The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Fourteen, Alien Colossus (3)


Arcturus Space Station, Star Alliance Naval Academy.


"Follow, Kevin." Zhou opened the car door for Kaos, nodded to him, and walked towards the college with the tablet.

Is this nickname necessary? "Kaos" doesn't have many letters in any language, right?

Kaos jumped out of the car angrily, looked at the Mass Effect speedster that left on its own, and then trotted to follow Zhou Zhou.

He can adapt to the current high-tech daily life and environment, but he has always had doubts about the "Mass Effect" technology and its raw material "Element Zero" that have expanded to all aspects of human society, because they were not developed by humans at all. Something that comes out.

According to a history book that Kaos recently read for fun, when humans first entered the universe, the technology used was still traditional fuel propulsion.

On July 20, 2069, the 100th anniversary of the human landing on the moon, a real lunar settlement was established.

It was not until 2103 that the Mars settlement and scientific research station were nearly completed.

Next, in 2137, humans extracted "helium-3" from the atmosphere of Saturn, an element isotope that can achieve controllable nuclear fusion, which solved the energy problem. Only then did humans reach the orbit of the original Pluto and began to build there. The first real bridgehead "Gagarin Space Station".

And just when humans began to consider which nearby galaxy to head for, the discovery of the Mars scientific research station made their previous efforts in vain.

Yes, it's "Element Zero" and "Mass Effect."

On Mars, at the same time as this material, which "changes the quality of surrounding materials when electrified," was discovered, there were also a large number of advanced technologies related to it, which led to a rapid development of human science.

The most critical one is the technology to activate and use the "mass relay". After humans activated the mass relay hidden near Pluto's satellite Charon and entered the "zero mass jump channel", the entire fleet instantly Arriving at the Arcturus galaxy thirty-six light years away, and the mass relay located at Arcturus remains connected to other nearby galaxies, a door to the endless starry sky is completely opened.

Although it is a little sad that the Gagarin Space Station will be abandoned before it is put into use.

In view of this "suddenly broadened horizons" situation,

The countries on earth finally gave up their petty disputes. The heads of 18 superpowers jointly drafted and announced the "Galaxy Alliance Charter". The Systems Alliance (Systems Alliance) as a military barrier and explorer for human outer space was officially established.

As for its logo... Kaos glanced up at the Naval Academy building.

The overall logo is silver-gray, and the main body is a pair of abstract hands with fingertips touching each other. Protected under the "hands" are three five-pointed stars distributed in an equilateral triangle.

The meaning of this sign was not explained in detail when it was announced, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that no matter how it is explained, some people will be dissatisfied, so it was blurred.

"[Welcome, Lieutenant Zhou.]" Zhou paused for a moment when he brought Kaos into the Naval Academy, and then a thin blue light "swept" them from head to toe. After that, in addition to the electronic synthesized sound, In addition to his welcome, only two soldiers in Star Alliance uniforms on the gate saluted him.

However, Kaos could notice that since they got off the bus, they had already gone through at least four scans and identity information verifications. The inspection when entering the door was the least important one. If they were stopped here, it was probably because I just brought something troublesome.

"Although the colonel has been temporarily appointed as the governor of the colonial star, he cannot leave until the end of the planned 'celebration of the graduation of the first batch of students' event," Zhou explained to Kaos beside him as he walked forward: " Combining the two, there is an additional schedule of 'selecting good talents from the graduates to join your subordinates'. Once this example is started, the generals who also come to attend the graduation ceremony will naturally have a share of the pie. I highly doubt that this behavior will eventually It becomes a tradition.”

Indeed, these first batch of graduating Naval Academy students have basically never been on the battlefield. Military senior officials can only get a preliminary impression of their abilities through grades and evaluations. Most of them will wait until the military department for allocation, but Leahy If Temu directly picks can't pick me but you can't?

But, no matter how smart I am, I am still just a child who is not familiar with the world. How can I understand these twists and turns?

Kaos said "Huh" and continued to turn his head and look left and right.

The main colors of the Star Alliance Naval Academy are silver, black, and blue, which look a little depressing. Over the past hundred years of aerospace development, there have been corresponding countermeasures on how to neutralize this depressing color combination. , so the reason why this place still looks like this is probably to test the students. After all, Star Alliance battleships will not be allowed to be painted casually.

Students and instructors, as well as relevant people and spectators like Zhou came and went in a hurry, but most of them wore clothes similar to tights.

Although it is incredible, it is actually a "combat space suit", the kind that can run into outer space with a helmet - of course, it is an ancient technology from the ruins of Mars.

Before officially entering the aerospace age, there were many science fiction works describing the scene of space warriors each armed with a pair of powered armor and carrying large firearms to charge to kill the enemy. However, after the emergence of "Mass Effect" technology, the kind of battle that resembled medieval heavy cavalry The design concept was directly thrown into the garbage dump - if anyone really wore that weird thing, they would probably be hit directly by the super-high-speed projectiles fired from the mass effect firearms.

You know, not to mention its practicality, when the mass can be changed, a near-zero mass projectile will be accelerated to an incredible degree. How can the kind of powered armor that relies solely on the thickness of the armor be able to withstand it?

Oh, Kaos looked at several huge mechas in the corner of the academy. At least they can be used for engineering convenience.

The only way to fight against mass effect guns is the "mass effect shield", which is an eggshell-shaped "shield" that completely protects the user. This layer of "shield" will be consumed by the attack. Only after it is recharged can it cause actual damage to the user - in this case it is basically a matter of one shot.

So, even though people in the college seem to be walking around without protection, if someone picks up a machine gun and shoots them, they will probably hit a lot of "eggshells".

No, how is that possible? This is the territory of the Star Alliance Navy. Who dares to cause trouble?

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