The Collection of The End

One thousand and thirty-six, element 0 (25)

Puss in Boots, carnivorous, 'Attack: 3', 'Friendliness: 1', 'Speed: 3'. 】

[Tip: This group does not like strange creatures and must please more members (3) to successfully form an alliance. 】

[Tasrier, omnivorous, 'Attack: 2', 'Friendliness: 3', 'Speed: 3'. 】

[Tip: This group is keen on making friends, and forming an alliance requires a small number of members to please (2). 】

"Green Light" bid farewell to "Crying Gourd" and continued along the beach, but did not find the expected nest of "Mr. Thick Fish". Instead, there were two strange groups with additional annotations.

It's weird, but not weird at all - what's all the fuss about about Puss in Boots and a monkey wearing glasses? It only proves that their breeders have rather strange aesthetics.

But for the "green light", especially the little follower, their weirdness has probably reached the level of "alien".


Here, the chubby orange cat, walking upright and wearing a pair of bright red boots, was glaring with its green eyes at the little follower who was cowering behind the "Green Light Zero".


On the other side, a golden monkey with hands and feet and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses is dancing towards the "zero green light". I guess it probably wants to express "We are here for peace"?

[Isn’t that the opposite? 】

‘I was looking for you, what’s with the boots and glasses? Is there any civilization that can produce it now? ’ I asked immediately.

[Of course not, the fastest growing civilization now——] Silly System’s voice paused, and he seemed to run to inquire. After a while, he replied: [I am in the biological stage like you. 】

‘I guess you’re going to be promoted soon? ’

[Don’t worry, it’s not a big problem. 】

‘I was not worried about being surpassed in development speed, I was only worried about whether they could survive and successfully resist the doomsday elements. ’

【Of course no problem. 】

The stupid system was looking around, so I had no choice but to focus on the "Green Light Zero" again. After looking at the arrogant "Puss in Boots", I decided to cater to the "Tassie" who had already extended an olive branch. ".



The "tarsier" who received the response had a look of surprise on his face - God knows how I could see the surprise on a monkey's face, maybe because it was deliberately showing it?

But it doesn't matter, come on, for folk songs, I'm ready to press "sing".

With a swish sound, the "tarsier" in front of the "green light" suddenly turned back, and then turned back again, but its posture changed.

The monkey was seen hugging itself with one hand and pressing the bridge of its nose with the other. After waiting for a few seconds, it stretched out a finger to push the "glasses" upwards, and the "lenses" immediately emitted a white flash.

[Tip: ‘Tarsis’ used ‘Charm’, ‘Green Light’ does not have this negotiation skill, and the alliance will automatically fail. 】

Amidst some kind of air leaking sound effect, the monkey pushed up his glasses again, then shook his head and sighed deeply.

[Oh, the wisdom of mortals. 】

‘Don’t give me random dubbing! ’

[Calm down, calm down, and 'singing' are basic negotiation skills that every creature has. As long as you try repeatedly, there is a chance that it will use 'singing' two or three times in a row. 】

'Yeah? ’


[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ group forms an alliance with the ‘Tasker’ group and obtains 40 DNA points. 】

[Tip: ‘Green Light’ has obtained the evolutionary component: ‘Glasses Eyes’. 】

[Tip: After evolving ‘Glasses Eyes’, you can use the negotiation skill ‘Charm’. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ tribe formed an alliance with the ‘Puss in Boots’ tribe and obtained 40 DNA points.]

[Tip: ‘Green Light’ has obtained the evolutionary component: ‘Dancing Boots’. 】

[Tip: After evolving ‘Dancing Boots’, you can use the negotiation skill ‘Dance’. 】

The stupid system’s estimates are completely inaccurate!

In addition to the unique talents of these two creatures, all creatures with arms and legs also automatically gain the JO-I mean "Posture" diplomacy skill.

The most annoying thing is that these skills can be connected at will. The tarsier is okay, but those "Puss in Boots" sing and break dance at the same time, and when they are done, they pose and wink...

Where did you get your idols from? How can a mere Bulbasaur imitate this set of combos?

After visiting the "Pussy in Boots" group four or five times, "Green Light Zero" and its followers were able to successfully please the three orange cats who could only sing and pose, thus successfully defeating the two "blockers". Done, it turned out to be completely dark.

Without night vision, "Green Light Zero" could only rest on the territory of these two new alliances.

Still want to move on? After the "green lights" at both ends fell asleep, I began to think.

Speaking of this tarsier alone, its total attributes have reached 8. Next, we will definitely encounter powerful creatures of level 3. They are not necessarily friendly. Even if the trick I expected is effective, it must be based on not being killed instantly. Just go up.

[We can move forward one day, probably. 】The stupid system interjected.

'Huh? Haven't you been clamoring for the 'Green Lights' to die as soon as possible? ’

[That is a relatively safe way of playing, expanding the territory around the nest in a spiral shape, steadily improving the attributes and pushing them all the way.] The stupid system said: [But you are only one step away from successfully stealing the house, so I won’t advise you now. Go back, or in other words, even if you decide to go back tomorrow, I have to find a way to stop you. 】

‘Hmm…it seems like an outdated novice tutorial. ’

[Believe it or not, I won’t say a word in the future? 】

'Do not believe. ’

【I don’t believe it either. 】


After daybreak, "Green Light Zero" and its followers left the territory of "cat" and "monkey" and moved forward. Soon they found a new nest, but it was strangely empty.

There were only some oddly shaped bones scattered around the nest.

After I directed the green light to dial one of them, several rows of prompts popped up immediately.

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ tribe discovered the nest of an extinct creature and the skeletons left by its owner. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ group can occupy this unowned nest and evolve and reproduce here. 】

[Biological Skeletons: Skeletons left behind by creatures that successfully landed on land but failed to survive. After use, you may gain DNA points or evolutionary components. 】

This can't be the territory of "Mr. Coarse Fish"... I looked at the familiar skeletons that clearly had "barb tails".

Will the original creatures become such "relics" after they are exterminated and ascended to heaven?

[Look, this is why I don’t recommend you return. ] The stupid system said proudly in a tone that sounded like it was asking for credit.

‘Well, it’s better to calculate one less amount of the account that was written down. ’ I watched “Green Light Zero” walk towards the skeleton, pulled out “DNA Points + 12”, and then responded to the stupid system.

【Ga? When did you remember it? 】

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