The Collection of The End

Chapter 106 Double Rescue

My name is Elijah,

I shine... oh well.


After seeing Kiritsugu dodge the second dagger attack with [Inherent Temporal Control], and Maiya picked up the machine gun and drove Assassin away, I was slightly relieved.

If he gets stabbed again, no matter how bad Ilya's condition is, I have to put on my vest and go down to save people.

According to the design of the Einzbern family, the Holy Grail will undergo gradual self-transformation according to the number of absorbed souls. The process is roughly similar to driving a vehicle, getting in the car, inserting the key, ignition, releasing the handbrake, stepping on the accelerator, and starting the car. .

Start the transformation of the Holy Grail, transform the magic circuit, use all the magic power to shape the Holy Grail, the body organs will be transformed into a Holy Grail, and the appearance will disappear completely - according to the plan, the Holy Grail will appear after absorbing five Servant souls, and the remaining two Masters will make a decision In the decisive battle of whoever gets the chance to make a wish, the soul of the defeated hero will fully activate the Holy Grail and give the winner the qualification to make a wish. If the winner wants to reach the root, he must sacrifice the last hero to get through the vortex of the root.

But those things have nothing to do with me for the time being. What's relevant is... I glanced at the phantom of Illya next to the mini-earth. There are still a few ice edges on her body that haven't been cleaned up.

Before I stopped the shining gem spaceship, and sent Maiya away, I was about to find a place to make trouble, but I accidentally cut down the Yangtze River by Saber lily...

It's hard to say whether Ryunosuke was a blessing in disguise. He has neither Command Spells nor followers, so he can walk sideways in Fuyuki, but he hasn't left for the time being because he teamed up with Chuan Tokiomi.

After absorbing the second soul, the feeling of oneself when wearing the Illya vest changed from "fat" to "going to explode". What should I do if the Vessel of the Holy Grail is in the root?

As a result, Illya's ice magic began to leak out desperately. If it was not recovered in time, it would be no problem to freeze the entire Fuyuki.

In the original book, the wife is able to maintain her human form until the end because she holds Saber's scabbard [Utopia far away from the world]. Otherwise, she will completely lose her mobility and self-awareness from the third soul onwards.

And speaking of this scabbard, it also has another function, that is, when it is held by Artoria, it can create an invincible barrier, protecting the barrier from any outside interference, just like what Irisviel is doing matter.

"I just want to ask, Saber Bai hasn't obtained the Broken Steel Sword at all, how did he activate Avalon?" I looked at the various battle situations that surfaced on the mini-earth, and pointed to the barriers that were being maintained to resist Luna bombarded his wife furiously: "If you are going to talk about the journey of flowers, you don't need to talk about it."

[It's not because of the Journey of Flowers~] The red squares of the stupid system are floating up and down: [Its characteristics can be activated as long as it is "Artoria", regardless of experience, even the two gun levels you brought back. 】

I'm not going to call them out, don't forget.

The problem now is that, judging from the monitoring in various places, more than one party will suffer a lot of damage at the same time. If I rashly intervene in a certain battlefield, it may be too late to rescue other places.

For example, when I went to heal Kiritsugu, Jin Shining over there threw a bunch of treasures at the director, how should this be calculated? Especially with Luna already running to attack Mrs.

In addition, Tokiomi had already arrived near the ruins of Einzbern, and was sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight.

There is also the black saber, her round table review curry stick has reached the height of the anti-city treasure, the black torrent not only blows away all the heroic spirits on the path, but also plows out a deep ravine in the entire desert.

I looked at the chaotic battle situation on the light screen, and suddenly wanted to catch Manpo Weber to give me an idea.

[Reminder, the inherent barrier of "King's Army Power" is about to be broken down] Remind my sister to speak suddenly.

"You can penetrate the enchantment of ex-level treasures, you are not an opponent, you are clearly an opponent!" I complained to the black Saber on the screen.

[Uh, if the round table review is fully approved, it can indeed achieve the power of the opponent. If she ignores the review and insists on going her own way, she may also fall into the opponent's treasure. ] Gaia popped up to explain.

"Whoever has an empty tube, quickly mark the range of destructive power overflowed after the breakdown." I hammered the red cube.

【Well, judging from the position where it reaches the limit of the enchantment... it's here! 】The stupid system marked the red circle symbolizing the penetration position and the radiating line of the destructive force range on the real-time screen of the Einzbern Mountain Road.

"Ha, now you don't have to worry about who to save first." I looked at Kiritsugu and Maiya who were completely within the range of the radiation, well, I just happened to get rid of that weird toxin.


"Kiritsugu! Don't use your magic power!"

When I emerged from the spirit body, I saw Maiya raising a machine gun to guard the Assassin who had already run away, while Kiritsugu was leaning against the side of the off-road vehicle, clutching his waist.

"It's an extremely degraded version of the 'Origin Bullet'," I said to Kiritsugu as I floated over, "It will interfere with the operation of the magic power of the victim, but it has no destructive power."

What Assassin smears on the dagger is a toxin that disrupts the flow of mana in the target's body. Any newly generated mana will become confused and unusable, but it can be easily dispelled by healing magic. It is useless in multiplayer melee , but it is still very useful when you are alone or when the people around you are not good at healing magic, such as Kiritsugu at this time.

"Have you found Lin?" Kiritsugu didn't seem to care much about his injury, and asked me instead.

"I didn't find it, but it shouldn't be a problem." I judged the location of the barrier that was about to break through, and walked between it and Kiritsugu Maiya: "It's your injury..."

【Ah, bad, Iskandar didn't want his barrier to be broken, so he opened a hole and released the oath and the sword of victory! 】

boom! !

Just as he was about to use healing magic on Kiritsugu, a gap in the air not far away revealed bursts of yellow sand, and a torrent of turbulent black power rushed out head-on.

If this thing gets stronger at once, it will return to the Heroic Seat directly—no, I'm afraid I have to explain why it was revived on the spot.

"Hide away—" I casually transferred Kiritsugu's injury, turned around and opened my hands to summon a huge ice mirror: "【Portal】!"

Kakaka——Before meeting the curry stick head-on, the overflowing magic power was directly frozen by the influence of the ice mirror. Although I know this is the aftereffect of absorbing the soul, it seems to be similar to the magic power hit by the origin bomb Drain like?

Boom——The black torrent collided with the ice shield fiercely, even if I secretly shifted it to the root, I was pushed back non-stop.

[Alaya, you're bleeding——] The stupid system is still screaming at the side: [The toxin in Kiritsugu's wound cannot be healed by itself, and you can't handle it yourself if you transfer it——]

'Shut up——' When the inherent barrier was broken and the space was in chaos, it was no problem to secretly use the power of the source. I took the time to touch my back waist to eliminate the wound.

"Ugh!" I looked at the icicle sprayed out of my mouth, was speechless for a moment, then turned my head and spit it out.

I forgot, Illya's vest overflowed too much magic power and stayed at the root, and now they are all collected back, and they have to continue to overflow for a while-just used to offset the curry stick.

【Kiritsugu and Maiya have weird expressions~】

'No time to reason—' After I managed to block Black Saber's curry stick, the absorption capacity of the ice shield in my hand was almost at its limit, and I immediately rushed to my wife who was resisting Luna's attack through a diversion from the root.

Although Avalon is immune to external influences, it is also a treasure in itself. To use it, mana and physical strength must be consumed. After Bai Saber cut down the Yangtze River, he was already weak, and now he is almost comatose because of barely activating Avalon. , if she loses the protection of the scabbard, it may be difficult for the wife to escape the attack of Luna who is in a mad state.

Moreover, when she tried to fight back, the mithril thread was absorbed by Luna, thus making her immune to this attack method.

"Illya!" After seeing me appear, my wife showed a relieved expression, and then the invincible barrier maintained by Avalon disappeared instantly.

Although it's true that I can handle the current situation, I'm afraid there is something wrong with the way I express it, so don't look expectant...

Crack! Luna didn't hesitate at all because of my appearance. After retreating a little, she raised her shield and charged forward again. The target was still Saber Lily who had fallen to the ground. She must have fallen into a temporary madness.

"【Portal】!" I stood in front of Saber and his wife, unfolded the ice shield again, and prepared to send the torrent of magic power that has been transformed into white by the root to rush towards Luna.

I always feel that I should say some cool lines - I don't mean to show off in front of my mother!

"Calm your mind a little!" I finally said, "Starlight Breaker!"

Kachacha——after blasting Luna away, and sweeping away Chuuji Tokiomi who was watching, the solid ice once again wrapped me tightly.

Ah... is this joke too cold?

"I——Caster, are you okay?" The wife seemed to have noticed the group of people from the Tohsaka camp, and immediately changed her address.

"Fortunately..." I shattered the ice around me, spit out the ice in my mouth, and said to my wife: "Go to the mountain road and meet Kiritsugu, I still have a lot of things to do—"

"You..." It's not that the whole family doesn't enter the house. From the expression on the wife's face, you can tell that she is just like Kiritsugu, and she is imagining something strange, but I don't have time to correct it now. If I don't take advantage of this magical power When the madness is overflowing, after a few tough battles, you have to hang up this vest again.

Rescuing Kenneth, Sola and that old lady chair from Jin Glitter's hands is more difficult than supporting the "parents".

I looked at the strange scene projected in front of my eyes by the stupid system, Jin Shining driving a motorcycle and chasing the eight-carried sedan chair, sighed and disappeared again as a spirit body.

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