The Collection of The End

One thousand and fifty-four, omnic crisis (15)


David Anderson Mansion, Detroit's Fourth Ward.

Kangna is filing an incident report with the Star Alliance Procedures Center.

The full name of this department is "Systems Alliance the Centers for Procedure", generally abbreviated as SACP or SCP. It is responsible for collecting and preserving all data in the Star Alliance. It is also the monitor and manager of all android VIs.

People who don't know what's going on will regard it as some kind of electronic library or some kind of software research and development department, but based on Kangna's current authority, it has considerable scientific research and military power, and its leadership only has 13 O5 personnel with the code name , can be called the "Shadow Parliament" of the Star Alliance Parliament.

However, no one can be sure whether these "shadows" overlap with the members of the public.

Kangna believed that she would be involved in the arrangements of the three mysterious girls that were the root cause of this incident, but the direct reason on the surface was that she was assigned by SCP to investigate more and more abnormal incidents involving androids recently.

So far, the intelligence she can investigate and the authority to handle cases as a police officer have reached the extreme limit. If she goes further, she will at least have to speak to the director. Based on Connor's assessment of Fury, he will agree. The likelihood of that action is next to zero.

After all, if almost all the police forces in Detroit were deployed to evacuate the residents of two blocks just to capture hundreds of abnormal androids, they would be dismissed if they made the slightest mistake.

Previously, Kangna had interrogated the arrested Leo Manfield. After putting aside all kinds of irrational and meaningless confessions, Kangna concluded that the android named North is currently registered in Detroit. In District 13, there is a group company called "Yberlife", and the CEO of this company is Ilya Kamsky ().

There is currently no evidence that the company is related to the "Grox" virus. After obtaining the files, it was confirmed that the company did house and employ many employees with strange origins who were suspected of being abnormal androids.

Although Kangna can issue a search warrant, as a famous "violent neighborhood ()", it is obviously not something that can be solved with a search warrant. If she forced her way in, Kangna was confident that she would be able to complete the investigation and escape unscathed, but Vice Captain Anderson is not sure.

At that moment of decision, the options given by the "Action Suggestions" are:

[Submit report and terminate investigation. (model)]

【Suspend investigation,

report submission. (Rebellion)]

【report submission. 】

However, "Qiongqi", who is always keen on causing trouble, and "Taotie", who is always looking for something to eat, did not appear at all.

Termination and suspension...

After a brief thought, Kangna decided to submit the report first. After all, there are all options, right?

["Report on the android memetic virus "Grox"\

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