The Collection of The End

One thousand and thirty-seven, element 0 (26)

"Green Light Zero" was picking at the pile of bones near the Masterless Lair.

DNA points +12, DNA points +13, this is the normal result.

If you're lucky, you'll make a whirring sound, and a rotating component panel will fly up.

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ group turned over the bones of extinct creatures and discovered a new evolutionary component: bone armor. 】

[Bone Armor: An armor piece with defensive capabilities. After evolution, it can slightly increase the health of the creature. The increased health cannot be superimposed. 】

[Tip: The unowned lair will have a new owner in '5' days. During this period, any creature that discovers the lair can choose to 'occupy' or 'destroy' it. 】

Huh? Forget about occupying it, what is the operation of destroying it?

[If you go back to your hometown often, you will find that] Stupid System said: [Within a certain range, the fruits or other vegetarian food produced per unit time are limited. Destroying the ownerless nest can prevent new ethnic groups from appearing in this location for a long time. , which will help relieve the pressure on food supply. Of course, if it is a carnivorous creature, it will definitely be kept. 】

‘Then the only option I have is [occupy]? ’

[Yes, you let the green light run too far and collected a lot of components. It is not cost-effective to return or die at this time. You can only take some risks to occupy it. 】

Hmm... The stupid system only cares about the life and death of living things. I have to be careful not to let it give up any worthless populations. The other thing is -

'What's the risk? ’

[You’ll know after you try it. This is the only option anyway, isn’t it? 】The stupid system actually shows off.

Just give it a try, can you still die?

I directed "Green Light Zero" to the edge of the ownerless lair, and as expected, new bubbles appeared on its head, with the patterns of "flag" and "explosion" on them, simple and clear.

Poke the flag and click the green check mark that pops up.

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ group chose to occupy an unowned nest. 】

[Tip: Based on the strength comparison between the 'Green Light' and the original owner of the nest, it will take '1' day to fully occupy it. 】

[Tip: The ‘Green Light’ tribe will migrate most members here,

The delay due to obstruction by hostile creatures on the way is '0' days. 】

[Tip: A variety of wild creatures will continue to try to occupy the unowned nest. The 'Green Light' group needs to ensure control of the nest during the occupation. 】

[Tip: How to deal with the intruder will not affect the attitude of the group towards the occupier. DNA points may be obtained during the response, but evolutionary components cannot be obtained. 】

Ding, Ding, Ding!

Along with a burst of slightly exciting sound effects, the picture in front of me was split into two.

On the left is "Green Light Zero" jumping around on the edge of the nest and whining, with a "flag bubble" floating on his head.

On the right is the "Seaside Nest" that I haven't been back to for a long time. Judging from the scale, the number of green lights has exceeded a hundred. They are strengthening the nest in an orderly manner, collecting food, and training new individuals. There are also "Twisted Creatures" and "Little Eggs" nearby. Shell" was wandering aimlessly.

The next moment, the entire group's movements were stunned, and then the behavior pattern completely changed. They were divided into several groups in an orderly manner, with about one third staying behind, while the other "green lights" invited friends and companions, dragging their families with them. They each carried a lot of food and followed the direction of "Green Light Zero". The same bubbles appeared on their heads, with dotted arrows pointing to a flag exactly drawn on them.


[Pangolin, omnivorous, ‘Attack: 1’, ‘Friendliness: 2’, ‘Speed: 1’. 】

After the two pictures were displayed at the same time for a while, the scene of the "Green Light Leader" and his younger brothers migrating disappeared, and the first "visitor" appeared on the "Green Light Zero" side.

This is a creature with four short legs, a relatively long head and tail, small eyes and undulating scales on its back. It is more like a crocodile than a pangolin - if its mouth is a little bigger.

If you look closely, you can also find that the "scales" on its back are just mimic patterns on its skin, which is very consistent with its "121" weak strength.

Wu Lili! Chat!

"Green Light" stepped forward to communicate with it, and a "note" appeared above each other's heads, and they successfully became partners.

[What exactly did the pangolin say? 】

‘Probably, I really don’t taste good, or something like that? ’

If the "green light" were allowed to perform this "defense mission" by themselves, they would probably kill all creatures approaching the nest because of the conflict of purpose.

But in this battle that is expected to last for one day, if every creature is killed, even if the relationship will not be reduced, "Green Light Zero" and its followers will not have such strong physical strength.

Therefore, as long as the creatures encountered in the early stage are not "permanently hostile", it should be a good idea to accept them as temporary allies. When the battle finally has to begin, it will also have a lot of helpers.

[Your idea is very good, but you have overlooked an important issue, which is why the other party wants to form an alliance with you. 】

‘Because Green Light sings better than it? ’ I vaguely thought of something, but I still said nonsense.

[That's because after forming an alliance, 'Green Light' also shared food and nests with its allies.] The stupid system said: [And in this kind of temporary defense mission, it has no impact on the current group relations, so why are they willing to assist you? ? 】



I was thinking, and the little green-light follower had already answered with action.

It ran on its short legs to a fruit-bearing shrub near the owner's nest, picked a fruit from it, ran back and handed it to the "pangolin".

After the pangolin ate the fruit, it chirped and chatted with it. A bubble with a "flag" appeared on its head, and it began to patrol near the nest seemingly, although its combat effectiveness was not worth expecting at all.

It turns out that because "Green Light" does not yet have control of the nest in this mission, the promise of "allowing friendly creatures to rest in their own nest" is simply generosity. Only by providing food to these temporary allies can they be invited. To help, as expected, the amount of food paid in this case will be more than usual.

[That’s it. Bringing a bunch of weak chickens can’t increase your defense much, but the food consumed is not discounted at all. If you use up all the food during the defense period, it will be very troublesome even if you occupy the nest. So, my suggestion Yes, only those that can fight and negotiate are left, and the fruits are supplied to vegetarian creatures. Weak creatures like pangolins are killed and given to carnivorous creatures as food. This is the theoretically most efficient response in the defensive mode. 】

‘You want to secretly beat other species to death. ’

【Fu? 】

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