The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2596: Super Zongmen

"Because Tianjimen is the most ancient mysterious gate in the entire ancient continent."

As soon as this statement was made, Xia Ming was very confused. Xia Ming couldn't help asking: "Did anyone know?"


Fengcheng paused for a moment, then said softly: "The heavenly gate is extremely strange, and can be said to be a martial art independent of the seven super martial arts."

"At least these seven martial arts can find the address of the station, but Tianjimen is not there. Tianjimen Shenlong is invisible and their disciples are extremely rare. But each disciple ’s talent is superexistent. The most important one is the arithmetic of Tianjimen. "


Xia Ming heard that it was a moment of mind, arithmetic, and a kind of phase art. It is very powerful. It can evolve fortune and fortune, to a great degree, and even know the past and future. This is the real metamorphosis.

It ’s just that it ’s too difficult to know the past and future. At least he does n’t know who can reach this state. After all, the ingenuity is unpredictable and the changes are many, and no one knows the future.


Feng Cheng slightly sighed and said, "If Tianjimen recruits people, I would like to go to Tianjimen. Tianjimen is so mysterious and there are so few disciples, but it can maintain the strength of the eight super gates. Martial arts must have his excellence, but it's a pity ... "

Regarding Tianjimen, Fengcheng was a little bit sorry. Fengcheng also wanted to visit this Tianjimen. It ’s rare that Tianjimen recruits disciples. As for the way of recruiting disciples, no one knows. This martial art is too mysterious. No one knows who is inside, how many are there, or where they are stationed.

"Isn't anyone curious, looking for the whereabouts of Tianjimen?" Pride in the side suddenly interjected.

"Unable to catch up."

Zhuge Cangtian shook his head and said indifferently: "This martial art is extremely mysterious. Some super masters have searched it all, and they cannot find the specific whereabouts of Tianjimen."

When Xia Ming smelled it, he took a cool breath. This martial art is really mysterious.

At this time, Zhuge Cangtian said again, "As for this demon gate, it is a royal monster. They have their own unique method of refining, which is also extremely powerful."

"The soul sect is a major spiritual force, and the spirit is extremely powerful."

"Sacred gate, major in flesh."

Xia Ming heard it and nodded slightly. The eight super gates can be said to have their own benefits! Each has its benefits! Can give practitioners many choices.

"Xia Ming, what kind of school do you want to choose?" At this moment, Zhuge Cangtian asked suddenly.

"Is it martial?"

Xia Ming thought for a while, but finally shook his head and said, "I haven't figured it out yet."

Feng Cheng smiled and said, "You might as well choose the Qing Dynasty with Li Xuantong."

"Shang Qingzong?"

Xia Ming heard it, and for a moment hesitated. He did not expect that Li Xuantong would choose Shang Qingzong, but Xia Ming still shook his head slightly, and said, "I will say it when the time comes."

Everyone heard it, but did not say anything else, and then the group chatted for a while and went back to practice.

Xia Ming was in his place, and Er Er could not help but say, "Boss, where do you plan to choose?"

"Which do you think is better?"

When Zhu Er heard the words, he smiled coldly and said calmly: "These eight factions are just some small factions. They are only confined to this ancient continent."

When Xia Ming heard the words, he was speechless. He could hear the disdain of Zhu Er, and he did not look down on the eight super gates. Xia Ming also doubted, what kind of animal is this pig? What kind of master is it?

The more you stay with Houji, the more Xia Ming feels about Houji's mystery.

"Pig two, you say, how big is this world?" Xia Ming couldn't help asking.

For a long time, Xia Ming was deeply skeptical about this world. When he thought he could touch one end of the world, he didn't know why, but he found that what he touched was just a corner of the world. This made Xia Ming slightly helpless.

It's as if you never see the end.

"Big, big."

Houjie paused, and said, "You ca n’t imagine the big one. Boss, when you practice to a certain level, you will find that the world is getting bigger and bigger than your imagination. If one day you can cross As space evolves, you know how big the world is. "

Xia Ming heard it, but he was a little speechless. In the end, Xia Ming shook his head and was unwilling to think about other things.

"It is estimated that the list of ten thousand monsters is about to open. At that time, there will be mysterious power. This mysterious force can be compressed into the golden seal of ten thousand monsters. Time is not waiting for anyone."

Speaking of which, Xia Ming's eyes flickered a little, obviously there was a little expectation for the million demon gold seal.


Houji nodded slightly, and said, "It's really a bit troublesome, but that's all."

"It seems that during this time, we must speed up the cultivation." Xia Ming thought for a while.


Xia Ming didn't say much, the two exchanged a bit, and they fell into cultivation.

Time is passing by a little, this time is getting closer and closer to the opening of the Wan Yaobang. Therefore, the whole Wan Yao Mountain is also covered with a layer of fiery taste.

This layer of hot taste is also attached to countless people, the taste is getting stronger and stronger, and countless people are showing a little expectation and excitement.

The opening of the Wanxiu List will also represent the final closing of the Hundred Sects. Whoever can be the final winner will depend on God's will.

In particular, those who are proud of the inheritance of the sky are even more excited. They have been preparing for so long just for the arrival of this day, they have been inherited, and they are destined to let them shine.

Maybe they have some jealousy about such schools as Xuan Xinzong, but that's all, because they have also inherited it. In the future, their achievements will not be much worse than this Xuan Xinzong, so many Everyone wants to fight this battle.

With the passage of time, this atmosphere has become increasingly hot.

However, Xia Ming finally came out of the retreat three days before the opening of the Ten Thousand Monsters List. After this period of retreat, Xia Ming's strength improved again, although he had not yet reached the level of ninefold of Huadan Realm But it's not too far away, especially the nine golden dandelions in his dantian, even Xia Ming has a scalp tingling.

He felt his aura as endless as the vast sea.

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