The Collection of The End

One Thousand and Fifteen, Alien Colossus (4)


Starfleet Naval Academy.

Kaos was watching the graduation ceremony of these recruits with at least the rank of second lieutenant from the auditorium at the edge of the open-air playground.

Of course, "open air", compared with the space stations in previous science fiction works that were sealed like tin cans, and once air leakage was a major incident, the current space station is more like a floating island. Under the influence of "Mass Effect" technology , there is a "protective shield" above the floating island that will not let the air escape, and that ordinary meteorite cannot be shaken at all.

Space stations far away from the earth basically have similar structures, except for the Gagarin Space Station, which suffered a big loss because it was built too early.

At this time, Lechtem Claude, dressed in military uniform, was leading the graduates below on the ceremony stage to take the oath:

"I hereby solemnly swear,"

"I will dedicate my life and strength to protecting the galaxy federation and human civilization,"

"We will uphold justice for all intelligent life in the universe,"

"From the bottom of the Pacific to the edge of the Milky Way."

"It begins today and ends until death."

Originally, he was just observing the ceremony, but in the end, not only was he first assigned the status of a colonial star governor, but the college also used this status as an opportunity to ask him to take the oath on his behalf. No matter how he tasted it, he was full of flattery. Sure enough, it was because he was only twenty-seven. Becoming a colonel at the age of 18 is only one step away from becoming a general. It is a bit too big to attract attention.

It's really troublesome, Kaos smacked his lips. If it was a real attack, he could help. And it would be nice to be able to understand this kind of secret game.

"How, are you envious?" Zhou beside him suddenly said.

"A little." Kaos nodded.

Privately, Lichtem is a bit stubborn and stubborn. He is picky about the details of things. Once he makes a decision, he must implement it immediately. He has no more than three styles of clothes in his wardrobe. He also always likes to eat junk food like hot dogs, hamburgers and cola. ...but after dressing up and putting on a serious expression, he still looks handsome.

"Then, how about you enroll directly after the new semester starts?" Zhou Qingqing answered.

"Ah?" Kaos blinked,

He looked at him and then at the graduates below with a confused expression.

Wait, he just asked himself if he was "envious". Could it be that he actually meant those little brats who were still young?

"Of course, it's not the adult class, but the juvenile class that will be formed soon," Zhou added.

"No." Kaos turned back quickly.

In terms of actual age, even a dying human old man is still a child to him, but in terms of mental age, well... it still doesn't count.

At this time, the oath-taking part of the graduation ceremony has passed, and the selection part has officially entered. Of course, the official name is "A Brief Introduction to the Star Alliance Combat Forces."

The officers of these publicly available units will introduce the general situation of their units one by one and encourage the students, and the college will disclose their names, garrison locations, scales and current major talent gaps to the graduates in the form of documents, and let them They each filled out a letter of intent.

Although as soldiers, their relationship with each unit cannot be as free as that between job seekers and recruiting companies. Even if those present do not fill in the form, they will be assigned in the end. However, if they are willing to take the initiative, their enthusiasm and sense of belonging will always be higher.

Specifically, since the First Fleet is determined to be responsible for guarding the Earth and Arcturus, it may be the first choice for those seeking stability, while the Second and Third Fleets being formed will face unknown star fields for a long time. Those who love adventure will have a higher weight in their hearts, and the colonial star garrison, a military branch that combines the two tendencies, is more suitable for those who want to "want it all."

"You know, Kevin, the initial population of the new colonial star will be three million, and it will be more in the future depending on the planet's attractiveness. And now the entire Star Alliance is filled with the idea of ​​'going out'. As the leader of Europa 7, the Colonel The Governor, and myself as his aide-de-camp, will be very busy and will probably not have time to take care of you." Even after being rejected, Zhou maintained his tepid pace in explaining.

"Just find an android butler." Kaos didn't look back.

“Not just life, but knowledge.”

"I can teach myself."

“What about social relationships?”



"Little K, Shizune." Kaos lowered his head and ordered to his left wrist.

"[Okay, muted.]" As a translucent orange "glove" appeared on his hand, a voice that was identical to his sounded.

Then, Zhou's voice was directly interrupted.

Of course, this was not because Kaos silenced Zhou, but because the "mass effect shield" on his body specifically filtered out the sound waves coming from him.

If you want, this application can also play some dynamic dance music, but if you don't play it, you will be regarded as a fool.


Zhou seemed to say something more, but finally shrugged and gave up.

If you want to say what Kaos likes most in this interstellar space era, it is this "universal tool" that was also archaeologically discovered from the ruins of Mars.

It integrates communication, computing, identity verification, material processing and other functions. If you want, you can chat with its built-in virtual intelligence (VI) for a whole day.

In addition, this orange virtual glove is just an AR projection. Its true form is a wristband tied to the wrist by Kaos. It is said that some people who don’t like virtuality directly make it into a glove shape, and some ruthless people directly make it. A subcutaneous chip is implanted into the arm, but most of them are made into a small accessory like Kaos. By the way, it also provides the "Mass Effect Shield", so it can isolate sound waves outside a certain range.

Even if Zhou was "muted", Kaos would not feel any sense of relief, because Zhou could not put forward such an opinion himself. It was probably a decision made by Lichtem after comprehensive consideration, and he opposed the adoptive father's decision and succeeded. The current number is zero. Zhou may not be able to do anything about him in the "silent state", but Lichtem, who also has the highest authority of "Little K", will not let him continue to play this trick.

Damn it, this scene is becoming more and more like that dream. Kaos frowned and thought quickly in a quiet "protective shield".

Obviously, it was precisely because he was left at the Naval Academy and had only sporadic opportunities to meet with Rechthem during vacations. He did not officially go to work on Europa 7 until a few years later, so he failed to discover the "Star Destroyer"—— Let’s call it this for the time being—the traces of appearance. Otherwise, how could an “old man” who stayed on the planet not be able to detect the sudden appearance of a behemoth in the nearby space?

The trouble now is that because of his status as an adopted son and a school-age child, Kaos has no reason or capital to refuse this arrangement. Speaking of the existence of "Star Destroyer" will make him more like a random excuse that doesn't want to leave home to go to school. naughty kid.

If it really doesn't work, you can consider showing some strength to Lichtem in private, expressing that you are "not a mortal", so you don't need to go to a "mortal school"?

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