The Clock-in System of All Worlds

Chapter 0684: Ye Hongchen VS Sky Demon Emperor


At this moment, a terrifying bombing sound rang through his ears, and a red light pierced directly down!

The hard structure of the Town Demon Tower couldn't resist the power of this red light, and it shattered all of a sudden.

Ye Hongchen moved his feet and quickly jumped down to the steps of the seventh floor of the town demon tower.

In the next instant, the red light hit those steps straightly, and the steps suddenly collapsed like tofu.

And more than that, even the ground on the sixth floor was attacked by a small hole by the red light at this moment!

"This power is too powerful." Ye Hongchen muttered with a pair of gray eyes flickering.

"Emperor, Emperor! It's him, it's him!"

However, Ye Hongchen couldn't continue thinking about it, and a voice suddenly came from the door between the seventh and sixth floors of the town demon tower.

A man dressed like a scorpion, and there are still purple eye circles around his eyes.

The strange-looking ghost is like a yin and yang person. At this moment, he is standing on the seventh floor of the town demon tower, with a pair of eyes looking at Ye Hongchen with murderous intent.

"It's you, the person who just beat the emperor, also killed a tiger general of the emperor?"

This person is the emperor in the town demon tower, the demon emperor of the demon world, the demon emperor of the sky!

"If you put them on the ground as a fight, then the boy is hit, if the trash is your tiger, then the boy is killed.

how? Do you have any comments? "Ye Hongchen looked at the Sky Demon Emperor, suddenly guessed his identity in his heart, and smiled lightly.

The Sky Demon Emperor, there are not many scenes in Legend of Sword and Fairy Three, but the impression is still a bit deep.

The most profound thing is the scene of fighting with Jingtian in the town demon tower.

He obviously had a strong strength, but he wanted to play with Sedum, and finally was beaten by Sedum with the Demon Sword.

I also had to endure the humiliation in my heart, and shouted that Sedum was not useless.

In the later period, he directly took refuge in the evil sword immortal, a typical bullying and fearful of hardship.

Not to be afraid.

"Good! Good! No human being dared to turn a corner to take the emperor, even those old men in Shushan!

Unexpectedly, today there is a young man who dared to scold the emperor, he is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers! "

After hearing Ye Hongchen's words, the Sky Demon Emperor thought slightly, and finally understood the meaning of Ye Hongchen's words, and suddenly became angry.


When the words were over, the Sky Demon Emperor flew down directly from the gate of the seventh floor of the Town Demon Tower, with a claw-shaped hand, and straightly grabbed it towards Ye Hongchen.

When Ye Hongchen saw that the Heavenly Demon Emperor suddenly made a move, his eyes were cold, and his hands were fisted, and he directly hit the Heavenly Demon Emperor!

Now, his physical body is no longer what it used to be, and he wants to see if his physical body is powerful, or the Sky Demon Emperor, who is a demon clan, is powerful.

This kid actually wanted to go head-to-head with the emperor? Okay, satisfy you!

Seeing Ye Hongchen rushing over, the Heavenly Demon Emperor's heart jumped slightly and secretly said.

Then, the speed of the Sky Demon Emperor went up again, and a purple claw mark appeared in front of him inexplicably.

Grab it towards Ye Hongchen!

No matter what, Ye Hongchen broke the paw that he grabbed with a punch.

Moreover, the speed hasn't slowed down a bit, and he is still fighting towards the Sky Demon Emperor!

"Leader of sheep, do you think the emperor can win this man?"

A little demon standing on the seventh floor of the town demon tower, standing next to the goat demon, asked quite anxiously.

"How do I know that the emperor is extremely powerful, but the Taoist priest does not look like a paper tiger."

The Sheep Demon shook his head, and didn't dare to decide who would win this game, even if the Sky Demon Emperor was their emperor.


Finally, Ye Hongchen's fists and the claws of the Sky Demon Emperor collided together!

A fierce offensive, directly attacking the positions behind both sides!

The entire sixth floor of the Town Demon Tower has become extremely messy, no longer as neat as before!

"It was blocked, but you still lost!" The Sky Demon Emperor looked at Ye Hongchen for a moment, then sneered.

When the words were over, the other hand of the Sky Demon Emperor called directly at a speed that Ye Hongchen could only catch a shadow!

A sense of crisis floated on Ye Hongchen's heart, and his body instinctively moved to the left.


A powerful force passed directly through Ye Hongchen's ears and smashed heavily to the ground.

At this time, there was an extremely conspicuous crack on the ground!

He actually avoided it!

The Sky Demon Emperor was shocked when he saw this situation, looking at Ye Hongchen, whose face was still extremely plain, his complexion began to become ugly.

"Get off." After avoiding the other offensive of the Sky Demon Emperor, Ye Hongchen directly raised his leg and kicked out quickly!

The Sky Demon Emperor couldn't avoid it at all, and was kicked on the face by Ye Hongchen in an instant!


Suddenly, the body of the Sky Demon Emperor, which looked much larger than Zhi Ye Hongchen, was kicked to the ground by Ye Hongchen.

Ye Hongchen gained power and did not forgive others. He commanded several swords. In an instant, several illusory long swords suddenly appeared!


Every illusory long sword exudes the sound of swords, and flies towards the Heavenly Demon Emperor, who is still lying on the ground and has not yet stood up!

The Sky Demon Emperor looked at the oncoming phantom long sword, and swung a claw without thinking about it.


Suddenly, a purple claw slapped heavily on the flying illusory long sword!

When Ye Hongchen saw this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he muttered: "Just like this, you can't break it."

Sure enough, when the purple claws caught the illusion longsword, the illusion longsword seemed to become non-existent.

The claws pass straight through the blade of the illusion long sword, and they can't touch the illusion long sword at all!

When the Sky Demon Emperor saw this, his eyes were about to stare out, and his feet hurriedly stepped on the ground.

Due to the power from the impact, the entire body of the Sky Demon Emperor flew behind him.

boom! boom! boom……

The illusory long sword pierced directly into the original position of the Sky Demon Emperor, and gradually faded away like gas.

Ye Hongchen hugged the purple fox and came to the ground on the sixth floor of the Town Demon Tower, with a pair of gray eyes staring at the Sky Demon Emperor in front.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be an immortal with a mortal cultivation base! Not a mortal..."

The Sky Demon Emperor stood up and looked at Ye Hongchen in front of him, his face extremely gloomy.

After finishing speaking, a huge monster air appeared on his body, making Ye Hongchen feel uncomfortable for a while.

True immortal cultivation realm!

It wasn't until this time that Ye Hongchen felt the real cultivation base of the Sky Demon Emperor.

Just now, the Sky Demon Emperor didn't use all his strength, so he was so weak.

"You who are a true immortal, this son is a little confused, how can you be locked into the town demon tower."

Ye Hongchen stroked the incomparably soft hair of the purple fox, while faintly said to the demon emperor.

Suddenly hearing such a sentence from Ye Hongchen, the eyes of the Sky Demon Emperor suddenly shrank!

"Not the old man of those disgusting people! They cheat!"

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