The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 228: Reiki recovery?

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Since the great earthquake destroyed Henglan Mountain by half, this famous tourist spot has been inaccessible.

But today, two uninvited guests were welcomed at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Chen had returned to her normal appearance at this time. She stood upright in black clothes, but Cao Xinxuan around her became more extraordinary.

Under the nourishment of Qiongjiang Yulu, she's already charming and charming face, like a fairy, long black hair, also revealing a light blue, looks like the legendary dragon girl.

If the little girl was just cute and cute at the beginning, then she is now Shen Yuluoyan, and the moon is ashamed, enough to make any man who sees her irrational.

However, her personality has not changed much, but she is more sticky than before. Since waking up, she has been hanging on Ye Chen for almost 24 hours. Even if she eats and sleeps, he has to sternly scold before leaving.


The little girl fixedly looked at the falling Henglan Mountain, looking forward to it, "Master was fighting Qiu Lingyun here a few days ago."

She held her face in her hands, her eyes flushed slightly, and her eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that she was dreaming about the grand occasion that day, and she was frustrated for a while: "Unfortunately, I didn't see it with my own eyes."

Ye Chen chuckled and touched Cao Xinxuan's little head, saying, "What is this, as my disciple, in the future, like Qiu Lingyun, you can play two with one hand, and there are countless big scenes waiting for you to go Witness, still care about this little thing?"

Cao Xinxuan was touched like this, rubbing Ye Chen's hand comfortably like a coquettish kitten, and nodded heavily: "Well!"

Ye Chen made a move, and a water dragon jumped from the Canglan River, holding the two people upright, overlooking Henglan Mountain from the sky.

"Huh? Is this?"

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and fixed his eyes on the center of the broken mountain. He could clearly feel that it contained rich aura. Of course, this richness is also relative. Of course, it is still much worse than the vast expanse of stars, but compared with the past, it is several times more abundant.

He tried to sense it, and found that not only Henglan Mountain, but also the waters of the Canglan River, so was Reiki. He could not help but gaze slightly, thinking: "Is this a sign of rejuvenation of Reiki?"

During this period of the last life, he had closed his mind and did not ask about the world, so he did not know what happened in the next few thousand years, but in his impression, the last life did not seem to have heard of the rejuvenation of the earth. .

In other words, this matter is likely to be completely beyond the control of Ye Chen.

Thinking in this way, the faint sense of crisis came to mind. If the world changed greatly, the spirits, beasts and demons came out together. If humans do not want to be prey, they can only embark on the road of cultivation.

By that time, I will not be the only one who cultivates immortals, but this sense of crisis is not very strong. Because Ye Chen believes that even at this time, he is also the entire earth, no, the strongest immortal in the entire universe.

"But it's time to speed up."

Ye Chen turned around and touched Cao Xinxuan's head and said, "I'm going back to Haicheng."

Although there are many things to do at present, he still has to go back to Haicheng first. After all, it has been a long time since the dragon was born and hasn't checked it, and he doesn't know what happened to Ziaojiao's soul.

After experiencing life and death, the little girl matured a lot. She did not cry and asked Ye Chen to stay, nor did she insist on following, but asked quietly, "When will we meet again?"

The corner of Ye Chen's mouth raised slightly, his figure moved, and the whole person had disappeared into the air. A few seconds later, an arrogant voice came from afar:

"When Ye Chen's two names move the world, it is when we meet again!"


After boarding the plane, Ye Chen quickly returned to Haicheng and back to the villa, only to find that no one was there.

Think about it, Xia Yuting should not be over now, Xue Lily is accompanying her mother, but where did Liu Bingyao go?

Ye Chen closed her eyes and sensed for a while, only to find that she was planning to issue a new volume of comics at the publishing house, and she couldn't help smiling.

All the women had their own lives, and he was not prepared to bother. He inspected the villa and found that the large array was functioning normally. When the Jiaojiao's soul saw him coming back, he also shook his head excitedly and wandered around Ye Chen's side.

Feeling the aura in the villa, Ye Chen closed his eyes, thinking while practicing, thinking about what he would do next.

After refining the Emperor's glazed body, refining Jindan is no longer a problem, but Ye Chen has no such intention.

Because the better the Jindan refining, the more condensed Yuanying will be in the future. If more than one Yuanying can be condensed, the subsequent cultivation path can also go smoothly.

So Ye Chen is ready to obtain an excellent spirit treasure first, and then absorb its pure aura for refining Jindan, in order to lay a solid foundation.

And the best choice at present is the pearl jewel.

Thinking of the pearl and jade, Han Chen in Ye Chen's eyes flashed: "Hejia, Ao Island, there has been no news since then, shouldn't I really think that Ye Chen's account is so easy to owe."

Thinking of this, Ye Chen's mouth slightly raised and sneered, "It seems that it is time to go to Aodao."

He took out his cell phone, called Shen Hanlin, and said lightly: "Prepare me the fastest flight to Aodao."

Soon Shen Hanlin gave a reply. The plane ticket would not be available until the next day. Ye Chen shrugged, and she could only stop.

Perhaps because of the craving for the pearl and jade, Ye Chen practiced and practiced, but found that it was difficult for him to settle in and could not help but frown.

At this moment, the villa door was suddenly pushed open, and Liu Bingyao walked in with a handsome man talking and laughing, seeing Ye Chen could not help but stunned.

Liu Bingyao was a little guilty and said: "Ye... Ye Chen, you are back."

Ye Chen nodded faintly: "Well."

Seeing the other party's attitude was a bit cold, Liu Bingyao was immediately shocked: "Don't misunderstand, Ye Chen, he is the new editor of our publishing house, and I came to see the manuscript."

She was also deeply regretful in her heart at this time. The man beside her, today invited herself out with the reason why the new office wanted to see the author, but she did not mention the matter of bringing the manuscript. She could only come back frustrated.

As a result, the guy saw Liu Bingyao pretty, but she followed with a shameless face, making her very dissatisfied, but also helpless, who makes people control his lifeline.

But Liu Bingyao did not expect that such a scene that was easily misunderstood was actually seen by Ye Chen, and he could only hurried forward to explain.

Who knew Ye Chen shrugged, said lightly: "Why do you report such a trivial matter to me? You are busy, I'm going to drink."

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