The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0683: Demon World Supreme

And Ye Hongchen, looking at his hands, a gleam of light appeared in his mind.

The early days of Fanxian!

That's right, after absorbing the evil sword immortal, Ye Hongchen's cultivation base has truly reached the realm of Fanxian!

Although it was only an early stage, it was several times stronger than the fusion stage on the Yuntian Continent!

Even the physical body was completely forged once when it absorbed the evil power of the evil sword immortal.

Although the body exploded in the end, the body reshaped by evil power was more than twice as powerful as the previous one!

"Now, it can be considered as being in this world, with some survivability..."

Ye Hongchen slowly came to the ground, his expression relaxed, looking at the little purple fox that was already holding his head, Ye Hongchen couldn't help but chuckle.

Quite helplessly, he shook his head, walked to the side of the purple fox, and hugged it in his arms very well.

"Sorry, I didn't control it for a while."

Hearing Ye Hongchen's words, the purple fox shook his head very spiritually, and a pair of smart purple eyes blinked slightly.

Did not take the matter just now to heart at all.


Town Demon Tower, the ninth floor.

The Sky Demon Emperor was still sitting on the first seat, teasing the remaining few female demons.

Although the banshee is long among humans and very ugly, now in this town demon tower, the sky demon emperor does not dislike it.

Of course, there is no capital to dislike, after all, there are only a few...

"Emperor, emperor, emperor! The big event is not good! On the fifth floor of the town demon tower, a human broke in, and his cultivation base is very powerful!"

At this moment, a group of monsters recklessly stepped up from the ninth step, and as soon as they entered, they shouted to the demon emperor in a panic expression.

Being so disturbed by the group of demons, the Sky Demon Emperor suddenly lost the mood to tease the banshee.

"What's the matter? What happened to the emperor asking you to inquire about it?" The Sky Demon Emperor looked at the group of monsters, and said coldly until the group of monsters were flustered by him.

"The emperor, I have found out. On the fifth floor of the town demon tower, there is a very powerful human. Looking at his clothes, it seems to be a Shushan disciple."

A sheep demon is very white. If it weren't for a pair of horns on his head, he would not be able to tell that it was a monster. The sentence just now was exactly what it said.

"Oh? A Taoist priest from the mountain of Shu?" The Heavenly Demon Emperor heard the words and seemed to say very generously. Suddenly, he suddenly smashed the table from the year before.

"Since he is a Taoist priest from Mount Shu, why didn't he bring him to the emperor!"

The Sky Demon Emperor's face was extremely angry, his eyes fixed on the sheep demon below.

After all, it was the one who spoke, and it was the first to bear his anger.

"The emperor, we also want to bring him up. After all, there is still a woman who looks like a fairy, and wants to catch him to honor the emperor.

But how did we know that the Taoist priest had such a high level of cultivation, he completely wounded us within a few strokes, and Tiger General was directly killed! "

Hearing this, the demon sheep seemed to be prepared, and opened his clothes, revealing the scars on his fierce mouth, and cried towards the demon emperor.

Seeing this, other groups of demons also took off their clothes one after another, revealing their scars.

Seven or eighty, big and small, some are even bleeding!

If Ye Hongchen were here, they probably would have laughed at them. How could he beat them like this?

Obviously, they are self-harm in order to win the sympathy and trust of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, so as not to be punished.

But the Heavenly Demon Emperor didn't know, he was immediately angry when he saw his demon crowd's injuries.

He can clean up his own subordinates, and even kill them casually, but if others want to move, he needs his consent!

Because this is hitting him in the face! Hit him in the face of a demon king!

He is dignified and famous in the demon world! Although the cultivation base is also a mortal immortal, but above the mortal world, he is the emperor!

Now, after knowing that someone else came to beat him, how could he tolerate this breath?

"Bold! People who dare to move this emperor, this Taoist priest, this emperor will definitely let him die without a place to be buried!"

The Sky Demon Emperor took a few heavy breaths and stood up directly from his position.

"Emperor Yingming!"

After hearing the words of the Sky Demon Emperor, the group of monsters immediately looked at each other and said in unison.

Just when the Sky Demon Emperor took the demon crowd and started to rush from the ninth floor of the town demon tower to the sixth floor.

Outside the lock demon tower!

Night is coming!

Even a few incomparably dazzling lightning bolts were still jumping above the sky, directly smashing into the open space next to the lock demon tower!

Lei Wei is rolling, if mortals are here, it is estimated that they will have to worship Thor.

At this time, a cloud of black energy, with a bloody light shining above the black energy, rushed to the top of the Demon Locking Tower!

The lightning seemed to be unpleasant to the eye, and it directly smashed three lightnings, all of which aimed at the black gas that was shining with red light!

Boom boom boom boom!

Three thunder and lightning hit the black energy in a straight rush!

However, at the moment of hitting the black energy, the three extremely dazzling lightnings dissipated by themselves, and the black energy did not feel weakened at all.

Still rush to the town demon tower!

Soon, Hei Qi came directly to the top of the tower, a pair of black combat boots, standing on the top of the tower.

The black air slowly faded, revealing a man who looked close to 30 years old.

It's just that there are still a pair of black sharp horns on the man's head, which looks very strange.

Wearing a black down jacket, it looks like the feathers of a certain monster beast, tall, tall, and 1.85 meters tall!

Thick eyebrows and big eyes, a pair of cold eyes, there is a bloody mark on the center of his eyebrows!

The devil's supreme, the devil respects the building!

The Demon Lord who is responsible for guarding the two realms of the gods and demons, with a powerful cultivation base, even the god general of the heavenly court can't compare it!

In the original heaven, there was only one general who could match it, but for some reason, he had disappeared.

"Feipeng, we have not finished fighting thousands of years ago, I must finish fighting."

Demon Respect Building looked at the Demon Town Tower at his feet, felt the thin demon energy inside, and muttered.

When the words fell, there was a burst of red light on his wrist! Immediately afterwards, an extremely sharp curved blade appeared directly on both hands and wrists!


As the Demon Respect Building swayed to the top of the Town Demon Tower at will, the Unbreakable Town Demon Tower in the world broke through a big hole!


Town Demon Tower, the sixth floor.

Ye Hongchen had reached the sixth floor with the purple fox in his arms, ready to walk up to the seventh floor of the town demon tower.

I don't know why, at this moment on the sixth floor of the town monster tower, there is not a monster, even if it is just a little monster.

"Emperor, it's on the fifth floor, just go down two floors!"

Suddenly, a sound came into Ye Hongchen's ears, causing his eyes to shrink.

"Yes, the previous group of monsters?" Ye Hongchen slowly grasped the peach flower sword on his waist.


At this moment, a terrifying bombing sound rang through his ears, and a red light pierced directly down!

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