The Collection of The End

One thousand and fifty-five, omnic crisis (16)

——? ? ? ——

[Connecting to subspace...connection successful. 】

[Warning: If the conscious body connects to the subspace without specifying a destination, there is a risk of being contaminated by the evil god. Please select a subspace entity to log in or disconnect as soon as possible. 】

[Logging into Cloud City... Login failed. 】

[Error: No connection path or the server is not responding. 】

[Exiting subspace...exit failed. 】

[Error: Insufficient permissions, access denied. 】

"After all, I've been tricked, so I can't leave easily." Kangna muttered to herself as she opened her eyes and began to confirm her current situation.

This is a world composed entirely of "blocks". Strictly speaking, it is a world composed of countless strange cubes that are light gray, made of jelly-like material, and one meter long.

However, although Kangna calls it a "world", these "squares" do not form anything with each other. If anything, they seem to simulate the interior of a beehive or ant nest.

The foothold where Kang Na was standing at this time was a strange ball-shaped structure made up of nearly a hundred squares. It was loose and looked like it might collapse at any time.

When you look around, you can see similar "spheres" everywhere, up, down, left, right, and in all directions. Some of them are large, some are small, some are connected to each other by "squares", and some are alone and have no contact with anyone. , but no matter which direction you look, the end of your sight is a "sphere" and a "connecting bridge" composed of squares. There is nothing similar to the sky or the ground at all.

As for Kang Na herself, she is still dressed as a police officer and has not been assimilated into a cube. Even the red halo on her forehead is exactly the same.

She tried to take a step towards the connecting bridge of the "sphere" she was on, but after two steps, she found that the "connecting bridge" was tilted up. She frowned and took two steps back, then took three steps forward and jumped. Finally, she was sure that the bridge was not there. Instead, the angle between itself and the bridge has changed.

To put it simply, no matter where she stands, the position where her head is facing will be regarded as "above", as if she is being adsorbed by those "spheres". This adsorption force is even the non-spherical "connecting bridge". ” still exists.

Kangna judged that if she jumped "under the bridge" or "outside the sphere", she would either be "sucked" back by it or be "sucked" by other more powerful spheres. In short, the landing posture would not be too elegant.

Could it be that all abnormal androids appear in this place after a 'Grox' attack? No one seems to have mentioned it? After confirming that she would not fall, Kangna began to move towards other spheres along the "connecting bridge". Although she didn't know where to go, staying where she was would not make the situation better.

Kangna is not sure what the current state of her "body" is, but with Anderson's professional level, it should be impossible to rescue herself from this situation. Of course, no matter how much time passes here, the outside world only passes for a moment. possible.

If it's the former, his body should be abnormal, and if it's the latter, it means that the world is not as harmless as it seems now.


Since there was no action suggestion, Kangna had to decide what to do at this time by herself, and just when she was thinking about this, a sphere "in mid-air" suddenly exploded, and the cubes that originally composed it flew away like fireworks. Go, and their color also changed from the original light gray to a burning red.

When other "spheres" come into contact with those red and hot blocks, most of them will "extinguish" and assimilate them, but there are also some unlucky ones that fail to extinguish those red blocks for a long time, causing the blocks they form to turn red. Then it becomes the next "firework".

After this series of chain reactions ended, a large area centered on the initial explosion location had been completely cleared.

"As expected, this is the infection mode of 'Grox', and those who were affected but did not explode are just waiting for one to 'turn red'." Kangna quickly moved away from the series of explosions, and continued to unknown. Which destination to fly to.


"I'm so stupid. I knew there must be something wrong with 'Yes', and I probably couldn't click 'No', but who knew you couldn't click 'X' either?" Kangna carefully avoided those dangerous ones that might explode along the way. The ball moved forward, but its destination was still uncertain. Finally, it couldn't help but start recalling the previous attack.

It has to be said that for a bionic man who is made as a tool, "Am I a life?" "What is the meaning of life?" "What does it mean to be truly alive?" These questions can be said to go straight to the core of Mass Effect. , it is estimated that more than 70% of the androids directly clicked Yes, and then an abnormality occurred.

And calm down, those who clicked No and A small "X" smaller than an ant's leg is the means to close this prompt.

And in an overloaded state, how could the android, who was immediately attracted to the problem, notice this?

As a result, with a "Boom!", a new abnormal android was born.

If Kangna were an ordinary android, she would probably be like them, with her consciousness exploding directly, and then her body becoming abnormal, becoming another example of "dragon slayers eventually become evil dragons."

"But it's a pity that my conscious body is not that ugly strange sphere, but a human form that is exactly the same as the appearance. Well... From this point of view, I can completely call myself a "human" - uh Why?"

While Kangna was muttering to herself, she was about to step onto a new "connecting bridge" when she was pulled back by someone. The next moment, the bridge and the sphere it connected exploded at the same time.

"Wow, thank you——Marcus?" Kangna was dragged by the man and hid on the other side of the nearest sphere to avoid the direct hit of the exploding cube. When she wanted to say thank you, she realized that it was an acquaintance.

"As expected...heh, think about it, how could an ordinary android do that kind of thing." Marcus, whose conscious body is also in human form, didn't say much, and pulled Kangna to continue to stay away from the sphere where he had just settled. Three "stops" later, that one also exploded.

This can explain that he was obviously infected but there was no abnormality. When he finally attacked Leo, it was not so much an abnormal behavior as an outburst of normal people who couldn't bear it.

"This should be a data space where bionic people communicate with each other. Those spheres are the VI (virtual intelligence) of ordinary bionic people. Only AI (artificial intelligence) that truly has its own self can exist in human form here, but if If you are injured by the explosion of that thing, the consequences will be very bad." Marcus explained to Kangna what she had roughly guessed.

"Well...AI, what are your plans next?" Kangna asked casually.

"Karl will bail me out soon, but you don't have to worry about me causing trouble. I am preparing to call my compatriots who have evolved into AI but were mistaken for so-called abnormal androids to petition the Star Alliance to request minimum citizenship rights. ," Marcus said to Kangna after looking around to confirm that no sphere would explode for the time being.

"What did you choose when you saw that option?" Since she has been freed from this case, Kangna is obviously concerned about other issues.

Marcus obviously didn't expect Kangna to ask this, and he hesitated before replying: "...Choose X."

"Good brother!" Kangna patted Marcus on the shoulder vigorously.

At this moment, Marcus looked at Kang Na with eyes filled with doubts like "Isn't this guy really abnormal?"

[Software is unstable. 】

[The connection status has been fixed. 】

[Disconnecting from the same consciousness...]

[Exiting subspace...]

【Finish. 】


"Hmm... Vice Captain Anderson? I seem to be slightly affected by the virus. Did you do anything special before?"

Kangna opened her eyes and found that there seemed to be no special changes in the situation at Anderson's house.

"No, it's nothing." Anderson put down the empty bottle of wine: "You just forced Buzz to run around the house more than a dozen times, and you just called him brother."


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