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"An earthquake occurred three days ago in the northern Jiangsu area, and the collapse of the top of the famous scenic spot Henglan Mountain occurred. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

"Yanglin, the richest man in northern Jiangsu, formally reached a consensus of cooperation with Shenjia in Jiangxi Province yesterday. The two sides have already established the East China Union Chamber of Commerce together with Chengjia in southern Jiangsu. In addition, there are rumours that Cao Yinchao, the second-in-command of the Cao family, has been expelled from the Cao family. On the streets."

"The well-known martial arts gossip martial arts museum in Northern Jiangsu Province has been renovated and renamed Yuehua Martial Art Museum."


After listening to the news broadcast on TV, Bai Shuhe scratched his head helplessly and said: "Why are the news these days all from northern Jiangsu Province, what's going on there?"

Bi Jinghong came out of the kitchen and heard angrily: "News and news, you know to watch the news and don't care about your daughter."

Bai Shuhe and Wen Yan sighed: "I'm not letting Xuan Xuan travel to the North of Jiangsu to relax. Ye Chen's previous incident really hit her too much."

Bi Jinghong counted and said: "You haven't seen the earthquake in Northern Jiangsu Province. What should you do if your daughter is injured? You don't have to call to ask."

Bai Shuhe said: "How could Xiaoxuan's clever kid get hurt... eh, don't pull my ears, I'll just call."

They were talking, and the door of the living room was pushed open, and Bai Xiaoxuan walked in with a loss of soul, suddenly startled the two of them.

"Daughter, why did you come back so quickly?"

Bi Jinghong stepped forward hurriedly, holding Bai Xiaoxuan in his arms, and Bai Shuhe looked at her daughter carefully, only to see that the other party was not injured before she was relieved.

Bai Xiaoxuan's eyes were red and swollen, and he choked: "Dad, Mom, I met Ye Chen in Subei Province."

As soon as the words came out, the two changed color, and Bi Jinghong asked tentatively, "Are you reconciled?"

Bai Xiaoxuan was so crying that he couldn't speak, so he shook his head. Bai Shuhe frowned: "He rejected you?"

Bai Xiaoxuan still shook his head, Bi Jing red angry road: "He bullied you? This Ye Chen is really too much, even if there have been misunderstandings before, it can't be so desperate."

After hearing his wife's words, Bai Shuhe couldn't help shaking her head and sighed. Before the open marriage, it was clear that he wanted to tear the skin with the Ye family, so that he did not dare to contact Lao Ye now. She actually said lightly that it was a misunderstanding, and the skin was really thick enough.

But the daughter still shook her head and couldn’t help but make the two a little stunned. At this time, Bai Xiaoxuan cried and said: "I saw Ye Chen now, only to realize that I missed a perfect man, I, I regret it... "

The two looked at each other, recalling what they saw in the villa that day, and were speechless. For a while, Bi Jinghong comforted: "Daughter, it doesn't matter if you can't marry Ye Chen. With your good looks, I don't know how many brothers are standing in line to chase you. Why don't you miss him?"

As soon as her words fell, she heard the host's voice on TV: "Below, we have the honor to invite the chairman of the East China United Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Ye Chen, to speak."

After the picture changed, Ye Chen's calm face appeared on the screen. Seeing this situation, Bi Jinghong suddenly said horror: "He, he actually became the chairman of the East China United Chamber of Commerce?"

Bai Shuhe exclaimed: "This, from now on, wouldn't it be that the three provinces' nearly 100 billion business would only start after he nodded? This kind of power and this kind of status... can be regarded as the underground leader of East China! "

After listening to this, Bi Jinghong was speechless in consternation. She couldn't even dream of it. The youth so despised by herself, in a short period of half a year, unified East China, so that the entire Bai family must look up.

This really confirms the old saying: Today, you don’t respond to my love, and tomorrow I won’t let you climb high!

Bi Jinghong's face was blue and green, she couldn't help but imagine, if she and Bai Xiaoxuan were not so snobbish, even if they missed some old feelings a little bit, now will her daughter stand beside Ye Chen and accept the admiration of hundreds of millions of people in the three provinces of East China ?

And myself, who has also become the mother-in-law of a party overlord, the status and status, is it now comparable to the boss of a small company?

Bai Xiaoxuan said more and more wronged, could not help crying and became tearful, Bi Jinghong couldn't help but look at Bai Shuhe and said: "Children and his dad, you can no longer ask for old leaf, let him read the old feelings, and then give the young Xuan a chance?"

Bai Shuhe said angrily: "Before you let your family remember old feelings, think about whether we have ever read old feelings. The Bai family has done so much to Ye Chen. Do you still expect others to ignore them?"

After a few words, Bi Jinghong and Bai Xiaoxuan were ashamed and speechless, and Bai Shuhe sighed: "My Bai family, I still missed it."


Ye Chen didn't know what the family of three thought, but even if they knew it, they wouldn't care. Bai Xiaoxuan was saved because of his father's friendship, but forgive her?

Sorry, Ye Chen is not so humble!

At this time, among the Caojia Manor, there were already lanterns and gongs and drums jubilant, just like the New Year. Every Cao family member has a look of great excitement and joy on their faces, and even the always cold Queen Yang Lin has a cheerful smile on her face.

In the past half month, although Qiu Lingyun didn't come home again, the Cao family has been under great pressure. Numerous forces have swarmed in, just waiting for Qiu Lingyun to win, and then began to divide the Cao family.

Even within the Cao family, they have been split into two factions, one is the death escort, Cao Xinxuan, and the other is inclined to recall Cao Xiaoyu.

With the increasing pressure, the diehards are also trembling, like walking on thin ice, but fortunately, today, the mountain on their heads has been swept away.

Because Ye Xianshi returned at a critical moment, on the Henglan Mountain, in front of countless warriors, killed the legendary Wu Shengqiu Lingyun!

At this moment, the forces that watched and squinted suddenly dispersed, and the Cao family of the other faction also knelt and licked their faces...

But Yang Lin is also Xu Xu. If she is still kind-hearted at this time, she will not be hailed as the queen of Northern Jiangsu Province.

After waiting for the support of the Shen family and the Cheng family, Yang Lin did not hesitate to carry out the general cleansing, and set off a **** storm in the northern Jiangsu province and the Cao family!

Today is the celebration day after the liquidation is completed, and it is no wonder that the Cao family in the manor are all happy, they did not shrink back when the Cao family was the most difficult. Come.

"I tell you, I heard that Master Ye Xian, in order to pursue Qiu Lingyun to avenge Missy, directly set off the entire Canglan River! Even the Henglan Mountain was destroyed by half..."

In the manor, several maids were whispering excitedly, but suddenly they all hurriedly bowed their heads politely.

Then, a beautiful man passed by them, and the man flew like a fairy, but at this time, there was a smiling little girl hanging on her back, which was somewhat destructive.

It wasn't until the man disappeared into the field of vision that these maids dared to raise their heads and covered their faces with blush, and the **** said: "My God, Mr. Ye is so handsome, if he could be his girlfriend , Even one day in my life is worth it."

"I heard that he is also the chairman of the East China United Chamber of Commerce, which is richer than our Queen Yang Lin."

"Gosh, I can't stand it..."

Although it has gone a long way, the words of the maids still fall clearly into the ears of Ye Chen and Cao Xinxuan. The little girl said with a smile: "Master, you are now the dream lover of the girl in the entire East China District."

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. He remembered the words the maid had said in his mind.

"Has Henglan Mountain been destroyed by half..."

At that time, Qiu Lingyun threw out the thunder and thunder, and only blew up the top of Henglan Mountain. His own stormy waves, at most, only caused a small part of the mountain to collapse.

However, the ensuing earthquake caused Henglan Mountain to nearly collapse by half, which has to make people care.

Ye Chen held his chin with his hand, thinking slowly: "It seems, it's time to explore..."

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