even if there was this natural array here, he was not Dare to say that I can survive this time


"That's natural." Xia Ming said lightly, "Now you take root in my Qiankun ring and practice, and when I leave here, I'll help you get through."

"it is good!"

Tian Lingshu heard the words, and there was no nonsense. Even when he entered Xia Ming's Qiankun ring, he stayed until Tian Lingshu entered Xia Ming's Qiankun ring.

"This ... this space ..."

Tian Lingshu's face was full of shock, and then he took a sigh of cold air. Others don't know, would he not know that in Xia Ming's space, it seems to belong to an independent space!

In other words, this space is generally the same as the outside space. However, this space is a bit small, but even so, no one can own such a space. In particular, Xia Ming ’s Tianyuan magic soldier just made him feel a sense of fear, and now there is a space, which makes him not shake.

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