The Collection of The End

One thousand and thirty-five, element 0 (24)

Tip: ‘Green Light’ destroyed a ‘Mr. Thick Fish’ and obtained 13 DNA points. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ tribe forced the ‘Mr. Coarse Fish’ tribe to become extinct and gained 40 DNA points. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ tribe can now occupy the nest of ‘Mr. Coarse Fish’ to rest, but cannot reproduce or be reborn there. 】

[Tip: Due to the success of forcing a group to become extinct, the 'Green Light' group obtained the evolutionary component owned by the other group: 'Barb Tail'. 】

[Tip: Because it saved the ‘Daqing Gourd’ tribe from the brink of extinction, it automatically formed an alliance with the ‘Green Light’ tribe and received 40 DNA points. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ group has obtained the evolutionary component: ‘Insect Wings’. 】

At the same time as this series of prompts, a group of "Mr. Coarse Fish" were spiraling into the sky and disappearing one after another.

After I commanded "Green Light Zero" to kill two "Mr. Thick Fishes" with two blows, all the strange fish that originally formed the encirclement fell into a sluggish state, and after a moment of silence, they stood aside. The golden light scattered as it spun and rose into the air, eventually disappearing completely.

If it weren't for the red balls all over the ground, no one would have imagined that there was a big melee between the two ethnic groups not long ago - although it ended with a third party entering and taking all.

【Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as rough fish. ] The stupid system complained.

‘The literal meaning is true. If I saw two groups of creatures fighting on the road, I would probably not care. But who would let one of them be in a [permanent hostile] state? Even if these strange fish are let go this time and allowed to continue evolving, they will become something similar to the Four Pests when Green Light becomes the overlord of the planet. Letting go at this time is meaningless. ’

[Isn’t it more courageous to directly say, ‘The only reason they failed is because they offended me’? 】

‘It’s so stupid. ’

Obviously, the "Crying Gourd" that was almost extinct did not think that the rescue of "Green Light" was insignificant. They did not know that they had repaid the favor by donating "components", and that three of the five reinforcements were dummies. Treat them to food from storage.

Different from the fruits as big as apples near the nesting position of "Green Light", there are more delicate and small shrub wild fruits and even grass fruits here at "Crying Gourd", and the smallest one seems to be only as big as a grain of rice.

Chicken pecks at rice...well...

Watching "Green Light Zero" and its followers chatting happily with "Dingming Gourd\

,"Having fun, I started to think about other issues, such as——

‘What are barbed tails and insect wings? ’

Since it was too far away from the nest, I couldn't open the biological evolver for the time being, so I had to ask the stupid system for the information given by my sister.

[It is a decoration,] Stupid System responded: [That is to say, 'Mr. Thick Fish' has the possibility of evolving into a scorpion. Other species basically do not use this weird tail shape. As for the wings, although they can provide gliding ability, But are you really willing to evolve something like this? 】

After saying that, the stupid system popped up a miniature "biological evolver" interface at the edge of the field of vision. It was just a still image, looking more like a screenshot than a real scene.

On the screen, it is the "green light" that looks like a pair of "cicada wings". I have to say, it is so stupid.

Unless I radically modify the Green Light again to make it slimmer and more insect-like, the translucent plastic wings won't work at all.

‘Okay, now there is another question. I remember that when we allied with other creatures before, the total sum of each group including the individuals was only 40 points. How come the extinction and alliance of these two groups are only the final step? 40 points? ’

[A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first? 】

‘Have you learned how to tell the truth? First of all, the good news is that my mental endurance is pretty good and I am not afraid of reversals. ’ I replied looking at the green light and followers who were staying at the nest of Daming Gourd.

[The good news is that as the biological strength increases, whether it is extermination or alliance, the number of DNA points obtained from each group will be doubled, in order: 40, 80, 120, 160, 200. 】

‘This is an increase! ’

[The bad news is that the consumption of ‘evolution components’ will also double, which are 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 respectively. 】

‘Are you really 250? No, wait a minute? ’

I briefly recalled the attributes of "Little Eggshell" and "Twisted Creature", then looked at the summoned "Single-thorned Porcupine" and "Sonic Bird", and did a little addition and averaged.

‘By [strength], do you mean the average of attack, friendliness and speed? ’

[Congratulations, you got the answer right~] The stupid system also sprinkled some flowers on the screen: [However, since the attributes of the creature stage are capped at 5 points, the most you can see is ordinary creatures with attributes of '5, 5, 5'—— Of course, this kind of creature at the top of the food chain is not easy to appear. 】

‘That is to say, the current green light is only slightly stronger than level 2 creatures, so it is so difficult to catch a rough fish. ’

[Yes, that’s right, if these two green lights are level 5 ‘poison spray’, hitting ‘Mr. Thick Fish’ with this attribute will instantly kill him - oh, maybe wait a few more seconds? 】

Hmm... From this point of view, it is obviously not a wise move to continue moving forward. If you encounter a guy with an average attribute of 3, and it is a little more scientific, with attributes reaching "5, 1, 3", Green Light will not be able to fight back. Power.

But even if you want to go back and evolve, it's a problem that you haven't obtained any valuable components at all.

Hum! Beep!

While I was hesitating, I saw "Single-thorned Porcupine" and "Sonic Bird" seemed to be full. They called out to "Green Light" and "Crying Gourd" and flew away towards the beach and jungle respectively. .

[Tip: The 'Calling Friends' skill will enter the cooldown after the 'summoned creature' leaves on its own. The cooling time is determined by the loss during the summoning. For the creature group that died during the summoning, the next time 'Calling Friends' will have Most likely refuse to respond. 】

[Tip: The tribe to which the summoner belongs will not refuse to respond. 】

[Tip: The current cooling time of ‘Hu Peng Yin Ban’ is: 1 day. 】

Well, that is to say, if I treat all the summoned creatures as tools and sacrifice them at will, not only will the final cooldown time be increased to 3 days, but in the end, only creatures of my own species will be summoned. If I continue to sacrifice them casually, I will wait. Let's go extinct.

[Well, there is no human shield now. Have you figured out what to do? ] The stupid system asked.

Beach, forest, beach, choose one.

No, wait, I seem to have missed a direction? And in this case...

'Decided! keep going! No matter what kind of creatures are in front of you, they are just local dogs! ’

【Fu? 】

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