The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2597: auctions

When Xia Ming retreated, he encountered Zhuge Cangtian!

Zhuge Cangtian stood outside and looked up at the sky. At this time, when he noticed Xia Ming's arrival, Zhuge Cangtian smiled and said, "Brother Xia Ming, you have great strength."

Zhuge Cangtian's words were full of admiration: "If you were born a few years early, we might even stop."

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming could not help but said, "It's all luck."


Zhuge Cangtian shook his head slightly and said, "Luck is also a kind of strength."

Xia Ming heard that, instead of continuing the topic, he could not help asking: "Brother Zhuge, what about other brothers and sisters?"

When Zhuge Cangtian heard it, he said, "In the past two days, Wan Yaoshan held a Wan Yao auction, and they all went to the auction today."


Xia Ming heard the words, but hesitated, and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't this 10,000 demon list going to start? What auction will be held at this time?"

Zhuge Cangtian smiled and said, "Although that is the case, there are always some people who don't want to step into these super-sects between this world and the world. They may have acquired a certain inheritance, but they are not qualified to enter these sects now. door."

"So it's better to auction off some of the things in your hand in exchange for greater benefits."

"And some people want to buy something, hoping to stand out in it ..."

Speaking of Xia Ming, it was a sudden realization. After all, it is Wan Yaoshan. Holding an auction here is much better than holding it outside. You must know that after three days, the Wan Yao list will be opened. When the time comes, it will be a battle of dragons and tigers. Those who want to stand out from the crowd naturally want more hole cards.

So one or two go, this Wan Yao auction will be completed.

"Whose auction is that? Who is it?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"will not!"

Zhuge Cangyun shook his head slightly and said, "Every hundred battles, this kind of thing happens, but the background of this Wan Yao auction is extremely difficult. Who dares to make trouble, that is, Li Xuantong and Xia Linlang. Beheaded. "


When Xia Ming heard the words, he also exclaimed. Obviously, he did not expect that there was so much murderous power and Tao in this small Wan Yao auction, which was somewhat unexpected by Xia Ming.

For a while, Xia Mingduo and the auction were a little bit emotional, and Xia Ming couldn't help asking: "Brother Zhuge, where is this auction?"

"you want to go?"

Zhuge Cangtian glanced at Xia Ming and asked.

"Well, I want to see it," said Shammington for a moment.

Zhuge Cangtian heard it, nodded slightly, and said, "It doesn't matter if you want to go, but you have to be careful. Most of the people who go are the masters of metamorphosis. You know what I mean, right? "

Xia Ming's pupils suddenly shrank. Obviously, Zhuge Cangtian was saying that the people who participated in the auction this time were extremely precious beings.

Even the six masters of Huajing are not qualified, what does this mean?

Explains that most of them exist in the form of seven or nine.

Zhuge Cangtian hesitated and said, "Since you want to go, you might as well go with me."

"Brother Zhuge, do you want to go too?" Xia Ming heard it, and was pleased. Someone brought it with him, this is the best.

"Go and see." Zhuge Cangtian nodded.

"So trouble Brother Brother Zhuge."

Xia Ming followed Zhuge Cangtian toward the place where the auction was held. After Xia Ming arrived at his destination, he took a sigh of relief.

Looking around, the black silhouettes almost never see the end, and here is still gathering at a terrible speed, there are more and more silhouettes here, the kind of popularity that is somewhat explosive, and the people who see it are scalp hair hemp.

It's too much.

"Try not to look around in this place." Zhuge Cangtian hesitated before whispering.


Xia Ming frowned, and probably understood the meaning of Zhuge Cangtian, and nodded calmly, at this time Zhuge Cangtian said calmly: "The people who come here are very strong, so you need to be careful."

"Yes, do you see the person on your left?" Zhuge Cangtian said suddenly.

"he is……"

"This man is a blood-slayer, Meng He."


Xia Ming was slightly surprised. Who was it and how did he get such a unique name, which made Xia Ming slightly surprised. Bloody, bloody, this is not an auspicious name.


Zhuge Cangtian whispered: "He had an ancient heritage in this ancient battlefield and was powerful. At that time, there were more than two hundred people who contended with him for this inheritance. As a result, he was killed by one person, and the rest Those who were stunned by his means did not dare to compete with them, and finally gained this ancient heritage. "

"More than a hundred people?"

Xia Ming's heart was cold. He didn't kill anyone, but this name is not important, it's not the same thing. Xia Ming's heart is more or less pity. When dealing with his enemies, Xia Ming There is also a killer, which is also no way out, after all, either you die or I live.

This blood-slayer is simply an executioner, who kills people like hemp.

"The identity of the rest is not low, just a low-key one." Zhuge Cangtian said.

Xia Ming is a little speechless, this is a little too careful, right? Zhuge Cangtian is also a master of metamorphosis.

If Zhuge Cangtian knew Xia Ming's inner thoughts at this moment, he didn't know what he would think.

At this moment, Xia Ming looked at the most central place of the auction house, and then Yu Guang skimmed and noticed a figure. For some reason, Xia Ming noticed a heavy, Xia Ming So there was a flash of dignity in his eyes.

In this man, he could perceive an extremely subtle but extraordinarily powerful wave.

"This person is Yuncang, and his strength is also extraordinary. He should not be underestimated."

Xia Ming smelled it, but nodded slightly, but soon, a figure suddenly appeared in this auction. The appearance of this figure caught the attention of countless people, and countless people's eyes fell on this Above the figure, in this look, there is also awe.

Even those masters who are ninefold in shape are those mad spirits who have converged.

"Who is this……"

When Xia Ming changed his mind, he immediately looked at the figure ...

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