My name is Elijah,

I'm thinking of ways to break the situation.


【Army of the King】is Rider Iskandar's strongest Noble Phantasm. According to the information collected during several days of fighting, it can be judged that it has its own inherent enchantment, a large number of unranked heroic spirits that can be summoned, and can be summoned at any time. It is a powerful Noble Phantasm that can forcibly bring others into it when it is in an open state.

Earlier, just before the two sides were about to collide, Saber Alter was pulled into the inherent barrier of [King's Army], facing the vast desert and the endless army of heroic spirits, she just looked in front of her coldly as if expecting Conqueror of something.

"I'm waiting for your 'overbearing'." said the female knight in black armor.

"Ah?" Iskandar on the chariot scratched his head in surprise, "Don't you understand after seeing this?"

"No." Saber's golden vertical pupils like a giant dragon did not fluctuate at all.

"Even though their bodies are destroyed, their heroic spirits are still summoned. They are my loyal warriors in the legend!" Iskandar opened his hands to those heroic spirits: "The eternal friends who travel through time and space to respond to my call, they are my My treasure! It is my way of overlord!"

Oh oh oh——! There was a tsunami-like response from the Heroic Spirits.

"You who pursue the lonely and kingly way, don't you have such a friend?" Rider turned around and stared at Saber who was frowning slightly: "You can choose to join me, and I will share with you the joy of conquering the world, no, conquering the universe!"

"So, even after death, you want to enslave them?" Saber Alter's tone became even more indifferent. She raised her hand to stop Iskandar who wanted to explain something, and stretched her black two-handed sword forward: " It just so happens that this is your inherent enchantment, so let me show you the so-called 'solitary kingly way'."

"Oh?" Rider raised his thick red eyebrows, "Please."

"【King of Britain, Chief Knight of the Round Table, Artoria Pendragon, hold a round table review here!】"

Saber Alter closed her eyes and read aloud.

A huge, completely pitch-black round table immediately appeared in front of her, and phantoms of more than a dozen armored knights appeared on the seats surrounding the round table.

"[This king judges that the Conqueror King Iskandar in front of him is an enemy that must be eliminated, please start voting!]" Saber raised the oath and the sword of victory in his hand: "[Approve or oppose!]"

A pitch-black light enveloped the blade of the Broken Steel Sword following the voice.

"[Gao Wen, approved]"

"[Geraint, Approved]"

"[Gareth, Gareth, approved]"

With a sound of "approval", more black rays of light began to wrap around the pitch-black holy sword.

“[Lancelot, abstain]”

“[Galahad, abstain]”

"..." Saber and the other phantoms looked at the two of them, and their figures disappeared in place in an instant.

"[Bowes, Approved]" "[Bedwell, Approved]"

"[Kay, Approved]" "[Lan Malloc, Approved]"

The Knights of the Round Table's review was still going on. Although the Broken Steel Sword did not show any greater power except for being surrounded by more black light, Iskandar had already made a defensive posture.

"[Persival, Approved]" "[Drizzer, Approved]"

"[Kay, Approved]" "[Eckert, Approved]"

"【Modred, object!】"

The Knights of the Round Table turned collectively again, and the black phantom that voted against this time did not intend to disappear at all. Although it could not say anything other than comments, it was still expressing "opposition" with body language.

"[Merlin, approve the review result]", said a hooded figure who appeared outside the round table.

"[End of the round table review! Recognize Iskandar and his heroic spirits as enemies! Allow the release of the holy sword!]"

The pitch-black round table disappeared in an instant, and on the holy sword held high by Saber, the entwined black light had already formed a tornado-like vortex, and its power even made the distant desert start to form a sandstorm.

"Rider, let us verify your arrogance—" Saber suddenly swung the sword in his hand towards Iskandar and the group of heroic spirits behind him, and the boundless black tide rushed towards them like a black wave falling from the sky.

"【Oath and Sword of Victory (Ex~calibur)!】"


After the heroic spirits of both sides disappeared at the same time, Kiritsugu slowly drove the off-road vehicle up the mountain road, and at the same time stared at Weber vigilantly. There was a heroic spirit specially summoned by Rider to protect him in order to prevent a two-on-one formation here. Unable to carry out a sneak attack, but there is no guarantee that he will not take the initiative to rely on the protection of the heroic spirit.

But until Kiritsugu left the fighting place and arrived at Lin Hao's side, Weber remained motionless with a puzzled expression as if he couldn't figure it out.

Mostly he couldn't understand why Rider didn't take us away. To be honest, those so-called knights or upright battles were also difficult for Kiritsugu to understand, but that didn't affect his use of those who followed this way.

"Can I get in the car by myself?" Kiritsugu got out of the car, looked at Lin Hao who was sitting in a wheelchair at the corner of the mountain road, and said.

Maybe Rider took the little girl away just to force Saber to fight him one-on-one? After all, even if the Assassin pretended to be himself and sniped Weber, he still had to hold on to his identity and not attack the Master whose strength was completely unequal.

"Yes, hum." Lin Hao snorted at Kiritsugu, stretched out his hand and turned the wheelchair towards the car door.

This girl still doesn't want to see him, Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and thought, but what happened to Caster? How could he leave his Master alone for so long? Although she relied on her ability to act alone, she never cared much about the master and let her take care of herself. Except for Ellie who can push the wheelchair, she usually controls it with magic... Wait? ! Magic control? !

"Kiritsugu!" Maiya's urgent voice sounded.

At the same time, a gleaming black dagger pierced Emiya Kiritsugu's back.


"Hehe, if the lecturers in the clock tower knew that the genius in their eyes had created such a thing, they would die laughing."

There are not many pedestrians on Fuyuki Street in the afternoon, and many residents will take a nap during this time. Even if they don’t have the habit of taking a nap, those who rush to work or study in advance under the scorching sun still have a lazy atmosphere.

At this time, a "vehicle" that ordinary people can't see is passing through the bustling shopping street of Xindu at a very high speed. Its strange path did not touch any obstacles and passed by it Passers-by will only feel a gust of wind blowing.

This "vehicle" looks a bit like a huge shrine that needs to be carried by at least sixteen people in some festivals related to gods in Japan, but at this time the place where the statue should be placed is covered by two high-backed chairs. Instead, Kenneth and Sola were sitting on it side by side.


Hearing the fiancée's familiar, high-ranking ridicule, Kenneth felt lost and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief. It was really easier to deal with Queen Sola in "proud" mode, and seeing her slightly flushed cheeks, she knew that she was "coquettish" before. The previous experience is not without influence, maybe it will become the "tsundere model complete body" that Weber once said - what did that stupid student learn from Japanese games!

"I just want to refine a means of transportation that can keep up with Luna quickly. If power is needed, I can summon spirits instead." Kenneth spread his hands: "Who knew Japan would have such a strange 'vehicle' and 'power' .”

As the chief lecturer of the clock tower who is proficient in alchemy, summoning and spirit descending, Kenneth is sure that all his operation steps are correct, so the reason for this strange situation can only be cultural differences-this kind of "by eight old people" On what occasion will the double chair carried by the wife be regarded as a "noble means of transportation suitable for the queen's status"?

If it weren't for these old...well, aged female souls who are very enthusiastic about the so-called sedan chairs, and they are powerful enough, and the speed of advancement is extremely high, Kenneth would have already put this failed alchemy and The call is lifted.

As for Luna...Kenneth looked up at the sky, where a silvery-white figure performed level flight, gliding, rapid ascent, and continued the cycle of level flight. The ability to fly, is rushing in a straight line in the direction of Einzbern Castle - it would have been better if she hadn't suddenly decided to go to war against her allies.

"She said that Saber killed her father," Sola said from the side, "It means that Berserker's real name is Lancelot, that's right, it can also explain many things."

"The problem is that we don't have a Command Seal that can restrain her." Kenneth was thinking about other issues: "If she is allowed to attack Saber, Caster may misunderstand that we decided to betray, and that will be troublesome."

Whether it's Emiya Kiritsugu's scientific attack methods or Saber's superb force, it's not as shocking as Caster brought to Kenneth. What she did lightly is difficult for many prestigious magicians in the Clock Tower. As expected of a Servant who appeared as a Caster, it was because of her that Kenneth was able to take this Holy Grail War seriously, instead of just treating it as a "country magic competition".

Even if the help she provided could be coldly dismissed as non-existent, the impact of being an enemy of such a powerful magician could not be ignored, and a way must be found to avoid complete hostility between the two sides, at least not until Tohsaka Tokiomi's camp was completely defeated.

Boom boom boom——

As soon as the "Old Lady's Seat" left Xindu City, there was a huge roar like a beast roaring behind it, and a huge golden motorcycle chased after it, and quickly arrived at the parallel place with Kenneth. Location.

"Hey, your mount is quite interesting." The rider greeted briskly, and when Kenneth saw the rider's blond hair that was more dazzling than the motorcycle, a chill rose up his back.

That was Gilgamesh, the Oldest King.

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