The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2598: auctions

"Song Hui!"

Zhuge Cangtian suddenly said, "This person is also the host."


Xia Ming heard that he looked solemnly at the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man had an extremely powerful wave. This wave seemed to be more difficult than that of Yuncang.

Song Hui suddenly appeared on the auction table, and naturally became the focus of this auction, and everyone present clearly knew the identity of the person, so this look became awe.

"Everyone can come here, presumably from the auction, and I will not say much about the rules here. In the auction, fighting is prohibited and offenders are killed without pardon."

Song Hui looked at the crowd aggressively, his eyes faintly swept the whole journey, and this voice was rumbling loudly in everyone's ear.

Obviously, this is a warning. If there are any guys with short eyes who dare to spread here, he doesn't mind letting these guys know how powerful they are.

His eyes glanced at everyone present, however, as he passed by Xia Ming, Xia Ming looked for a moment and murmured, "Is it an illusion?"

Xia Ming felt that when Song Hui passed his first glance on his body, it seemed that this Song Hui stayed on his body for a while!

However, Xia Ming didn't know, but Song Hui was a little surprised and surprised in his heart: "I didn't expect to be able to detect me."

Song Hui lost his hands behind his back, and then his eyes closed. Under these countless eyes, a big hand waved. In front of these people, a boulder appeared, and the boulder was square and square on the boulder. , Is lying quietly with a sword.


The eyes of the audience gathered at this moment. Above the faint radiating sword body, they could feel a very strong sword spirit. Looking at the surface alone, they felt quite extraordinary.

However, Song Hui's palm moved slightly, and then a faint light radiated from the long sword. Under these countless eyes, this faint light became stronger and stronger, and finally turned into a halo of light. Thousands of people's heart fluctuated.

Under such fluctuations, the entire auction site suddenly became quiet. Their eyes were a little fiery and excited, and they knew that this magic weapon was definitely not that simple.

However, Xia Ming's eyes only flickered, and he didn't have much interest in this thing. His Tianyuan magic soldier has surpassed everything, and he feels that even this magical weapon also wants to surpass his own Tianyuan magic soldier.

With a smile, Song Hui looked at the people around him. In the eyes of these people, he saw the heat, urgency, and excitement. Song Hui nodded secretly, what he wanted, and that was the effect.

Song Hui said with a smile: "You must have noticed the strangeness of this aura."

"Yes, although this spirit is the best of the spirits, but he has approached the immortals infinitely. If a master of the refiner can sacrifice it, he will certainly step into the immortality."


As soon as this statement was made, the whole scene seemed to explode. All the people present were looking fiercely at this magical tool. Obviously, this magical tool made them all excited.

Many people's eyes are greedy.

Spiritual instruments are extremely rare, however, such infinitely close to immortals are extremely rare.

Song Hui looked at the people present slightly, and then his hand moved slightly. Under these countless eyes, the sword fell into his hands. Song Hui gave a peaceful look to the people present, and then The aura in the body quietly poured into the sword. The sharp sword suddenly burst into its hands, and between the blades, countless people saw it. On the blade of the sword, There is a flicker of light and shadow.

This is like a snake, a snake is rushing around, throwing red hearts, it is horrifying.


The next time, Song Hui's sword slowly slashed to a side stone. Song Hui didn't use much strength, but this stone was broken like tofu, and it broke. The place is as smooth as a mirror, and terrible and sharp sharpness makes people look slightly changed.

"Spirit snake sword, auction price, five thousand good-quality spirit stones."

As soon as Song Hui moved his hand, the sword fell steadily on the stone. However, Song Hui's words fell, and the whole scene became excited because of the sword.

"Six thousand sublime spirit stones."

If they can get this spirit snake sword, for them, there will be a huge hole card, between the same level, you can only separate the victory and defeat from these details. It can be said that with such a sword It is equivalent to one more life.

This is especially important in such places.

So, just after Song Hui's words fell, the people present were bidding wildly.

"Ten thousand spirits."

Just for a moment, it directly rose to 10,000. Xia Ming looked at this crazy move and couldn't help but take a breath. This group of guys is too rich, right?

This is a spirit stone, not a yuan stone.

For them, Yuan Shi's effect is not so great. This spiritual stone is also the source of their cultivation. However, even among the major schools, the mining of this spiritual stone is limited. Therefore, Rao is these big stones. Martial arts, do not dare to waste such a spiritual stone.

But these people, just in the blink of an eye, brought this spirit snake sword to such a price. The auction here is really not crazy.

Xia Ming perceives this spirit snake sword in detail, Xia Ming feels that there seems to be a touch of spirituality in this spirit snake sword, but this seemingly spirituality comes from the spirit of the snake.

So this caused the sword to become even more powerful.

"Brother Xia Ming, don't you want to fight?"

At this time Zhuge Cangtian said with a smile.


Xia Ming heard that under the eyes of Zhuge Cangtian, he shook his head, smiled and said, "There is nothing to dispute, I am not very interested in this."


When Zhuge Cangtian heard it, it was a slight glance. He looked at Xia Ming in surprise, and he did not expect that Xia Ming didn't even want to touch such an infinitely close to the fairy. Can't this more powerful weapon work?

However, in the following, this magical tool was finally sold to a master of metamorphosis at the price of 30,000 yuan, which made many people sigh with amazement.

However, when this artifact was just sold, Song Hui ’s palm was a strange wave of waves, even Xia Ming was slightly surprised!

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